Changes in

Only 2 weeks ago the idle team won the Crossfire Prizefight LAN once again proving their dominance of the scene. Tonight however it is time to announce some changes concerning the squad.

After more or less maintaining the same line-up that won everything there was to win for a long while only making the occasional substitution it is now time to replace two players. The team is sad to announce that both Estonia Holz and Sweden feruS will both be leaving idle.

Holz has been a member of ever since its 'ressurection' in late 2005. He was there when the team won Quakecon 2006, Eurocup XIII and the Crossfire Prizefight LAN. However in October Tarvo will be serving the great ET nation of Estonia in another matter, wielding guns in the army.

"It has been a long and joyful stay and I have had a lot of fun with everybody of the team In October I will be going into the army for 8 months yet I might come back after that, who knows. I want to wish the team the best of luck in the future for now and with the new line-up."

Second player to leave is Swedish wonderboy feruS. He played for u96d in the past yet it wasn't untill Quakecon '06 that he returned to the team. His main reason to leave the idle chapter behind is due to a lack of motivation.

"I really enjoyed my stay at with highlights such as Quakecon and the Crossfire LAN. Yet for a while I've been feeling a lack of motivation to keep praccing. Quakecon was one thing that made me came back but that was that. The lack of competition is another factor that helped me in my decision."

Yet who will replace these two players? Estonia Night and Co. made sure they picked not just another med+/high player yet their search for the right replacements has lead them to two old friends.
None other than Estonia r3vers and Slovenia JaKaZc will be re-joining the team.

The latter's name should definitely ring a bell. Apart from winning Qcon '05 with u96d/Check6 Slovenia JaKaZc is also known for his recent adventures with the dMIZE team. In the past he has prooved to be a worthy asset to any team and despite there being only two players left from the u96d team he should have no problems fitting in, with the amount of experience he has.

"There's not much to say except that it's good to be part of ET's finest team."

The other addition, Estonia r3vers, is another top-notch player. He too was a part of the u96d team aswell as teams as kujuneb and the Crossfire Quakecon team. The Estonian is legendary for his rifling skills and has been a friend of the team for quite a while. A more than worthy replacement and a player with a nice history and good hopes for the future.

"Ofcourse it's nice to be in idle 'again' but we will see what the future brings. Though I except nothing bad with the team we have now.My primary expectations for this season are taking home the IPS and whatever LAN tournament that lies ahead."

The line-up for the upcoming season:

Estonia Night
Germany senji
Germany urtier
Netherlands teKoa
Estonia r3vers
Slovenia JaKaZc |
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