Team Hardware4u adds BRINK

The German multigaming organization Team Hardware4u adds the German ESL Release Cup winner Bumblebee To The Rescue to its roster. The team previously playing ET:QW for n!faculty and BF:BC2 for zeroPoint! consists of some members known to the Crossfire community already: HEADi who did play for shuuk and in the early days of ET and Team beta player aFa.

image: h4uLine Up

Germany Mike "mikeX" Krack (Team-Captain)
Germany Martin "outc1der" Janowiak (Team-Captain)

Germany Andre "HEADi" Neumann
Austria Sebastian "Shortje" Kulle
Germany Artur "aFa" Lazarus
Germany Sebastian "Wuki" Hofer
Germany Andreas "cRks" Günther

The team's first appearance under the new tag will be Tomorrow's Germany ESL BRINK Championship qualifier.

To celebrate the switch to hardware4u Team Captain mikeX was available to give me a short statement on the upcoming events and the team's expectations.

What do you expect from the BRINK Championship and its German qualifier?
The BRINK Championship is the first major tournament and we are thrilled to be a part of it. We think the German qualifier will get the most participants compared to other countries and therefor it will be a tough time for us to fight for the slots yet to be distributed with a huge amount of matches incoming. But we are in a great shape already and expect to reach the top in the tournament.

BRINK is a pretty new game and major changes are already discussed. Besides that what does your experience tell about the game and its competitive launch 10 days after it was released?
Brink is somewhat like a rough diamond not honed completely yet. Its core game play is really enjoyable and the stopwatch mode beyond comparison both for players and spectators. But of course like every new competitive game it has to be improved by the community regarding its rules and by Splash Damage with patches in general especially the spectator mode is an important topic looking at the recent BrinkTV tournament.
New teams rise up almost every day and we keep our fingers crossed that the game will have a bright future in the competitive eSports scene.

Those interested in the German ESL opening cup can find more details over here. Further details about the BRINK Championship qualifiers can be found in this news release.

Team Hardware4u Website
ESL Team sheet
GL gonna get rolled hard by H2k tho

They are mega pro gamers
I think every team gonna get rolled by dignitas
Lucky I'm in it :)
Ah I see, with who you are playing then?
Good players
Which guys are playing for dignitas brink team? I remember rolling anderson and you on public
really, stop it xD

e: drago, Anderson, bjorn, JakaZc, Rulah
gimme pw so i can watch you :) I know you are playing!!!
please stop it YJZZ :D

Only super team atm is dignitas.

Still i love you <3
Nope u insane esports owner <3
gl, but why is every new brink team main news?
g5 still in other news :D
hf jungs :)
I'd assume these guys are going to be a pretty strong team..
Wild guesses and assumptions.
based on? i need more data to validate your assumption
Know some of their names from other good teams in other good games. Guessed they might be a good team. Believe I've also heard some stuff about the players from others currently playing Brink.
they learned from me so ofc theyre good)
do they have crossfire accounts?
gl shorty ;)
gl from me as well!
gl.. will beat you 1vs5 anyway
dieser heady!
noticed this already (:

see you at raging everyone :P
afa i miss you :(
aFa.avi :>>>
gl Shortje, wuki, mike & outcider :)
:o didnt know h4u still exists.. good luck !
theyre nothing anymore as years ago
GL guys!
Da kriechen sie wieder aus ihren Löchern :_)
lazarus :D
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