On the way with the IPS!

image: tasxfIt's time to run up ET's main event during the fall: The International Premiership Series. The first stage is on it's way and the best teams from all over Europe will have the chance to compete in the final stage.

Today we are proud to present you the teams and the groups on the ESL page! The first matchweek is running right now. Today I want to introduce you the 16 teams of the upcoming 3 matchweeks and it's favorites - together with the former Team Germany captain, Leader of junk52 aka Team Spaces, winner of the Quakecon and MVP of the Crossfire Prizefight Challenge with idle.ee, Germany Urtier.

Read the introducion and find all groups on the ESL page.

The first matches are also on their way:
image: game1220
Europe HighBot .et_0_vs_4_sFx.LAN Europe
Time: Today, 21 CET
Maps: Radar, Braundorf B4
ETTV: GamesTV.org

image: game1231
Germany Team Helix_4_vs_0_n1ce.it Italy (noshow n1ce.it)
Time: Today, 22 CET (when first match is finished)
Maps: Supply Depot 2, Radar
ETTV: GamesTV.org

[*]Read more on the ESL page.
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