CB OpenCup 5on5 Playoffs

image: 2l8farq

After 3 matchweeks and a slight delay the group stage has come to an end, and this Sunday (22.05.2011) the playoffs will commence. You can now challenge you opponents.

The playoffs in all the cup's leagues will be in double elimination, but as there was an extremely high amount of drop outs during the group stage only one team will advance through to the playoffs.

To prevent such complications in the future the ClanBase Enemy Territory crew will strongly enforce section 5.1 of the rules which state that clans who quit the cup or who are removed from the cup for 2 noshows/forfeits are likely to be excluded from the next cup season.

The playoff tree diagram can be seen here.

image: ivh7j5

Playoffs matches - rules[/b]]
1. A playoff match is played at least on 2 maps. Both clans select a map from the map list before the start of the match and inform the cup admin at least 30 minutes before the match is set to start. The admin will not announce maps until both teams have confirmed their choices with him/her. In case both teams have chosen the same map, the second map will be selected with the conventional method of map elimination, preceded by a cointoss. The admin will choose which map is played first.

2. One SW round will be played on each map.

3. The admin will choose which map is played first.

4. Each team will decide on which side to start on the map chosen by their opponent.

5. Round wins are added to determine the score: the team that wins a SW round receives 2 points; if both teams fail to set a time in a SW round, both teams will get 1 point. So possible scores after the two first maps are: 4-0 3-1 2-2.

6. In case the game is tied, an extra SW round is played on one of the remaining maps from the maplist. Teams take turns eliminating maps. The winner of the coinflip eliminates the first map, followed by the other team until one map is left to be played. When a map is selected, the team which didn't have final pick chooses who attacks first.

7. Clans are forbidden to chose the same map, previously selected in their two most recent playoff games.

Result submission:[/b]]
All results must be submitted via the Cup Forum.
When submitting a result you must do the following:
Present a screenshot of every round.
Present a screenshot of the players SLAC IDs.
State which clan chose which map.

Good luck to all participating teams!

cool, finaly :o
skilled multiclass, cless, avi to merc for div1 if lion accept me like he did for aphesia??


ps: why only 4 teams?????? and not 8??
Only one team proceeding.........

Atleast let 2 teams from premier go through... not much of a win if you only have to beat 2 teams? :D
epic in playoffs?:DD

no offense to them but
1 team from their groups got removed ( mouse control / target?? )
they win against "wnbpro" xD
and "epic win from TAG by forfeit"

lu was beck raffou & 3 nl (mark smth & 2 anothers from "draakjie"?)

gl at playoffs tho :}
4 teams in playoffs? =o
what a joke
greetings CB...where are our mice
no playoffs for the 2nd place teams because CB admins got a week behind schedule and decided to cut the teams out?
Apparently, shitbase.
rofl what a shitcup...
unblind cannot into playoffs? :)
you broke my reply chain by not using the word shit!!!

i don't mind personally i've worked my way up from div 7 so even a draw works for me but the initial announcement did state that the top 2 would go through

luckily for clanbase im too fat to mount a campaign against them when there's beer and cheese to be had
resisting the temptation of beer and cheese is impossible idd.
But yeh SHIT rule change!
biggest bullshit ever, announce such idiotic rules before the season. Only 1 team comes next, fucking bullshit.
Most idiotic shit ever.

Just because a bunch of retards dropped out....
no just because this fool admins waited so long and imagined now that theres no time over.
I hear you sister!
too bad b2k :D
Hmm, that's smth new. Too bad only 1 from each group qualifies.
Oh well, c u in the finals Czech Republic iR :))))
what a stupid decision by cb

as an idea for the next season.. why even playing playoffs. just let the team with the best group results win the cup. saves u a lot of time and work.
Never ever participating in a CB cup again, thank you LION, u fucked my life.
GGWP, what is the point to play wars after loosing to one superior team in group stage. HF next season and wonder why there will be so many drop-outs and no-shows.

This is the first time I won't be defending CB-actions, have fun with ESL in my shit-site list.
image: clownbase

This ain't cool at all. Waiting for 2-3 weeks to know that we didn't get to the playoffs.
In groups which have 4 teams, only the top clan passes through, this is one of the oldest rules in ET, that's why I always used to take 5/6 teams for premier.


Now CB gives exception to this, but only if the community is a loyal one, i.e no dropouts.

Quote# In case of groups of 4 clans, only 1 clan will be allowed to advance to playoffs.**

** The only exception to this is when the drop out rate for the whole league 12.5% or below. If the drop out rate is less than or equal to 12.5%, 2 clans from each group may progress.

Proceed with your QQ, LION had no choice, put the blame on those ego teams that couldn't care less about your cup.
What/who are you quoting?
Not since the u96d / Parodia EC has there been more than 4 teams per group iirc? And they've all had 2 progress...
You have used to take?
nice playoffs with 4 teams xDDDDDDDD
btw so why in EC two teams passed the groups? afaik any playoff game hasnt been played yet
because eurocup players do not have more than 12.5% (1 in 8) dropouts
imo more dropouts = less games = less time needed for groups = faster playoff schedule. it's not 2nd-teams-in-groups fault that other clans dropout of the cup and now you are hurting them with this 4 teams in playoffs shit
rules are rules sherlock
but it's so annoying that if you beat a team, they realize they don't have the chance to qualify anymore, they go inactive, get dropped out, you lose one match with seconds, out of OC, where is the justice?
youve got a point there
just 1 team passes Oo..
ok, we're in the playoffs but wtf?
EuropeiNmotion agrees with this idea, only the best teams deserve a spot, #iNmotion.et shall show 2nd division what real gayming is!
hehe #iNmotion wishes to shoutout to our m8 snip0 who cannot into playoffs and now he sad.
I approve, ammount of bullshit on GTV just dropped down 50%
are u fucking kiddin me? and it took u 2 whole weeks to set up these 4teams only/div playoffs?

where is the problem with a normal 8 teams playoff round? much more fun for everyone and who cares if its taking one more week? if u wouldnt have wastes one of the 2 weeks already it would have been no problem if u want to come up with the "we want to get it end as fast as possible"

most hilarious stuff ive ever seen besides random one day cups with cheaterloving admins.

lets see how many teams will sign up for the next oc season. maybe u can sve so much time than, since prolly nobody will sign in.
No1 is talking about the cup taking more weeks
Quotebut as there was an extremely high amount of drop outs during the group stage only one team will advance through to the playoffs.

Read before you comment

And besides, you're saying it took them 2 whole weeks to set up the playoffs?
1. Some games weren't played yet -> Not the fault of the admins
2. 2 weeks? wat?
yes 2 weeks - if there were matches that werent played yet cb had to forfeit (tie) them.
1. My comment above is a pure troll
2. Playoffs always start 1 week after groupstage iirc, so theres only 1 week delay
3. Dont be so mad over a qualification in a low cup on a PC game
4. I don't care about OC second division pocals, I play for fun with my iNmm8s
5. If you're that desperate to play the playoffs u can play for me in iNm, I honestly dont give a fuck, as long as I have some fun playing with them.
ye i dont care about a "pocal", too
yes we play for fun, too.
but there is no real competition for the next 2-3 months i guess
so why making this oc so short? :(
its also another deathbringer for et and the clans that kept it alive the last weeks/months.

i guess someone wants that i have to buy brink even i dont want to :((
seems like u never have played oc before, the rate of dropouts is not higher as it always was in past. neither it was a reason to just let the 1st team going into playoffs.. just some shiny new idea which came up right now.

well tbh we played our last game on 2nd may, u on 1st tho the 1st may was the end of matchweek 3! today is the 18th may = 17 (or for us 16) days of nothing and afaik 14 days are commingly known as 2 weeks. so we even have waited for longer than 2 weeks.

if clanbase is so gentle to give teams who have not entered the scores a additinal time of ~ 1 weeks to enter them its timewaste for the other teams.

anyway hf in playoffs
If you're right about the rate of dropouts, then CB is wrong by using that as an excuse, but I can't judge about that because I have no idea how it usually is, I dont care about those things I just play my games.

Clanbase does that to have less forfeits and more games wich is good for every1, besides if it was your team(leader) that forgot to fill in the score you wouldnt be complaining

For the rest, read above
Those admins are incredibly not-active, like sometimes never online in 2 weeks; I guess there are rules for what to do, if teams don't play in time.
I know sczurek (or whatever his name is) and goldorak are quite inactive, have no idea about LION tho
same for him :S
go arnar and co!
only one team passes seems shit even after reading Killerboys comment

luckily we are first :D
we didnt really care about the match vs you anymore since we were at least 2nd :D
I mean we did pracc and everything but it was more like we enjoyed playing a nice offi vs nice guys without any pressure...

lol somehow i am happy that we didnt give more shit about it. I m not gonna play any CB competition anymore.
yea kinda fucked up :D we even talked about the fact that it does not really matter
Srsly what is this LION?
image: 667882250
Only 1 team per group reaches playoffs?!Are you kidding me?
It was always atleast 2 teams - say this before you start this cup ffs.
I will think about quitting all cb competitions after this retarded step from cb.
Do us a favour and change it back to a 8 teams playoff tree.
I know premier division was fucked up by so many inactive teams but this isnt the fault of the other teams. (im a bit mad now because we had no pressure to win our groupstage and said to our self "well just place second - it is fine, too" :_D

Change it! NOW! THX! -,-
was ein scheis vid X:D
Your last argument is pure bs, every team goes for the victory in every game.
well we had some lineup probs at this time so we said just play and we will see aslong we will get 2nd place at groupstage and play the playoffs..whats the problem with that attitude?!
if u MAD than GO

Fucking big joke clownbase again not a suprise, not gonna play any oc ever again.

brb deleting my account
ah and btw: why do you 2 teams pass at 3on3 oc? there is a higher amount of dropouts -_-'

and doing a looserbracket for 4 teams is even a bigger joke!

gg clownbase gg!

ok the groups were bigger !! :_D
punish the clans and players who droped out of the cup not the guys who played all the games and supported this so they dont have to deal with this shit :d
"Forfeit & no-show -clans arent allowed to participate in next seasons". Yeah, right, we have seen how that goes...
That's the point. Forfeit / fold / quit / fag teams can play next season also if they just care sign up. I see CB's point with punishing the active teams which enjoyed playing this cup. D:
Or just make another random-clan and sign-up with that...
What the hell is this?

As we always knew we have advanced from our group after the first two games we played the last one with 2 backups instead of using a wildcard thinking that we will qualify for the play-offs anyway. Now we are out? And it took you 4 weeks for this? This is ridiculous, a team that wasn't nearly as decent as we were is now in the playoffs and they don't even play activly.

What a load of bullcrap, going to boycot CB and most probably quit ET overall if this won't be changed.
All teams even which are still playing should boycot now
Yeah but as you see iNmotion for example, they will never boycot it since they are happy as fuck they reached semi-finals in the 2nd league now.

I'm pretty sure only a few teams would even consider boycoting CB so it's not even worth brining this topic to public.
no offense bro, but most players in iNm played on a higher level before, we just lolling @ all this.
We're fucking happy we reached playoffs @ 2nd league yeh sure. You do know most of us have already played OC premier and some played NC...

But i can imagine you're mad, no need to take it out on us tbfh... xD
wow, just wow.
but why winner and loser brackets ;o
without it we could get play offs with more teams atleast

im shocked also!

Edit: This makes ET even more dead ;d
cu in Brink :P
Sadly yes...cu in brink to ^^
change it...
cu brink but not gonna play it under cb rules
Quoteim shocked also!

Arent you a cup admin? Was this decided without consulting the cup admins? :s
5on5 - LION and GoldoraK
nobody told me anything about this situation only CoC decide what to do and nobody request my opinion, im also suprised then you

CB striked again !
Nice one telling it us when its over , we played our last match with 2 backups (lost 4-2) coz we knew we going for 2nd place for sure...if we knew that before we tooked Wildcard..

GG Clownbase , again you show us to better not play your fuck again...

Be serious and play on as it was before...
WE need some more time.....we dont have time.....lets CUT

i remember that clip as visuals to some Current Value Track :P
biggest shit I have seen in 2890 years of ET.

seriously, what kind of idiot would come up with an idea like this? and think the community would apreciate it? do you even ever use ur brain? I am speechless. angry. heart attack incoming.

and you just decide that during the cup? W T F
only checked the comments didnt read ur fail post :DDDDDD

lolol angry virgins mad about old dead game, serious business.
im sry that i still enjoy this old and dead game -_-
and even try to support it year by year :/
and this is what you get.. ignorant decisions toward lower teams than ec :_D
So, your basically saying your angry?
Skup Butelek welcome in OC premier :XD
waaaaaaaat, we played the final match with back ups as well and we thought we'd get into play offs anyway :///

I guess you did state this would happen and it would only have 4 teams in playoffs when there were too many dropouts, but next time you could at least state this point more clearly so that teams could anticipate during the groupstage, please?

Hf Skup Butelek with getting bashed :D
well this is just bullshit :D i am disapointed lionm8
Really think you should consider to change it lion:p. You're a good admin, but this is a fail decision and it is fucked up for the teams who were playing every game and place second.
Kind of raises a good point, this is merely punishing some teams that actually did put in effort in playing, its not really motivating...
care. shit admins (no offence) and no rules at all.
Quote by LIONThe playoffs in all the cup's leagues will be in double elimination, but as there was an extremely high amount of drop outs during the group stage only one team will advance through to the playoffs.

5v5 OC Fall 2010 - there were 140 teams and 49 dropped out its 35%, this season its `only` 22% , it's so fucking extremely high idd
mmm...delicious tears
ONLY 4 teams in playoffs 5on5 final!?!?!?!

haha umad of your group :PPPP

no playoffs for u!! hihi

shit man, too bad
We never do loser bracket on 2v2 - go on the previous season you will see
oki so now go to your protest and give defwin to vital gaming muhausuhasudhadh
sry man iam so mad
Not my fault l4z not my fault
Give defwin for insulting mahahsdhausdhuashduasdhasdu
Do it and ull see noob
MR CB admin image: clownbase
mad uneducated nerd is mad
where do u see then u got or not defwin or deflost for insulting ? where tell me ...dont be more silly then u CANT plz, nobody never say kind of this even me its unbeleavable
thanks... Now Sc2 > ET.
wollte sie nur dumm anmachen! bin doch immer für nB da , oK!
what is this shit? changing rules during the cup?

QuoteThe top 2 teams from each group will advance to the playoffs which will be played using the double elimination format from the Premiere to Third and the single elimination format for the remaining divisions. The playoff tree will be announced shortly after the group stage is over.

image: clownbase

my team has been raped too
ridicolous decision. Played one game and rest of them won by noshow. And in our only game admin allowed ERROL to play even if he had played quali. Awesum

fucked by clownbase
GL inmotion
buhhh how can you wish our opponents luck!
i started inm about 4 years ago xD but GL to you too eim <3
What a pity :(
very annoying .....
i would blame PolandRobaciek for all this
Dear teams @ 3on3 & 5on5,

plz join this league http://www.liga4fun.de/news.php
for having a real "league opponent" vs cb since esl doesnt want to support et that much anymore...
translation into english will be available soon ;)

and lets boycott the next cb cup (and if you have balls this playoffs,too) until cb gets its sober mind back ":D"

regards ld
Bullshit there will come some new "News" from ESL for ET next days, we will support ET <3
i_want_to_believe.jpg ;(
Aggro regelt.
fuck u clanbase
lol and everyone always complained about Germany mUnduS...
He was one of the most active guys around on CB and no matter whether his decisions were good or not, he at least gave a shit about the whole thing..
Who needs admins who re not giving a shit about it?
Took that bunch of clowns 2 weeks to release those playoffs? And now that the cup is delayed they change the rules during the tournament to shorten it down?
SoNA won the first two games so we were already sure to be in playoffs. We just randomly played our 3rd game without any big intentions and pressure and hence lost vs reVeal after a really nice game, which didnt even bother us. Now you tell us that rules have changed and only one team advances...

By the way what is this supposed to be? Some sort of an exciting playoffsstage when just 4 teams re in playoffs? Seriously...

Thats it for me, i m never gonna play a single CB Tournament anymore.
The fact there are twice the teams in division 5 as there are in 1st and 2nd division says a lot about the state of ET...so sad
div1 has had 4 groups of 5/6 most of the time anyway, div2 and below always had more teams and groups per league :]
It did, but this is insane :D

blame the 1+ team(s) per group that dropped out :)
wouldn't it be better to punish the teams that dropped out if you were mad at them

rather than cutting my nose to spite some portugese guy's face
why are they the ones to blame? it has still been a fair challenge for the first 2 spots, no matter whether one team dropped out or not.
read Killerboy's comments etc. it's CB rules that < 4 teams per group = #1 qualifies for playoffs. 4-5 = 2 teams per group qualify for playoffs and I dunno exactly after that but some EC's ago there were 3 teams per group qualifying for the playoffs. it all depends on dropouts :) nothing LION could do, but follow the rules.
why do you even bother replying to people? :D if you have a correction to make, make it. your dickhole attitude is fucking boring. I wrote that I don't remember what Killerboy wrote further up here, so please be fucking useful for once Mr "I did so much for the community but got no e-credit so now I mad" 8DD
Nowadays, I like to see people raging, especially people I find as retards "8DD" They are so predictable with their comments.
nothing of value to say, as I expected.
1st + 2nd for play-offs, thanks.

Why not put the number 3's from EC groupstage in Premier playoffs? Would at least weed out the worse teams...and maybe some more fun games for the players and specs...not sure if any of the ex-EC teams are interested in this tho...might be worth looking into?
Champions League style
wtf is this bullshit!!!!!!!!!
why punish all teams for the teams that quitted?

We play lastz match knowing to pass the round even if we would loose, so we let the weeker lineup play, and now you are telling me that only first advances?

you just suck
We are 2nd at our group :D :D :D
Even though we have advanced, this is fucking bullshit.
Just boycott the f***in playoffs instead...

just get naked...
hahahaa what a load of crap wont be playin cb no more......

maybe the losers of this bullshit rule should start their own play offs...


yee, in CB ladder
good idea =)
hehe avi for this! /q @ #belgian.fraternity
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