frogs avalanche

After being very succesful in the last two RTCW-seasons, some guys from Europe svpermen have decided to join forces once more to compete at top-level Enemy Territory. Whilst the core of the team remains the same, four new guys were added to finish things up. Profiting from their long history together and an all-French situation on comms, we should be able to expect some nice stuff from this team:


Belgium kritos (remedium and zeropoint)
Belgium Xend (angelDust)
Belgium edge (remedium and zeropoint)
Belgium xav (angelDust)
France fra (oceans6)
France emorej (Team-ND and dMiZE)
France momo (remedium)
France maxuh (remedium)

2eaz will be aiming to compete at the G-Lan and the upcoming warleagues and EuroCup seasons, as well as any other major cup yet to come.

website: click
IRC: #2eaz @ Quakenet

Also check out the following fragmovies:

Violent Reflection by vib
Fras mansion by fra
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