GIGA Allstar Match Tonight!

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German gaming channel GIGA has formed their own allstar game in order for some Saturday night fun! Both online and on TV the germans will be bringing you Call of Duty's finest in action.

Tonight from 23.00 CET the beautifully named "Team 1" from England, Germany & France will take on the equally beautifully named "Team 2" powered by benelux madskills will do battle for your entertainment.

Read On for the lineups!

Team 1
Germany Trigger
Germany L-King
United Kingdom Mick
United Kingdom Trainee
France Ozwald

Team 2
Belgium MITOX3
Netherlands rickz
Netherlands roEL
Netherlands zem
Netherlands Solz

I caught up with the effervescent H2K member, solz to get his expert opinion on the match, as to who will win and why!

QuoteBy being not biased , but just realistic I think TEAM 1 will win , just because of the type of players and that the dutchies and wannabe dutchy ( MITOX3 ) probably won't care about this much as much as the other TEAM. So I predict TEAM 1 to win the match because they have lots of players that play agressively and that is in my opinion the key to succes in a mix.

Tune in at GIGA
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