TLR closes down, the LAN will go on!

Firstly, I would like to say that the LAN even will continue, none of the teams will lose any money or anything like that so don't panic. Secondly, yes it's true (sadly), TLR has closed its doors for now and by coincidence, the site has gone offline as well so there will be a lot of unanswered questions. I have a copy of the news post that was due to go live yesterday on the site before it went offline, I've written in the full version but only displayed the ET version and the thanks to all of you who've shown your support to us over the last few months. If you would like to read the full news post to find out about our other teams and staff members, then you can unhide the rest of the post.

Nothing changes for the LAN apart from the name. I'm still running it, TLR's sponsors weren't involved in it (apart from YCN and they're still involved). Same goes for the mapping contest, that will still go on as TLR, the prize WILL be given.

image: oops

We're sure it will come as a shock to a lot of you, some of you may even be saddened by the news or maybe you saw it coming. Regardless of your reaction, the news is true; TLR will officially be closing its doors.

Throughout the short 4 months since our re-launch in December, our online campaign has been fantastic. We've seen our Facebook group grow from 86 people to 553, our Twitter followers go from 126 to 411, our website traffic going from 200+ unique hits in a week to 300+ unique hits a day. We would like to dedicate the last 4 months to our teams, our staff and of course all of you who have continuously supported our teams and projects. As cliché as it sounds, we couldn't have achieved what we achieved without all the aforementioned.

What will happen next? Read on to find out about our teams, their time in TLR and what their future holds...

image: wet

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

We made a return into Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory by bringing in an all-star team who have displayed their skill and talent throughout their time here at TLR and will continue to do so. Their first contribution to TLR was the ClanBase EuroCup championship mere days after they joined. Since then, they collectively achieved Team of The Year in the Crossfire awards and several players received personal awards such as best aimer, player of the year and most underrated player. This team have been fantastic to work with and we wish them the absolute best in their future together. We're sure you'll be hearing about their new venture very, very soon.

image: cod4

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

We've always been a supporter of the Call of Duty series, and the fourth episode in the game's history has been no different. This particular team, give or take a few names and faces, has been with us since July 2010 and has come a very long way. Placing poorly at Antwerp eSports Festival in 2010 to winning numerous Benelux LANs and most recently finishing at third place at Outpost on Fire 4 a few weeks ago. This is a team who are continuously improving and will become a serious contender for top spot with the right support. The team will continue to play together and will be attending E-Series on May the 14th, we do not yet know which flag they will fly.

image: dods

Day of Defeat: Source

We re-entered the Day of Defeat: Source scene shortly after the arrival of our Call of Duty 4 team. This particular team have the greatest players from Europe snowballing their way through every opponent they meet at online and offline events, most notably absolutely destroying their only real contender at Anjougame a few weeks ago. With exam periods and international team opportunities arising, the future of this team is yet unknown. If they decide to stick together, they will continue their dominance among all things DoDs.

image: tlr

Michael "chefinal" Robinson

Mike is TLR's founder, owner, father and carer. He is the man who started it all back in 2003 as a Grand Theft Auto PC community to what you see now. Many of you will have met him at an i-Series event or even one of the many Crossfire events. As his nickname may suggest, Mike works full time as a Chef and will look to focus on his career for now. This is the man who holds the key to TLR's doors, who knows, he may re-open those doors again some day.

image: tlr

Sean "Seanza" McDougall

Along with the Call of Duty 4 team joining in July 2010, the then manager of Team Rockit joined us in our journey forward. Since then, Sean has become a massive part in TLR's road to success and has increased his own experience and skills whilst being part of the team here. He is best known for his no-nonsense dealings and honesty and most know him as one of the most reliable people in eSports today. He has been the creator of most of the recent initiatives by TLR and has been the driving force behind our social media and community campaigns. Sean will still be hosting his LAN event in July and we're sure it will be an amazing event! Aside from that, Sean's future in eSports is unknown, apart from the fact that he will be heavily involved in some way or another.

image: tlr

Josh "pesteh" Clarke

It all started for Josh in TLR when his company,, were drafted in to code and design a new website for TLR. Before long, Josh found himself being more involved with TLR than he initially expected and continued to pour his efforts into the organisation by constantly updating the website graphics and eventually re-designing the whole website to what you see it as now. Josh will continue to run his company, and has yet to decide if he will continue being actively involved in a managerial role in the eSports industry. If you're looking for a fantastic website that looks highly professional and is easy to use, then is where you need to be!

Of course, aside from the teams and management mentioned above, there have been some other key people involved in our recent success, namely Roelof "pZy" Prins and Matt "rellie" Squires who have shown utter dedication and passion via their journalist work here on our website, on our Facebook and on Twitter. We would like to send out a personal thankyou to them for all their efforts and their time at TLR. Their futures are yet unknown, but rest assured they won't be hiding away! Other notable thanks go to those who helped us run our online cups and other competitions.

Finally, and certainly by no means least, a MASSIVE thankyou to all companies and organisations who have shared their efforts with us as an organisation and provided us with funding, products and moral support over the years. You have all been fantastic and wish you all the best in your future and hope the market continues to boom for each and every one of you!

It's goodbye from TLR... for now at least.
1st !!!§
there it is.
about damn time you post that Sean

R.I.P. TLR [*]
didnt say why it shut down... lack of money, motivation etc.. what was the reason why a decent and fairly active MGC closed down
Thats what I would like to know aswell :p
QuoteFacebook group grow from 86 people to 553, our Twitter followers go from 126 to 411, our website traffic going from 200+ unique hits in a week to 300+ unique hits a day

maybe?seems very poor, especialy for a whole org :U
I love you sean!
while reading this post I feel like it is 1st April :s
ET died a long time ago my friend ..
now its totally dead
MULTI-gaming organization. LEARN TO THINK.
what does TLR have to do with how 'alive' ET is? :D
why oh why?
im shocked
any reasons?
I have no reason to live now
the heck?
Why the hell do you link to a page that's not working.

You even mention it yourself that it's not working.
eventually it will come up, YCN is already working on it
Like the 8th time they have closed now :S what was up this time?
next two-weeks-team to collection

What's the point of posting a non- working link? :XD

so they'll get picked up by another mgc, who the fuck cares. honestly surprised any mgc can make any money off of hiring professional fruggerz.
see dignitas and fnatic maybe

but yeh i agree, you're an MGC mainly because you love games and esports rather than for money

i think some MGCs rely too much on being a business or are poorly managed

They should really be thought of in terms of being amateur clubs rather than professional teams until there is stable TV or advertising revenue which teams can rely on
Wouldn't be surprised if fnatic and SK together made more money than every other MGC in the world combined.
could be interesting to get the incomes/profits of all the MGCs... and see who has a stable team and who is just a disaster waiting to happen
What income do you think 99% of MGCs recieve?
income : probs at most 1000 or 2000 if their lucky but honestly i have no idea i just know its not going to be much
I meant more their revenue streams rather than how much they would be making
Dont forget about mouZ and EG (the QL and WC3 clan).
Oh yeah, and the players who dont have real clans (Moon, Lyn, all the korean SC players).
I'm not forgetting about anyone, and I stand by my post :p
mouZ no, EG is too new, individual players/supportteams is too hard to categorize properly.
isnt Moon playing for WeMadeFox?
e. and isnt EG a Sc2 Clan , too?
Yes. And HoN. And probably some other teams I don't know about.
just know them from Sc2. EGIdrA aka the "ragz0r"
There were actually some rumors that SK had problems with paying players or so. Didn't really follow it though.

Updated my blog btw with something you might find interesting atleast :-d
Wasn't SK gaming involved in a court case recently? I remember reading it breifly about breach of contact bu didn't really look in to it that much.
When gux joined sk last year he started to play for them without signing a contract and since SK is registered as a german organisation payments can only be done with a signed contract (because of german tax law) but as gux refused and/or fucked SK over (saying he send a signed contract already which he didn't) and in the end joining fnatic after they said they would pay him the missing money from SK afaik fnatic tried to sue SK but as german law was applicated SK had to pay nothing since there was no contract that had SK forced to pay money.
and there were some minor stories about Lyn not getting his last 3 salaries before leaving SK.
Wow, that sounds pretty shit. Too bad SK I suppose :D
it was a pretty big lulz, after fnatic publicly alleged SK of not paying their players some private logs of gux were released that made him look like a real retard ^.^
Funniest thing is that the founder of SK went to court just 2 weeks ago about a partner not paying.
I love pitas :D
They have been screwing up a lot of players.
ask team-liquid if they need ET team
Quote by Ethrdidnt say why it shut down... lack of money, motivation etc.. what was the reason why a decent and fairly active MGC closed down

PS: Love u Sean <3
back to impact ?
Aaahw too bad. Good thing that those competitions will go on! Best of luck to those being homeless for now.
You beast! Where have you been my love? <3
Working in UK, lol ^^
For real? Where?
Worcester :XD
What do you mean eugh? Worcester is a fucking nice place
I was hoping he was a bit closer so he can finally buy me a beer.
I hope you like it. It was said to me like 4 years ago :D

(23:00:12) (@Gr3ma) having a big dick is like a being a manager of tlr - it sounds cool, but it gives you only problems
Seems like Seanza avoids answering the "Why" questions...
Well. I really appreciate the effort you put in all this but isnt it a little wierd that an organization shut its doors from one day to the other? I two days ago you were posting stuff on facebook like nothing is about to happen, not the slightest information about TLR shutting it down or something...
And about the LAN, did you really do that on your own without TLR being involved (except for the name?)? I mean taking all the (financial) risk and stuff?
This is something that's been in the pipeline for weeks. It's common knowledge that everything should be business as usual until the news is public. That's why things were still being updated as normal.

And yes, 100% the LAN was and still is my idea. Something I've wanted to do for a long time now, I just used the TLR name to help promote the org.
5on5 future of ET :))))) Nice lans
any influence on e-series lan?
Not a single bit. It never had an influence anyway.
what about the mapping contest?
sup with eseries btw, sticky gone :/
Krosan moved it over to "Other news" dunno why :(
Oh, doubt there will be enough teams anyway
Baggiez is a good admin.
Baggiez brings the UK flag down.
And I bet your not just on about his weight.
Does/did TLR get their travel paid for the LAN? IS THEY STILL BE GONNA BE THERE IS?
tooo sad xDDDD
its like the humM3L bitchmove at cic7 xD
What mit TLr.ET need than new Sponsor or what?
sad but care .. cu at lan guys :)
nice work seanza
tlr will just go back to impact now tbh.
How wrong were you! ^^
I just found this, and I regret not remembering it in order to snatch first post.

image: tlr
I'm making a new team.
The last Attempt.
I will take over
change the mapping contest to use the crossfire logo instead?

bb TLR
i don't know this org

are they even able to give them a nice lan support?xD
lol , why , TLR looks for me more and more professional and now that? :o
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