ESL reveals BRINK ruleset

image: championshipteaser
A moment ago the ESL revealed the config and rules for tomorrows BRINK championship qualifiers. Very arguable are the restrictions set for every class and character which also requires everyone to reskill and redefine their abilities on an immense short notice.

Here's what their announcement says:
  • Using the Adrenaline and the Self Resurrection perk is forbidden.
  • Furthermore all level 5 abilities are forbidden.
  • Removing the hackbox or using the antihack perk
  • Hacking the target and leaving the area. You have to stay in the same area as the target.
A total amount of 158 Teams signed up so far. Luckily some teams did play their practice matches with BrinkTV's rule set where at least the adrenalin and hackbox topic suits them right now.

Team Dignitas player Estonia Anderson was able to give a quick thumbs up on the topic stating "It is good", but also adds a further request: "the only thing missing is the g_spiderSenseDuration 0 var in the config and a limit on turrets is required". First feedback in the German news release brings a few comments with a complain about the amount and weight of these restrictions.

ESL news and server config download
All qualifiers and sign ups
go ESL
QuoteHacking the target and leaving the area. You have to stay in the same area as the target.

Have to stay here and be shooted by everyone for one minute ? kk
QuoteHacking the target and leaving the area. You have to stay in the same area as the target.

that makes no fucking sense...
I assume it means you cant hide in a corner while hacking to make it the same as engi stuff
as i understand it or how its said in the german news is you arent allowed to leave the room for hacking. makes sense, since you can hack the ventilation systems on e.g. reactor from outside the walls of the mainhall, right infront of your spawn.
guess they just want to prevent that to happen
Not sure why that matters. The further you move away from the target the slower the hack. Would take nearly 5mins to hack an objective if you went back to your spawn or somewhere similar.
but in combination with the fact that removing the hack device is disallowed it makes sense to not allow an unlimited distance between objective & hacker
Sorry for larger leagues/cups this will be impossible to police. Reliance on "gentleman's" rules in a computer game will cause nothing but problems for admins.

As I said, moving away from the area to hack will not benefit your team anyway. Unless you like setting slow times.
No demo support, no first person spectating, weird rules. The game just doesn't seem ready yet for such a competition. :/
There could be some misunderstading about "not leaving the area while hacking".
When will you leave the area, etc etc...
Still needs a bit a adjustment like: First person when ur dead and like anderson stated before they should add a max amount of turrets
I cant crouch when capping CP or building MG
Using the Adrenaline and the Self Resurrection perk is forbidden.
Furthermore all level 5 abilities are forbidden.
Removing the hackbox or using the antihack perk
Hacking the target and leaving the area. You have to stay in the same area as the target.


Should have waited til a promod came out, should have asked the people paying the bill aka bethesda to work with them!
or at least put some research in how to do things :p

drago is highly active as it seems ^^
ye Trivve tried to make a promod for cod4 too :p
Highly doubt Bethesda will still want to have anything to do with this train wreck.
can you tell me what are those level 5 abilities?
I think there gonna be some conflicts in many matches :P
Found one error while loading.
g_respawnBufferTime 0, cannot be changed in multiplayer
What about players that took the ability downedfire they have to reset their points to remove it or is there another way to turn it off ?
No, I guess you'll have to sell all your perks and go back a level. However, you can create a perkless level 20 character and then archive the entire userdata directory. Afterwards you can simply delete aforementioned directory and restore the archive (everything is stored locally). This will make it easier to go through the motions until there's a promod.
Supposed to be honest about it, which works until a team starts losing
Need top3 clan, msg me!
try dignitas, i heard jakazc sucks
Thats what I've been trying to tell anderson but no :(
You can play for me, already have Dr. Sinning on board.
anderson :')
" A total amount of 158 Teams "
whow nice
Combat intuition has got to go
Comms hack has got to go
Downed fire has got to go
The "dropping nade when I die" perk has got to go

Then we can talk :)
QuoteHacking the target and leaving the area. You have to stay in the same area as the target.

OK bruv
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