SAGE: Ruleset and maplist

It's getting closer to that time where we'll be meeting in Enschede once again! Those of you who were listening to the groups announcement show last Monday may already be aware of this information as the site was launched on the same night, but this news post is for those who aren't aware!

For the maps, there will be a slightly reformed process for picking the maps. This will apply to both group stage and playoffs during the tournament. You can find full information on that on section 7.0 of the rules.

The SAGE maplist will be:

In addition to the maps, I'm happy to make you aware of the full ruleset which is published on the SAGE website. It's advised that all players read the rules before coming to the event. It must also be stressed that the schedule is strict and matches will be started on their scheduled time. The only exception to this rule is if there are severe technical faults affecting the majority of a team or the event. Please make yourselves familiar with section 11.0 of the rules which details levels of punishment for failure to adhere to the rules.

Finally, it gives me great pleasure to announce the addition of SteelSeries to the event partners list. They will be providing prizes for certain tournaments at the event!

All teams from group A and group B are expected to be at the venue by 09:00 on Friday morning, don't be late!

SAGE Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory rulesimage: logo_header
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why is it that the 'viborg vipers' are from sweden? :P thats like nevo ET calling themselfs the stuttgart superstars
that website looks damn nice y0
i read multiple times the same line in the rules
cya lan.
and its awesome that i can get some sleep on friday :D
hmmmmm so what about that TLR map contest stuff?
There's an update about that which should answer your question : )
Well what eim said
good job again!
Almost cool maps.:D
QuoteIt must also be stressed that the schedule is strict and matches will be started on their scheduled time.

Sweet, so it's gonna be like every lan we've had so far: no delays at all
Wasn't AEF ahead of schedule? ; )
Any final schedule up yet
what about the maps? no new one?
loool so I have to wake up at 8 am, will be very hard :<
dont go sleep,
problem solved
hehe good idea :)
same here :( gotta save some beers to morning :)
where I can find u :D ?
bad boekelo hotel before 9 am and after that @ lan center lol
well then maybe we will drink some beers together :P
ofc, why not, i will be drunk all the time anyway :))))
just gimmy my wodka !
pelle just tell my how many liters should I take for u
well after tonight 0,1 l ... never gonna drink again!
0,1 l :D ? :D ?
looking forward :-o
0.4 Han "Anaconda" Flamez (Admin)

any schedule out?
On GamesTV there was some kind of schedule for the 1st July.
Our group's games start on friday, 10 pm...
it's a pity new maps didn't work out yet
I want to see Pirates played, yo!
It's fairly innocent, but this is the first time I've seen this mentioned. It's not good form to post these kind rules as a last minute announcement as some people still might have objections.

Quote2.2 All players are expected to participate in video interviews, photographs, audio interviews and other coverage requirements if asked

Furthermore, the three rules in "10.0 Miscellaneous rules" are duplicates of the rules in "12.0 Technical issues".
For CIC7, there were some rules about this. Not rejecting video interviews etc, I think it was also there for AEF.

As for the dupe rules, that's it fixed now. No idea what happened there!
Well yes, but you only published the rules after they all signed up.
This is just an expectation.
Don't put it in the rules then. :D
u afraid of camera, FROP?
No, but I'm slightly more concerned about people who say they dream about me. Problem, officer?
:-D, be happy it wasn't your skull that was smashed into the wall
Gunna hunt you down for a feature length interview then!
Good luck with that, I'm not a real person.

Quote by Mrs. Xso i was sitting on teamspeak with some guys the other day and someone joined from another channel to ask me if Frop is a real person or just an account all the admins share
Haha! Well in that case I will round ANY crossfire admins up and it will be a semi-Frop interview.
True, there's a little bit of Frop in everybody.
so in case i have to leave early on sunday and my team is still playing, we cant use our sub?
What if all maps from the mappool are played and it's still a draw?
Then we will proceed to a dance-off.
enhanced going for the dance-off, cupcake will pwn all!
What will be squirtles lineup?
Can't wait for Baggiez interview
too bad they didn`t add Pirates or Tounine to a mappool :(
cool i can finally drink alcohol there coz i have no real life friends :D
So we (part of the trickjump community) decided to show up.
Obviously, we don't give a shit about it, and we'll bring our baseball bats to smash everything (including some heads).
Get ready for it nerds.
Quote2.2 All players are expected to participate in video interviews, photographs, audio interviews and other coverage requirements if asked

I read pornographs :<
no surprise you did
the exact shedule out already?
its on gtv zlol
I thought there will be a new map in maplist :-(
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