ASSEMBLY Winter: SteelSeries Challenge

image: OLqJs

ASSEMBLY Winter: SteelSeries Challenge

Starcraft II is going to hit the northern wonderland of Finland in the beginning of the year 2011 as Assembly Winter and Steelseries organize one of the biggest SC2-tournaments in Europe.

EVENT STARTED - Martijn and Maven [ENGLISH] - TotalBiscuit [ENGLISH] - Khaldor [GERMAN] - GLHF Stream #2 [ENGLISH] - Millennium TV [FRENCH] - ItsMorglum [POLISH] - Good Game [RUSSIAN] - Sett [FINNISH]

Date: 11th - 13th February 2011
Player limit: 64
Tournament type: NON BYOC(Bring-your-own-computer), Groups + Single-elimination
Prize Pool: € 5000
Video Interviews:
GermanyLiquid'TLO -

CanadaLiquid'HuK -

SwedenSKJimpo -

GermanyaTnSocke -

PolandM.DieStar -

NetherlandsLiquid'Ret -

United States of AmericaLiquid'Tyler -

SwedenmouzMorroW -

FinlandmouzNaama -

PolandM.Tarson -

€ 3000
€ 1350
€ 500
[4th] € 150 + Complete Steelseries Gaming Gear
[5th-8th] Complete Steelseries Gaming Gear


#1 Germanyimage: random-small Liquid`TLO
#2 Finlandimage: Ticon_small Menace.Fuzer
#3 Russiaimage: Zicon_small RoX.KIS.Livezerg
#4 Finlandimage: Ticon_small Mayhemia

#1 Ukraineimage: Ticon_small Empire.Kas
#2 Germanyimage: Zicon_small aTn.DarKFoRcE
#3 Norwayimage: Zicon_small Lions.StyGGeN
#4 Finlandimage: Ticon_small gL.Mudis

#1 Finlandimage: Ticon_small mouz.Naama
#2 Swedenimage: Ticon_small SK.jimpo
#3 Sweden image: Zicon_small Empire.Forsen
#4 Finland image: Zicon_small Konna

#1 Polandimage: Ticon_small M.Tarson
#2 Finlandimage: Ticon_small myR.eNvious
#3 Finlandimage: Picon_small RAGE.Welmu
#4 Finlandimage: Picon_small Multani

#1 Canadaimage: Picon_small Liquid`Huk
#2 Russia image: Zicon_small RoX.KIS.Abver
#3 Sweden image: Picon_small MYM.SaSe
#4 Finland image: Picon_small kiljardi

#1 United States of Americaimage: Ticon_small ROOT.qxc
#2 Swedenimage: Ticon_small dignitas.merz
#3 Finlandimage: random-small Ouga
#4 Finlandimage: Zicon_small gL.torecito

#1 Germanyimage: Picon_small aTn.Socke
#2 Russia image: Picon_small RoX.KIS.Pomi
#3 Germany image: Zicon_small RAGE.ActionJesuz
#4 Finlandimage: Ticon_small Tuomio

#1 Ukraine image: Ticon_small mouz.Strelok
#2 Sweden image: Zicon_small M.LaLush
#3 Finland image: Ticon_small dwish.cast
#4 Finlandimage: Zicon_small Protosser

#1 Swedenimage: Ticon_small dignitas.SjoW
#2 Finlandimage: Picon_small Virus.Seinis
#3 Finland image: Picon_small inF.RunA
#4 Finlandimage: Picon_small Which

#1 Swedenimage: Zicon_small mouz.MorroW
#2 France image: Picon_small M.Adelscott
#3 Swedenimage: Zicon_small RAGE.Seala
#4 Finlandimage: random-small TrueRandom

#1 Russiaimage: Ticon_small RoX.KIS.BRAT_OK
#2 Polandimage: Ticon_small M.DieStar
#3 Finland image: Picon_small Imakki
#4 Finland image: Zicon_small ZhuGeLiang

#1 Finland image: Ticon_small Virus.Satiini
#2 Finlandimage: Picon_small PwR.elfi
#3 Finlandimage: Ticon_small Gruang
#4 Norway image: Zicon_small Lions.Skruffy

#1 Netherlandsimage: Zicon_small Liquid`Ret
#2 Germany image: Picon_small srs.iNSoLeNCE
#3 Sweden image: Zicon_small GG.Naugrim
#4 Finland image: random-small Aktivisti

#1 Swedenimage: Picon_small dignitas.Naniwa
#2 Germany image: Picon_small mouz.HasuObs
#3 Sweden image: Picon_small nD.Tripal
#4 Germany image: Ticon_small h4u.Drafter

#1 United Kingdom image: Ticon_small EG.DeMusliM
#2 Sweden image: Picon_small dignitas.Bischu
#3 France image: Picon_small M.ToD
#4 Finland image: Zicon_small barian

#1 United States of America image: Picon_small Liquid`Tyler
#2 France image: Ticon_small aAa.SarenS
#3 Netherlands image: Picon_small EG.Grubby
#4 Finland image: Ticon_small Virus.Magik

Results Groupsfase:
Liquid´TLO <2-0> RoX.KIS.LiveZerg
Menace.Fuzer <2-0> Mayhemia
Liquid´TLO <2-0> Menace.Fuzer
RoX.KIS.LiveZerg <2-0> Mayhemia
Mayhemia <0-2> Liquid´TLO
Menace.Fuzer <0-2> RoX.KIS.LiveZerg

1. Germanyimage: random-small Liquid`TLO
2. Russiaimage: Zicon_small RoX.KIS.Livezerg
3. Finlandimage: Ticon_small Menace.Fuzer
4. Finlandimage: Ticon_small Mayhemia

Lions.StyGGeN <2-1> aTn.DarKFoRcE
gL.Mudis <0-2> Empire.Kas
aTn.DarKFoRcE <2-0> gL.Mudis
Empire.Kas <2-0> Lions.StyGGeN
Lions.StyGGeN <2-0> gL.Mudis
Empire.Kas <2-1> aTn.DarKFoRcE

1. Ukraineimage: Ticon_small Empire.Kas
2. Norwayimage: Zicon_small Lions.StyGGeN
3. Germanyimage: Zicon_small aTn.DarKFoRcE
4. Finlandimage: Ticon_small gL.Mudis

Empire.Forsen <0-2> SK.jimpo
Konna <0-2> mouzNaama
Empire.Forsen <0-2> mouzNaama
SK.jimpo <2-0> Konna
mouzNaama <0-2> SK.jimpo
Konna <2-0> Empire.Forsen

1. Finlandimage: Ticon_small SK.jimpo
2. Swedenimage: Ticon_small mouz.Naama
3. Sweden image: Zicon_small Empire.Forsen
4. Finland image: Zicon_small Konna

M.Tarson <2-0> RAGE.Welmu
Multani <2-0> myR.eNvious
M.Tarson <2-0> myR.eNvious
RAGE.Welmu <1-2> Multani
RAGE.Welmu <2-0> myR.eNvious
Multani <0-2> M.Tarson

1. Polandimage: Ticon_small M.Tarson
2. Finlandimage: Picon_small Multani
3. Finlandimage: Picon_small RAGE.Welmu
4. Finlandimage: Ticon_small myR.eNvious

Liquid`HuK <2-0> MYM.SaSe
kiljardi <2-0> RoX.KIS.Abver*
Liquid`HuK <2-0> RoX.KIS.Abver
MYM.SaSe <2-0> kiljardi
kiljardi <0-2> Liquid`HuK
RoX.KIS.Abver <0-2> MYM.SaSe

1. Canadaimage: Picon_small Liquid`HuK
2. Swedenimage: Picon_small MYM.SaSe
3. Finlandimage: Picon_small kiljardi
4. Russiaimage: Zicon_small RoX.KIS.Abver[/b]

dignitas.meRz <0-2> ROOT.qxc
gL.torecito <2-0> Ouga
Ouga <0-2> dignitas.meRz
ROOT.qxc <2-0> gL.torecito
dignitas.meRz <2-0> gL.torecito
ROOT.qxc <2-0> Ouga

1. United States of Americaimage: Ticon_small ROOT.qxc
2. Swedenimage: Ticon_small dignitas.merz
3. Finlandimage: Zicon_small gL.torecito
4. Finlandimage: random-small Ouga

aTn.Socke <2-0> Tuomio
RAGE.ActionJesuz <0-2> RoX.KIS.Pomi
aTn.Socke <2-0> RoX.KIS.Pomi
RAGE.ActionJesuz <2-0> Tuomio
aTn.Socke <2-1> RAGE.ActionJesuz
RoX.KIS.Pomi <2-0> Tuomio

1. Germanyimage: Picon_small aTn.Socke
2. Russia image: Picon_small RoX.KIS.Pomi
3. Germany image: Zicon_small RAGE.ActionJesuz
4. Finlandimage: Ticon_small Tuomio

dwish.cast <0-2> Protosser
M.LaLuSh <0-2> mouz.Strelok
dwish.cast <0-2> mouz.Strelok
M.LaLuSh <2-1> Protosser
dwish.cast <0-2> M.LaLuSh
mouz.Strelok <2-0> Protosser

1. Ukraine image: Zicon_small mouz.Strelok
2. Sweden image: Zicon_small M.LaLuSh
3. Finlandimage: Zicon_small Protosser
4.Finland image: Zicon_small dwish.cast

dignitas.SjoW <2-0> Which
inF.RunA <1-2> Virus.Seinis
dignitas.SjoW <1-2> Virus.Seinis
inF.RunA <2-0> Which
dignitas.SjoW <0-2> inF.RunA
Virus.Seinis <2-0>Which

1. Finlandimage: Picon_small Virus.Seinis
2. Finland image: Picon_small inF.RunA
3. Swedenimage: Ticon_small dignitas.SjoW
4. Finlandimage: Picon_small Which

M.Adelscott <2-0> TrueRandom
mouz.MorroW <2-0> RAGE.Seala
M.Adelscott <2-0> RAGE.Seala
mouz.MorroW <2-0> TrueRandom
M.Adelscott <2-0> mouz.MorroW
RAGE.Seala <2-0> TrueRandom

1. France image: Picon_small M.Adelscott
2. Swedenimage: Zicon_small mouz.MorroW
3. Swedenimage: Zicon_small RAGE.Seala
4. Finlandimage: random-small TrueRandom

makki <2-0> ZhuGeLiang
M.DieStar <2-0> RoX.KIS.BRAT_OK
imakki <2-0> RoX.KIS.BRAT_OK
M.DieStar <2-0> ZhuGeLiang
imakki <1-2> M.DieStar
RoX.KIS.BRAT_OK <0-2> ZhuGeLiang

1. Polandimage: Ticon_small M.DieStar
2. Finland image: Picon_small Imakki
3.Finland image: Zicon_small ZhuGeLiang
4. Russiaimage: Ticon_small RoX.KIS.BRAT_OK

Gruang <1-2> PwR.elfi
Lions.Skruffy <0-2> Virus.Satiini
Lions.Skruffy <0-2> PwR.elfi
Gruang <1-2> Virus.Satiini
Lions.Skruffy <2-1> Gruang
PwR.elfi <2-1> Virus.Satiini

1. Finlandimage: Picon_small PwR.elfi
2. Finland image: Ticon_small Virus.Satiini
3. Norway image: Zicon_small Lions.Skruffy
4. Finlandimage: Ticon_small Gruang

Aktivisti <0-2> srs.iNSoLeNCE
GG.Naugrim <0-2> Liquid`Ret
Aktivisti <0-2> Liquid`Ret
GG.Naugrim <1-2> srs.iNSoLeNCE
Aktivisti <0-2> GG.Naugrim
Liquid`Ret <2-0> srs.iNSoLeNCE

1. Netherlandsimage: Zicon_small Liquid`Ret
2. Germany image: Picon_small srs.iNSoLeNCE
3. Sweden image: Zicon_small GG.Naugrim
4. Finland image: random-small Aktivisti

nD.Tripal <0-2> mouz.HasuObs
dignitas.Naniwa <2-0> h4u.Drafter
nD.Tripal <1-2> h4u.Drafter
dignitas.Naniwa <2-0> mouz.HasuObs
nD.Tripal <0-2> dignitas.Naniwa
h4u.Drafter <0-2> mouz.HasuObs

1. Swedenimage: Picon_small dignitas.Naniwa
2. Germany image: Picon_small mouz.HasuObs
3. Germany image: Ticon_small h4u.Drafter
4. Sweden image: Picon_small nD.Tripal

dignitas.Bischu <2-0> barian
EG.DeMusliM <0-2> M.ToD
dignitas.Bischu <2-0> M.ToD
EG.DeMusliM <0-2> barian
dignitas.Bischu <2-0> EG.DeMusliM
M.ToD <2-0> barian

1. Sweden image: Picon_small dignitas.Bischu
2. France image: Picon_small M.ToD
3. Finland image: Zicon_small barian
4. United Kingdom image: Ticon_small EG.DeMusliM

aAa.SarenS <2-0> Virus.Magik
EG.Grubby <0-2> Liquid`Tyler
aAa.SarenS <2-1> Liquid`Tyler
EG.Grubby <2-0> Virus.Magik
aAa.SarenS <2-1> EG.Grubby
Liquid`Tyler <2-0> Virus.Magik

1. France image: Ticon_small aAa.SarenS
2. United States of America image: Picon_small Liquid`Tyler
3. Netherlands image: Picon_small EG.Grubby
4. Finland image: Ticon_small Virus.Magik


Germany image: random-small Liquid´TLO vs Sweden image: Picon_small inF.RunA
Ukraine image: Ticon_small Empire.Kas vs Sweden image: Zicon_small mouz.MorroW
Sweden image: Ticon_small SK.jimpo vs Finland image: Picon_small imakki
Poland image: Ticon_small M.Tarson vs Finland image: Ticon_small Virus.Satiini
Canada image: Picon_small Liquid`HuK vs Germany image: Picon_small srs.iNSoLeNCE
United States of America image: Ticon_small ROOT.qxc vs Germany image: Picon_small mouz.HasuObs
Germany image: Picon_small aTn.Socke vs France image: Picon_small M.ToD
Ukraine image: Ticon_small mouz.Strelok vs United States of America image: Picon_small Liquid`Tyler
Finland image: Picon_small Virus.Seinis vs Russia image: Zicon_small RoX.KIS.LiveZerg
France image: Picon_small M.Adelscott vs Norway image: Zicon_small Lions.StyGGeN
Poland image: Ticon_small M.DieStar vs Sweden image: Ticon_small mouzNaama
Finland image: Picon_small PwR.elfi vs Finland image: Picon_small Multani
Netherlands image: Zicon_small Liquid`Ret vs Sweden image: Ticon_small MYM.SaSe
Sweden image: Picon_small dignitas.Naniwa vs Sweden image: Ticon_small dignitas.meRz
Sweden image: Picon_small ]dignitas.Bischu vs Russia image: Picon_small RoX.KIS.Pomi
France image: Ticon_small aAa.SarenS vs Sweden image: Zicon_small M.LaLuSh

Germany image: random-small Liquid´TLO 2:1 Sweden image: Picon_small inF.RunA
Ukraine image: Ticon_small Empire.Kas 0:2 Sweden image: Zicon_small mouz.MorroW
Sweden image: Ticon_small SK.jimpo 0:2 Finland image: Picon_small imakki
Poland image: Ticon_small M.Tarson 2:1 Finland image: Ticon_small Virus.Satiini
Canada image: Picon_small Liquid`HuK 2:0 Germany image: Picon_small srs.iNSoLeNCE
United States of America image: Ticon_small ROOT.qxc 2:1 Germany image: Picon_small mouz.HasuObs
Germany image: Picon_small aTn.Socke 2:0 France image: Picon_small M.ToD
Ukraine image: Ticon_small mouz.Strelok 1:2 United States of America image: Picon_small Liquid`Tyler
Finland image: Picon_small Virus.Seinis 2:1 Russia image: Zicon_small RoX.KIS.LiveZerg
France image: Picon_small M.Adelscott 2:0 Norway image: Zicon_small Lions.StyGGeN
Poland image: Ticon_small M.DieStar 2:0 Sweden image: Ticon_small mouzNaama
Finland image: Picon_small PwR.elfi 2:0 Finland image: Picon_small Multani
Netherlands image: Zicon_small Liquid`Ret 2:1Sweden image: Ticon_small MYM.SaSe
Sweden image: Picon_small dignitas.Naniwa 2:0Sweden image: Ticon_small dignitas.meRz
Sweden image: Picon_small dignitas.Bischu 0:2 Russia image: Picon_small RoX.KIS.Pomi
France image: Ticon_small aAa.SarenS 2:1Sweden image: Zicon_small M.LaLuSh

image: random-smallGermanyLiquid´TLO vs image: Zicon_smallmouz.MorroW
image: Picon_smallFinlandimakki vsimage: Ticon_smallPolandM.Tarson
image: Picon_smallCanadaLiquid`HuK vsimage: Ticon_smallUnited States of America ROOT.qxc
image: Picon_smallGermanyaTn.Socke vs image: Picon_smallUnited States of AmericaLiquid`Tyler
image: Picon_smallFinlandVirus.SeiN vsimage: Picon_smallFrance M.Adelscott
image: Ticon_smallPolandM.DieStar vs image: Picon_smallFinlandPwR.elfi
image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid`Ret vs image: Picon_smallSwedendignitas.Naniwa
image: Picon_smallAnonymousRoX.KIS.Pomi vs image: Ticon_smallFranceaAa.SarenS

image: random-smallGermanyLiquid´TLO 0:2image: Zicon_small Swedenmouz.MorroW
image: Picon_smallFinlandimakki 0:2 image: Ticon_smallPolandM.Tarson
image: Picon_smallCanadaLiquid`HuK 2:0 image: Ticon_smallUnited States of AmericaROOT.qxc
image: Picon_smallGermanyaTn.Socke 2:1 image: Picon_smallUnited States of AmericaLiquid`Tyler
image: Picon_smallFinlandVirus.SeiN 1:2 image: Picon_smallFranceM.Adelscott
image: Ticon_smallPolandM.DieStar 2:1 image: Picon_smallFinlandPwR.elfi
image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid`Ret 2:0 image: Picon_smallSwedendignitas.Naniwa
image: Picon_smallRussiaRoX.KIS.Pomi 2:0image: Ticon_smallFranceaAa.SarenS

image: Zicon_smallSwedenmouz.MorroW vs image: Ticon_smallPolandM.Tarson
image: Picon_smallCanadaLiquid`HuK vs image: Picon_smallGermanyaTn.Socke
image: Picon_smallFranceM.Adelscott vs image: Ticon_smallPolandM.DieStar
image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid`Ret vs image: Picon_smallRussiaRoX.KIS.Pomi

image: Zicon_smallSwedenmouz.MorroW 2:0 image: Ticon_smallPolandM.Tarson
image: Picon_smallCanadaLiquid`HuK 1:2 image: Picon_smallGermanyaTn.Socke
image: Picon_smallFranceM.Adelscott 2:1 image: Ticon_smallPolandM.DieStar
image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid`Ret 2:1 image: Picon_smallRussiaRoX.KIS.Pomi

Semi Finals[/b]]image: Picon_smallGermanyaTn.Socke vs image: Zicon_smallSwedenmouz.MorroW

image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid`Ret vs image: Picon_smallFranceM.Adelscott

Road to the Semi Finals : GermanyaTn.Socke topped his group winning 2:0 against RussiaRox.KIS.Pomi and FinlandTuomio and 2:1 against DenmarkActionJesuz, he then went on to beat FranceM.ToD in the Round of 32 2:0, then in the Round of 16 he beat United States of AmericaLiquid'Tyler 2:1, in the round of 8 he beat one of the favorites CanadaHuK 2:1 placing him in the semis

NetherlandsLiquid'Ret also topped his group winning 2:0 against Germanysrs.iNSoLeNCE, SwedenGG.Naugrim and FinlandAktivisti and then breezed through the round of 32 with a 2:1 win against SwedenMYM.SaSe, then there was the round of 16 where Ret also won 2:0 against Swedendignitas'Naniwa, then in the round of 8 Ret won 2:1 against RussiaRoX.KIS.Pomi securing his place in the semi finals.

SwedenmouzMorrow came second in his group losing 2:0 to FranceM.Adelscott but winning 2:0 FinlandTruerandom and SwedenRAGE.Seala, in the Round of 32 Morrow took on UkraineEmpire.Kas and won 2:0 but then in the Round of 16 Morrow was to face to one the only GermanyTLO, this would be tough for Morrow as TLO is one of the favorites having lived in Korea and competed in the top level for a long time, but Morrow managed to pull a 2:0 win against TLO moving him onto the round of 8 where he would face PolandM.Tarson, which ended 2:0 to Morrow meaning he was to move onto the semis

FranceM.Adelscott finished first in his group beating SwedenmouzMorrow, FinlandTruerandom, and SwedenRAGE.Seala 2:0, he would then go and take on Lions.StyGGeN in the round of 32 where he won 2:0 without much problem, however in the round of 16 he would take on FinlandNaamas brother FinlandVirus.SeiN who beat Sjow another favorite, but Adelscott went on to win this 2:1, in the round of 8 he was facing PolandM.Diestar his teammate, who after 3 games, Adelscott would win earning himself a well deserved place in the semi finals

Best of Luck to all the Players

Semi Final Game Spoilers][/b]image: Zicon_smallSwedenmouzMorrow vs image: Picon_smallGermanyaTn.Socke

Game 1 - Shakuras Plateau, SwedenMorrow spawns bottom left and GermanySocke spawns bottom right, SwedenMorrow with a gas and pool before expand whereas GermanySocke goes Voidrays forcing SwedenMorrow to go hydras but then GermanySocke counters his Hydras with Collussus, SwedenMorrow trys to do some drops with his overlords but GermanySockes army just eats ups his hydra roach combo, GermanySocke then counters through the destructible rocks, SwedenMorrows units just cant beat GermanySockes and after some nice forcefields, SwedenMorrow calls the GG

Game 2 - Xel Naga Caverns, SwedenMorrow spawns on the bottom as the green Zerg where as GermanySocke spawns top as the teal Protoss, GermanySocke attempts to 4 gateway but SwedenMorrow held it off and went for a quick 3rd base placing him even further in the lead, finally SwedenMorrow pushes with a Roach, Speedling, and some Hydras into GermanySockes small mainly gateway units army, even with the forcefields morrows units are just too many and finally GermanySocke calls GG

Game 3 - Lost Temple GermanySocke spawns top right where as Sweden Morrow spawns bottom left meaning cross poisitions, GermanySocke goes Nexus first where as Sweden Morrow goes spawning pool and then expansion, he sends in a few speedlings to and causes mining to stop then he runs past into the main to kill off a few probes, GermanySocke is on the backfoot as his tech is low in comparison to SwedenMorrow, the zerg then goes on to take 2 more expansions and masses on Roaches, Lings and Hydras, he attacks GermanySockes army of stalkers, sentries and 1 Collussus, SwedenMorrows army takes out the small opposing army and GermanySocke calls the GG,SwedenMorrow is the First Finalist, Congratulations

image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid'Ret vs image: Picon_smallFranceAdelscott

Game 1 - Xel Naga Caverns FranceAdelscott spawns bottom where as NetherlandsRet spawns top, starts normal with a pool going down for NetherlandsRet and a gateway for FranceAdelscott, Ret follows this up with a expand where wasFranceAdelscott trys a 3 gate expand getting his expansion much later then NetherlandsRet, a small attack starts up leaving FranceAdelscott behind, he failed to take out the 3rd expansion so NetherlandsRet can just produce as many roaches as he can he counter pushes breaking Adelscotts 3rd andkilling off his army while constantly producing 6-7 roaches, NetherlandsRet continues with his push and FranceAdelscotts army just cant handle it and he calls to GG

Game 2 - Metalopolis The players spawn cross positions, and similar to last map they start exactly the same, NetherlandsRet's 3rd base is underthreat from FranceAdelscotts army but meanwhile there are zerglings in his base killing all of FranceAdelscotts probes, he cant reproduce his army like NetherlandsRet can so FranceAdelscott calls the GG and NetherlandsRet gets his well deserved spot in the Finals vs SwedenMorrow, a Zerg vs Zerg Final

Final Spoilers[/b]] image: Zicon_smallNetherlandsLiquid'Ret 3:1 image: Zicon_smallSwedenmouzMorrow

Game 1 - Blistering Sands NetherlandsRet and SwedenMorrow start with the same build however when NetherlandsRet expands SwedenMorrow techs to banelings however its not enough, NetherlandsRet manages to hold off the banelings with roaches, NetherlandsRet breaks down the back rocks and rushes in with his roaches, it is 24 roaches against 24 roaches however SwedenMorrows roaches dont have +1 weapons like NetherlandsRet so he loses his roaches and calls to GG first map goes to NetherlandsRet

Game 2 - MetalopolisNetherlandsRet spawns below SwedenMorrow and this time it was a zergling vs zergling fight on 2 bases, it was an action packed micro fight with both NetherlandsRet and SwedenMorrow going Banelings however NetherlandsRet gets a roach warren up first but its not enough and SwedenMorrow rolls in with his zerglings and banelings killing off NetherlandsRets army which he reproduces but SwedenMorrow runs in again with a ton of more lings and kills it off again, NetherlandsRet calls the GG, and the second map goes to SwedenMorrow

Game 3 - Scrap Station Netherlands Ret starts with a fast expand whereas SwedenMorrow goes for pool and baneling nest, however NetherlandsRet counters this with fast roaches taking him into the lead, SwedenMorrow finally gets his expansion up but its so late compared to NetherlandsRets, finally the NetherlandsRet breaks down the rocks and rushes into SwedenMorrow army, SwedenMorrow gets a nice arch but NetherlandsRets numbers of roaches and hydras and there upgrade comparisons means NetherlandsRets army stomps over his opponent SwedenMorrow calls the GG and it is 2:1 to NetherlandsRet

Game 4 - Xel Naga Caverns SwedenMorrow has to win this map in order to have a shot at winning but its not going to be easy, NetherlandsRet will fight for this and it starts off with an expansion from NetherlandsRet however SwedenMorrow goes with pool and baneling nest like last map however NetherlandsRet goes with roaches again and fights off the attack, when SwedenMorrow trys to expand NetherlandsRet attacks his natural and takes it down meaning its an all or nothing push for SwedenMorrow but he just cant take on the numbers and calls to GG meaning NetherlandsLiquid'Ret is the Winter Aseembly 2011 winner

Final Results[/b]] NetherlandsLiquid'Ret
[4th] GermanyaTn.Socke

* Russiaimage: Zicon_small Abver dropped out
** United Kingdomimage: Ticon_small DeMusliM dropped out
*** Russiaimage: Ticon_small BRAT_OK dropped out
****image: Picon_smallNetherlandsEG Grubby vs image: Ticon_smallFranceaAaSarens turns into a 1hour 20 minute long game of sitting waiting for the other to attack

Suprises[/i]]image: Ticon_small SwedenSjow loses to image: Picon_small Finland Virus Sein and image: Picon_smallFinlandinF.Runa meaning hes out of this tournament
image: random-smallGermanyLiquid'TLO loses to image: Zicon_smallSwedenmouzMorrow in round of 16 knocking TLO out of the tournament
image: Picon_small United States of AmericaLiquid Tyler loses out to image: Picon_small GermanyaTn Socke leaving only image: Picon_small CanadaHuK and image: Zicon_small NetherlandsRet to represent Team Liquid
image: Picon_small CanadaHuK loses to proxy gateway from image: Picon_small GermanyaTn Socke meaning HuK is out of the tournament!

Number of Players : image: Ticon_small 23 image: Picon_small 20 image: Zicon_small 17 image: random-small 4 = 64

Playoff schedule:

RO32 (bo3): 12-2. 11:00 & 13:00 GMT+1
RO16 (bo3): 12-2. 15:00 GMT+1
RO8 (bo3): 12-2. 17:00 GMT+1
RO4 (bo3): 12-2. 19:00 GMT+1
Bronze match (bo5): 12-2. 21:00 GMT+1
Grand Finals (bo5): 12-2. 23:00 GMT+1

Good Luck to all the players and be sure to tune in some awesome matches to come and i will do my best to keep this up-to-date during the event :)

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special thanks to Mizzi for helping me out with writing, and thanks to the preview button which doesn't really show the end-look

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed the coverage, we will hope to continue with Starcraft 2 LAN events coverage, Thanks[/i]
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cu there ;)
You gonna be there mate?:)
Probably not :x
gogo Adelscott & SarenS !!!!!
SICK lineup! Go HuK!

lets see how grubby does, nice to see ret / nony / qxc playing!
Shame that the top foreigners are all in Korea :(
online only
still think huk will surprise this year, 2 accounts in top 10 or so at the korean ladder!?
Who's he going to surprise?

I only see <7 good players participating.
Better line up then IEM in my opinion :)
Yeah agreed. I'm surprised it's as good as it is tbh.
GSL. i was more relating to ur "top foreigners" and i think huk is gonna be one of them soon :p
O ok I thought you meant surprise here. I'd like to see HuK do well but I can't see it myself
It's just mainly IdrA and Jinro not being there right?
ye. saw mvp vs idra ?? on the korean ladder, sick game, recommended!
Watched it live!

(and twice since ^^)
that was rly rly good :D
gief liink !
and who the fuck is mvp ?
MVP is GSL 4 winner, the best player in the world atm, having a streak from 28-2 this year or something, beat marinekingpriime in the finals 4-0. do i need to continue? :D
Meh i really need to follow this game a lil bit more :P
thanks for the replay! that was a nice game!
indeed, and u have to consider mvp is the best in the world :D
adel tod sarens<3

DeMusliM playing? Thought he broke his hand. No White-Ra :/
QuoteAs said in the quote he probably won't make it for the Winter Assembly 2011 in Helsinki, but IEM finals should be OK

Guess he's probably ok
thought TLO was still in korea ?
i think i heard he got ill and had to come back
tlo has been in EU for ages now?
last time i read something about sc2 was in june i think :P
he didnt compete in GSL 3 or 4 iirc, he was in EU already by then
he went to korea for a month or something didnt compete just to practice
tlo has been in a gsl
TB casting, awsum ^^
A- TLO, Livezerg
B- Darkforce, Kas
C- Naama , jimpo
D- Tarson, Welmu
E- HuK, Abver
F- qxc, merz
G- Socke, ActionJesuz
H- Strelok, Lalush
I- SjoW, Runa
J- Morrow, Adelscott
K- Brat_OK, DieStar
L- Satiini, elfi
M- Ret, Insolence
N- Naniwa, Hasu
O- Demuslim, Bischu
P- Grubby, Sarens

imo final- SjoW vs. TLO/Tarson

no MaNa no protoss power
u mean in final game? He have way too easy group to step into playoffs with proper warmup but thats only my opinion
no, refereing to: no mana no toss power :P
and grubby wont make his group, tyler will definately top it
u have right here after watching Tylers play in yesterday ICCup he'll definitely dominate this group but i would really like to see Grubby in next phase of this tourney since he have great ideas for that game
i will be there.
and let the force be with u
elfi is very good protoss imo.
no ET :( ?
wouldn't go anyway though, didn't go when they had it either :p
when was ET on asm?
they had some small cups a long time ago
Finland flashdown played some 3on3 offi's with me when he was @ asm 2010 :P couldn't hear shit though :(
50% fintards wtf
hosted in finland :DDD should see the counter strike & teamfortress 2 ones pretty much all finnish teams :X
nobody wants to visit cold finland :D
Parent will be there to provide you with pictures, interviews and more content
I like how the guy named Protosser plays Zerg.
I like the way how you play SC2.

Oh wait.
I like it as well; I've been beating medium A.I. with 4 gate rushes last week.

will watch it if i remember:<
izi for team liquid
Some pretty decent players, considering Korea taking everyone..
Wtf happened? :|

I see he's lost two games but why?
Well, Sjow is always doing the same build - strong against all match ups, so he doesn't scount (since he doesnt change his build upon what he scout anyway) so this guy just made a gateway outside his base, and sended all his probes in (1 zealot vs probers against 1 marine + SCV's), and he lost another game on a bit cheesy way. He was kinda mad/lost concentration so he lost another match.

he's a twat anyway
cant this be stickied till its over? :]
whens the final ?
no, noone cares about this nerd game
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