Brink: no open beta

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It's already standard in the MMO-Genre (and in Action Games too) to start a big Beta test before the release of a game. But Splashdamage really doesn't want to do so. They want that only professional gamers with knowledge search some faults in BRINK.

As Richard Ham, Director of SplashDamage, says:

In BRINK we decided to do a closed beta and to give the beta gamers who know what they do.

followed by a good reason:

Betas are very important! But they have to be done professionally. If we don't give the game to hundrets of gamers with their own ideas and impressions, we never know enough to release a perfect game. At the same time, some Betas gets simply abused as marketing tools and some gamers use a beta like a demo version and expect that everything is already finished and fixed.

They should ask Crossfire then, because we are all pro gamers!
you know how full of sh** that comment is, don't you? :D

quite much the majority of 'pro'-gamers, and especially the majority of this site, in my opinion, would abuse the beta just as a demo and not be able to give any constructive critism. If you were honest, you'd also agree on people on this site not exactly being the helpful of charit kind of persons...
Don't take him to serious, might help you!
didn't entirely ;)
since he imo really knows more than enough about it to mean this seriously :P
notice the exclamation mark :)
cu @ leaked beta then image: cool_face_802
QuoteIn BRINK we decided to do a closed beta and to give the beta gamers who know what they do.

i'm excluded
Quotesome gamers use a beta like a demo version

image: cool_face_802
where to send them an email :) ?
cu @ leaked beta then image: cool_face_802
Tom Hopkins 11:26, Thursday 10 February 2011
old news
i rly dont get the point of view by splashdamage, there was some really constructive feedback sent from really good teams in closed and also in the open beta in et:qw, the problem was that they have never considered making any of those changes into the game, so the problem is not with the play testers(quantity and quality) its simply with something wrong with splashdamage attitude... towards their consumers... i dunno how such a big corporation as activision can slip such things under their nouses...
It was ultimately Activision and perhaps id also who made the big decisions afaik but yeah I agree, there was some valuable feedback given during closed that went on deaf ears.
As long as they don't mess up the net-code and multi-player as badly as QW and Wolf I don't care if they don't do a public beta. I just hope they get it right for first release.

They have certainly allocated more development time to it than QW and Wolf combined so surely they cant mess up like they have in the past. In saying that they have set the communities expectation bar so low with QW and Wolf that anything other than bad or mediocre will be a surprise.
They didn't have anything to do with Wolfenstein.
Not directed purely at SD or ID. Both games had bugger all development time allocated for MP and it showed.
Kk. They had more than enough time to get it right now. I hope for the best, expect the worst and everything will be fine.
Quote by brink serious manageroh yeah the majority of the guys who did etqw are here, and the same is true for the guys who did wolf:et. a small group of guys split off to form endrant

Same talent pool :]
2 people went to Endrant from SD and Endrant only worked on Wolf for short time, most of the MP was already in place, they were given the task of polishing a turd basically.
i will wait for demo, then play demo, then wait for some feedback and then maybe buy the full version...

played the Wolfenstein-beta, too and EVERYONE who played it, mentioned that mp will fail epic, but they didn'T hear the players
yeah but wolfenstein was no real beta to find errors it was a leak of the releaseversion .. which also makes it hard to change something ^^
Quotethey didn'T hear the players

talk to the guys on Vent, problem solved.
hum... i guess not,
developers = politicians
they promise you the best & you get the worst
So that massive thread about Brink on crossfire was pretty much useless?
See you on the demo then.
i agree with fuzz' comment
QuoteIf we don't give the game to hundrets of gamers with their own ideas and impressions, we never know enough to release a perfect game

aww, perfect game incoming.
old as hell.
My University is offered closed beta's for games.... Wouldn't surprise me if we're offered a brink set.

If we get it I'll let you know how it is!
they learned from wolfensteins failure
wolfenstein was not made by splashdamage...
never said that
fuck off, this game is going to be shit now
cu @ leaked beta then + fail game incoming .... w8 .. wasnt there something before?
guess why there wont be a open beta, simply by being afraid of getting discovered doing the same wolfenstein fail once again, cheap coding from console to pc.
actually wolfenstein beta was finished, not fixed tho
wolfenstein beta was identical to release.
and game was so easy that u could hold on mp_back dignitas and highskilled ETQW players
nah actually i dont remember being holded on any map against any team in beta... beta granades were very good actually, decently throwed were rly effective, but the whole game without proper cfg on terrible engine was awfull to play...
that's what he said.
he said ti was finished. a beta is per deffinition not a finished product.
they shipped an unfinished game.
jesus, the point is, he said that with irony.
In BRINK we decided to do a closed beta and to give the beta gamers who know what they do.


splashdamage are all ex (or still) quake players
rahdo you want to tell me that u don't release a beta cause you need the opinion of players that know what they are doing?

I expected that splashdamage, with their past, knew already what they have to do to make a perfect game.

The bad part is that splashdamage think that bigger is the map and cooler is the game (tram and marketgarden where the beginning of all this... abnorm maps)
More complicate is the game and better it is... ET was rtcw with more classes and bullshits. Quakewars more and more bullshits with giant maps

The truth to get a perfect game is "easier and simpler are things and more people love them"...

People wanna FRAG in a "ignorant" game. No 10000000 weapons, no vehicles, no 300 sub-objectives to achieve the primary objective. Nobody wants iron sights.

People want simple things like:

sprint and strafe aiming from the hip
jumps, jumps and again jumps. More static is the game, more the campers plant their roots.
2 MAX 3 objectives to end the map.
Balanced weapons... and we dont need so many kiddish bullshits: the pistol that becomes a cannon adding thousand accessories. I JUZ WANNA FRAG!
Twikkable graphic to allow players with older pcs TO PLAY cause the mass still have shitty pcs.

This is my 2 cent. But obviously, splash damage will do what they think is better.(history repeating)
Giant maps, 300 weapons, and the cool part of rtcw/et, complicated to sound "cooler".

OH! You know something? If there isn't a beta nor a demo, i'll wait..
I want to try before i buy. Like i do for everything else.
I look at this news almost every day. Have to say that I hear the same story’s from people, and the stories are true in my opinion. I look at this game, it looks nice and it is the future of gfx. But when I see the gameplay I'm not happy.

I can explain same way as many people who wrote here already. I'm not a guy who sits on his computer and plays games that are 20 years old and whine about new games. I love games like Crysis, FEAR, Starcraft 2, Diablo 2, Painkiller etc. Why? Well because when I try the game before buying I was immediately addicted to it. It is hard to explain. ET is not the only game for me and I’m not searching something that is identical to it. Sorry for saying this about Brink now, without trying the game, but so far what I saw from gameplay it is not very impressive.

SD will get their money from this game and the game will be played for year or two by the kids with the consoles and will be forgotten after that. But this is business and thats what you are aiming for.
People think that if there would be no money people would get lazy and will not invent anything. The truth is opposite. We invent our greatest stories and things when we really want it. There is no money in the motivation; money only takes the prospect of inventing.
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