SC2: Heart of the Swarm Preview

image: heart-of-the-swarm

With me being a big Starcraft 2 nerd and seeing that there are some more Starcraft enthusiast on this site I thought it might be a good idea to let you guys know about the upcoming expansion for this RTS game.

As a team from was allowed a very exclusive preview for the higly anticipated expansion and actually being able to play a few missions it's a very informative and exciting piece of news on Heart of the Swarm

Quote by FAQQ: What features can we expect from the single-player campaign of Heart of the Swarm?

A: Heart of the Swarm's campaign will include approximately 20 new missions. Players will be able to evolve their swarms with unique, campaign-only units and abilities, and this evolution will happen in an organic manner befitting of the expansion's Zerg theme. As an example, zerglings can be induced to evolve the ability to split into broodlings upon death. Further evolution can yield specialized sub-species of zerglings such as the swarmling, a variant that spawns three swarmlings per larvae instead of the standard two zerglings. The fearsome raptor is another evolutionary offshoot of the zergling that has more health, and the ability to leap short distances to quickly close the gap on an enemy.

Another aspect of Heart of the Swarm that makes it unique from Wings of Liberty is that Kerrigan will play a major role in each of the battles as a powerful hero. Over the course of the campaign she gains in strength as well as new capabilities. Players will choose what abilities to enhance and powers to use from mission to mission.

Heart of the Swarm will also include a wider variety of sets for players to explore between missions -- these sets change dynamically as players complete missions, giving a sense of a changing world as Kerrigan makes her presence felt throughout the galaxy. Fully-voiced cut-scenes will round out the cinematic gaming experience in Heart of the Swarm's campaign, while a new array of achievements will unlock in-game rewards such as portraits and decals.

Full article on

This is my first writeup ever and quite frankly my writing skills aswell as my english skills are terrible, enjoy the video!
there is also a Teaser for SC2:HotS ->

and nice news dezire ! :D
neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed !!
Quoteunique, campaign-only units
fuuuuu i want mp info :(
QuoteQ: What are some of the changes made to multiplayer Heart of the Swarm?

A: While we're not quite ready to go into detail about the new multiplayer content in Heart of the Swarm, we can say that this expansion set will include new units and new maps. We'll have more details about multiplayer Heart of the Swarm content at BlizzCon.
Kerrigan's tits or gtfo.
you can see her ass in the teaser ! :D
mp info will be usefull :(
Is this like those wc3 addons, that you have to pay for?
yo exactly, just to take ur money off.

but who gives a shit,game is still that good that its worth paying to paly some more
it will be a stand alone , so you can play Hearth of the swarm even if you dont have wings of liberty
You know thats crap right?
i know it's going to cost me 50€ instead of 35, but i dont care ^^
QuoteQ: Will Heart of the Swarm require ownership of Wings of Liberty?

A: For the regions that have a standard box business model such as North America and Europe, yes, Wings of Liberty will be required in order to play Heart of the Swarm. For other regions that have alternative access models, we’ll provide details at a later date.

Why would it cost you 50 €??
my bad, i tought it was a stand alone, so its going to be like frozen throne or WoW adds , 35 i guess
WC3 has only one official expansion pack, doesn't it?
Wc / Wc2 O&H / Wc3 RoC / Wc3 WTF /
WoW / WoW BC / WoW WotLK / WoW Cata
Sc BW / Sc2 WoL / coming soon?! Sc2 HotS
Mafia / Mafia 2
AC / AC2 / AC:brotherhood

expansions aint the same as sequels
just wanna show my love to blizzard :3
what Rockskin said ;~) (you only proved my point btw)

also: showing "love to blizzard" but not separating SC and SC:BW...?
Whats WC2 O&h? The expansion was called Beyond the Dark Portal iirc.
my fail. Thougt Wc2 is Orcs and Humans , but its Wc 0&H and Wc2 is Beyond the Dark Portal
Ye the game is called Warcraft 2: Tides of Darkness and the expansion is Beyond the Dark Portal :)

I'm cheating though, I can see them on my shelf from where I'm sitting :p
hehe :) But all in all Blizzard games are the best :3
I'm more a bioware fan, but blizzard sure takes the second spot for me :)
WoW > Warhammer Online :D
I was talking about games like ME or BG/NWN, but as far as MMO's go, WoW takes the crown for me aswell.
best newspost ever!
4 own sentences and rest c/p


News: eSports

Pls tag the news right good sir
QuoteWith me beeing

didnt read rest (SC2 aint really my kinda game) but could see this mistake on front page even without clicking
what do you mean?
beeing => being :P

sc2 narb
what he said ^
ty, luke you too!
luke = artstar

nice post though
Starcraft 2 , great game!!!!
i'm so fucking hyped!!!
I approve <3

Looks so neat cant wait
care, shit game is shit.

Ps. love you Wim
would really like to get into RTS games , but iam afraid its too late to start :s too many WC3/SC1 fags :<
Bullshit u can start whatever u want read the basics and go play
and get rolled like mad in the bronze league due to smurf accounts -.-
bronze league is full of retards and sc2 is easy so just start playing
its really easy to start playing
No, really, sc2 is still in its beginning stage actually, and there is loooooaaaaaads of activity in the lower levels, and tons of informative stuff hanging around. no problem to get decent in not to much ammount of time!
just buy the game, there a lot of nubs :) expecially in bronze league
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