PPP Gaming hits CoD

Activision have done everything in their power to milk their bastard child of a game COD for more money and today they've taken that to a new level with Pay Per Play subscription gaming announced for Call of Duty Elite.

Whilst little is known about what features will be locked to paid customers and generally what the subscription entails the service will be there to rinse you of your hard earned cash for something they're still going to release a new version as soon they can. The price point for this service is rumoured to be under the $7 mark.

It will be launched for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and be labeled the "Elite" subscription option. No this doesn't mean they're likely to migrate back to the 1337 gamers that haven't touched the series since CoD4, but it does mean for those gamers focused on facebook achievement stats you'll be over the moon.

You can read more about it HERE
my news was nicer than yours, it had pictures and videos :(
And its on the front page :)
holy shit, thanks <3
glad i am not part of this community. would be pretty pissed. but well that franchise died for competition with the introduction of consoles and the disableing of dedicated servers long time ago.
I wonder if xbox users will have to pay for live and for that "Elite" stuff then, fucking bullshit..
But those brainless console fags control the market and they are willing to pay 7$ a month for a fancy looking gun..
What a piss take may aswell not release it on the PC
guy on the cadred vid, does the voice on dirt2/3 aswell?
dirt 3 is fucking great :D
wuts so great about it

saw few videos looks like a shit rally game o_O
Danny Byrd in soundtrack :))
still 951 people on facebook who already like this, must be hardcore console gamers ;)
biggest waste of money since wow
basicly i dont mind paying 7€ or 10€ per month for a game if it provide good stuff like updates, stable servers, little expansions, patches, maps etc but as far as i think they will just release super guns, armors and skins ;€

and yes, wow is a waste of money :D
True, but only with a game you will play actively though. I like CoD every now and then, but this one time I want to play I need to pay to play this few hours or something, thats fucked up :/
I found WoW to be rather expensive and way to addictive, but never a waste of money :)
well i had a free trial on wow and then i think i bought one month and didnt play anymore after that, and I was playing with the RL Coolmasters too and it still didn't hook me :(
I guess it depends on when you played it. I played it when it was all still fresh, was great to discover everything with friends and meet new people while doing that. Even met a few people who live close to me and they are rl friends now :p

Also loved the latest two expansions, didn't care much for the first one. I personally enjoy leveling and exploring, but for me and most people the best part about the game has always been the endgame. You should be thankful you never got hooked, it can take up alot of your time! ;)
Owzo is a man who demands instant gratification, if he's not absolutely loving it.. he'll get bored and quit.

WoW isn't a game of instant gratification.
Not too instant a gratification, you gotta last at least 10 minutes with him if you want him to come back to your dorm next Friday night
biggest waste of money since brink
Already per-ordered MW3 + 1 year subscription.
Bobby Kotick the CEO who couldn't care less about games or the people that play them. Not buying any activision games as long as he still works for them.
I dont really get why people thinks that CoD4 is "oldschool" and particularly good/unique/pro, it was released like 3 years ago while CoD 2 which was way more pro and fun was released like 7 years ago.

But on matter, what is expected when you associate with certain entrepreneurs.
Who says cod4 is oldschool?
Alot of high profile, gaming related, affiliates. It is also the general opinionated mindset of neofags.
Well i have never come across anyone saying COD4 is oldschool, So must be you.
I won CoD2 tournament at LAN versus Loekino and Maikel.. does this mean im oldskool?
playing with loekino makes you oldschool automagicaly
achievement unlocked - be old school
cod2 is the oldschool game in comparison but cod4 "killed it off" and went bigger afaik
welcome to the end of game servers...
I feel for you bro :(
image: I+know+that+feel+bro

i supose this isn't allowed in newsposts, but i just wanted to show how truly sympathetic i am
hmm quakelive was ok but this is clearly a cash cow

if you get a game server/cloud server and stuff like that then it might be ok but i dont like the idea of pay-per-play unless im getting something worth my money

it is clear though that the old style of pay up front for games doesnt work - you end up getting piracy, lots of games which are all hyped up and released unfinished then devs have no inccentive to fix the bugs or release new content

7 dollars a month is too much hough
I would pay for promod.
Quote7 dollars a month is too much hough

what? :D
too much for just a couple of extra guns, uniforms etc.. etc.. as Roach said if we got a pro-mod, new maps and constant bug fixing then it might be worth it
its shame that i must pay to play aerowalk, so dont say that quake was ok
true aerowalk is awesome :p

i like the concept though but i wouldn't have premium only maps
QuoteFacebook integration, competitive leaderboards


hard to believe that gaming is already past its concorde moment.
In competitive ways for sure.
go play some football with friends,live your life and fuck this pc internet life!
I knew Kotick'd do it. Look at that fucking evil grin of his.
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