E-Series admins required

image: e-series_smallAfter the recent announcement of Kaos TV's E-Series event looking to support the Enemy Territory community, we've seen quite an interest in teams looking to go to the event. However, without an admin to run the tournament, it sadly cannot take place.

All E-Series staff are vaolunteers and are involved in order to better their gaming communities. You will be provided with tokens which you can use at the event to buy yourself some food and drinks. Your services will only be required for one day at the event (15th May) and, at the very least, must know basic rulesets of Enemy Territory competition. Both myself and Kaos TV understand that a lot of effort goes in to organising and maintaining these tournaments and are highly appreciative of the work that you will do.

The Call of Duty 4 signups have already opened and we're looking to open the ET ones as soon as we can confirm an admin will be in attendance! If you are interested in helping out at the event, please send me a message via email on seanza(at)tlr-esports.com or send me a pm on here stating that you're interested.

Original news post
Teams & players list
Kaos Facebook page
Kaos TV website
i'm sure if you buy a new power supply for Belgiumcrook, he would be more than happy to admin
wp last night man, nice fucking it up, nice man, wp, fuck.
gl with the project
would love to do it but cant change my working schedule and cant afford to travel through whole germany without getting some travel fees back ;(

but it would be a shame if there isnt somebody from nl/be to go!
would be a shame if this didnt happen because no one was avi to admin it.

teams who want to play, make it happen! get someone to do it :)
Indeed! It's even possible to admin whilst actually taking part in the tournament as well. The CoD4 admins play!
anaconda ?
I don't think someone will go without being sponsored at least 60%...
It's such a shame that some people won't just volunteer. There's the opportunity to bring more LANs to ET and nobody's willing to help.

The CoD4 scene seems to have no problems with volunteers :/
The thing is that it's not worth it to go to an event that costs you a lot of money. At least the minimum things should be sponsored(such as travel&hotel, I'm guessing the admin doens't pay the entry fee :p)...

Good luck finding an admin, better try to search one that's in the local area there... :P
would be so bad if we can't find any admin, please someone step up!
Why don't you do it? : )
pm me on irc for it, dno whats required
if someone pays my air fare... :p
Avi if u pay :o)
give me a pm about what we need to know for being an admin ! :)
I'm going to make the rulesets and schedule before this weekend (at least I intend to) so will pm you with the info I have when I make them.
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