#TeK-Reloaded - Cup Semi-Final

image: tekcupabnnerjl3

We're looking forward to seeing the semi-finals and subsequent the grand final in TeK-Cup. Following exciting matches will approach us:

Belgium cZar vs. Poland FearFactory
Latvia Violence is Bad vs. Europe HighBot

You can watch those matches on ETTV, for more infos look below ReadMore.

Homepage: TeK-Clanbase
IRC: #TeK-Reloaded

Belgium cZar vs. Poland FearFactory

image: game1201

ETTV: GamesTV.org ID 1201

Statement by Poland FF|r1co:
After few changes in our lineup we don't such a good teamplay as we used to have. Czar is very good opponent, which they prove many times, but they had 2 changes in their lineup also, so i think this match will be very equal. We will try our best to win in this match and reach the final.

Statement by Denmark cZar|oBs:
Fear Factory is a skilful and experienced clan, and I think the match vs. them will be a tough one. There are high expectations for both clans and thus there is a lot of pressure surrounding the match and the clans’ performance. I really hope that we can pull off a victory against Fear Factory, but I realize that doing so will be hard. With that said I hope that the match will be exciting and that we can live up to the community’s expectation

Latvia Violence is Bad vs. Europe HighBot

image: game1200

ETTV: GamesTV.org ID 1200

Statement by Germany hB|criatura
At first I would like to thank the team of the Tek Cup, that we could participate in the Cup at all. We appreciate this and try to give everything. After we had to suffer some setbacks in the last week (the disappearance of MurDa & the loss against sFx), we had to complete our lineup with vRael. We don\'t know where murDa is momentarily, so we will see, how it will continue.
In spite of everything, the last week gave us an impulse of motivation and we hope for a victory tomorrow. Our opponent ViB should not be underrestimated, so we will do our best.

There's only left to say Good Luck & Have Fun to all Teams.

Homepage: TeK-Clanbase
IRC: #TeK-Reloaded
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