, down again (Update 3)

I've written a journal about this but since it looks like we're not gonna be back for a while im moving this here.

Sunday noon the server started to spam the syslog with sata exceptions before becoming unresponsive and eventually going down completely. The errors indicated a problem with either the sata controller or the harddisk itself.
We're currently waiting for a KVM to access the server and maybe try to get a snapshot of the serverstate before it went down; or at least figure out what exactly is wrong.

In the meantime Msh100 is taking care of getting new harddisks to the datacenter so we can raid our box and prevent this from happening again the future. However, depending on the damage, it's probably gonna take until tuesday or wednesday to resolve this. We sure hope to be back up and fully functional for the upcoming SAGE lan this weekend.

The worst case scenario would be an unreadable harddisk. In that case we would need to rebuild the site from a backup. We do nightly backups of the important stuff, but that does not include user uploaded images like avatars and team logos. Those backups are the last resort and we hoped that we'd never need them so rebuilding from them is a pain in the ass.

We've set up this fancy fallback page for now and we'll try to cover some matches manually

I'll keep this newspost updated but don't expect too much, progress is slow at the moment. In any case this is the most serious issue we've had to face, ever.

Update: We managed to get a snapshot and move it to another host. The current plan is to temporarily get it running on another box until our own server is fixed. So we might be online tonight (27.6), pretty much fully functional. In the meantime our server will hopefully get fixed with raid and we'll move back over before the lan to resume normal operation. Looks like we got lucky

Update 2: While I'm writing this we're getting a new case that can hold more hdds and two new hdds. A quick integrity check of the emergency backup revealed that everything should be in order so we can resume the exact state of the server when it went down. Like the crash never happened.

Update 3: We're back for good. On our own server already, with raid! Not a single byte of data was lost and everything is running smoothly.
Thanks to YCNs United Kingdom msh100 and his immense effort this could be handled relatively quickly.
i see now what happen :(
Quote the server started to spam the syslog with sata exceptions before becoming unresponsive and eventually going down completely. The errors indicated a problem with either the sata controller or the harddisk itself.
We're currently waiting for a KVM to access the server and maybe try to get a snapshot of the serverstate before it went down; or at least figure out what exactly is wrong.

ah and i thought its something complicated
keep the good work skooli and ycn guys. shit happens but alteast you keep daily backups :)
nice to give some ip at least, still doing a great job even @ problem :d
revee likes this
Backup ETTV is available thanks to Netherlands h3ll and Belgium me ! :)
So dont worry xD
thanks Netherlands h3ll
gl guys, nice to see people are putting effort in for the community
Keep up the good work. Hope its a quick and cheap fix
I wish it was cheap :(
Good work guys
I hope you don't need to rebuilt it!
Keep up the good work and thank for the effort.
no offense but to have a raid system these days is more than common security.

Hope you will be back soon :-)
no ChileSynergy's match? No EuropePlus-minus vs EstoniaBossid?
QuoteThose backups are the last resort and we hoped that we'd never need them so rebuilding from them is a pain in the ass.

Quoteimage: tlr-300x1681

Scotland Seanza striking again! :)

gl getting things back on tracks guys, keep up the good work :)
thanks for info

hope it will be back asap!!
unlucky lads, bbs!
good work lads, hope its back up asap!
I agree with what's been, you guys rock. Hope that everything will be back up soon.
Thanks for your efforts guys!
O shit had an ettv match tonight, but well you can't help it. Hope you guys got it back soon :) gl
back, good job :)
YCN = win. msh100 = megawin. welcome back! :D
cheers msh100, you're a legend! ;)
on a lighter note. i think you got my money wrong, the decimal place seems to be in the wrong place...

You have € 11867.68

should be

You have € 1186768.00
Hopefully the xf tech monkeys can learn something from the way GTV handled this issue ^^ harddisk issue =! complete wipe of every single comment...
good work :)

any pics from "The heart of ET" ? :D I hope you mean that, else I will look like an idiot in this comment :D
now the world knows we're running seagate. how embarassing
you were running on WD Blues.... they all fail eventually , no matter what make...
yes thats what i meant ;)
expected it to be much bigger tbh
All I can say, is "I'm disappointed with you"
Thanks for your efforts guys!
good job
i love raid
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