ET Cast: SAGE Preview

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This is the third episode of ET Cast, covering all the top news since the last update over May and June.

In this update:
  • Scene News
  • Team News
  • Competition Updates
  • SAGE Event special feature, Preview and Interview
  • ET Cast Top10 June
  • Fragmovie of the Month

This episode covers as much as we could since the last update, mainly the upcoming SAGE event as well as competition news and team news.

PhoenixTV presents ET-Cast
ET Cast s01.e03 - SAGE Enemy Territory Tournament Preview

Thanks again to United Kingdom galla for his research for the upcoming ET Cast Top 10 which will be released on Friday. If you feel you can contribute in any way at all, be it watching games regularly and want to give input for any future moments of the month or creative or imaging skills you may have, feel free to contact myself.

[center]Youtube Channel ::: Seanza Interview ::: SAGE Teams Preview[/center]
lol u need more enthusiasm in your voice.
it's not a shoutcast, more like this except im a newb and he gets paid at least 6 figures :)
he's right though - the bbc news you just posted are not really something to be happy or excited about (except the olympics maybe) or something to look forward to. news about an upcoming event are something you'd want the 'masses' to be excited about and really want them to want to be part of it, or at least not miss out on it. or try to show a bit of supprise there, about the lineup changes or any other news concerning changes what so ever (as long as they can be taken positively). :)
(and you might want to record it a few more times for terms of fluency mabye)

but other than that i really look forward to the next cast
those bbc guy is changing a topic in every 20 sec. And u talk about every topic much longer so it sound like u r getting more and more bored during your speech. I dont want to hear you having orgasm but i think u should try to speak louder and faster sometimes.
but anyway every next ET-cast is better than last one :)
yea :) improves all the time - thin k the background music helps the flow a bit.
You are better, need sponsor that gives you 6 figures per show
great Job Merli :)
Great work Merlinator. Thanks for your effort!
how fragz?:D
the radar one is cool.. the other is kinda normal i think... but i will check it more carefully soon
ok:) but its 6 man kill zomg :D
well, mine then?:P
still, you could speak with more enthusiasm, but for the rest well done:)
Great job Merl! Shame about the Fragmovie of the month, should have put Baggiez vs Ati_ instead
IDD, i said the same thing to Artstar just now :DD

anyway gj merli! ;)
nice job!
Nice one (again) keep it up! :)
gj, keep it up :)
thank u, much appreciate :)
wednesday before SAGE and almost no lan teams looking for 5v5

hmm :XD
its tuesday mate
lol, seriously :XD
One piece of advice. When you were talking about the contestants for SAGE it just showed a SAGE picture for the entire time. Try putting some more info on screen, lineups, previous wins, things like that. Will make it more interesting to watch. Still great work.
fims player to spec at wnbpro, cuz of his tk's?
it says player to watch, not best player of the team :P.
psssttt dont tell them :(
nice work
Nice stop bro!
u coming to lan?
You replied to the wrong person?
nope, i wanna know if u are coming from usa!
Lmfao, nah :D. Maybe if there is a LAN in like 5 years. :D
well done! :)
Nice work merl!
good job!
ei el one, or ali
I listened to it last night when I couldn't sleep, but your voice changed that, thanks !

Other than that, nice job Merlinator :)
not enough physical work?!
More than enough :')
Shouldnt have problems sleeping then ;)
I have, working different shifts every day, so it's not really something to get used to :p
that makes the difference, but u know, just work your ass off everyday till you know when u get home u'll fall asleep right away, good tactics!
Hmm okay, I'll think about it. Thanks decem8 ;-)
no problemo, BuLLz0rm8!
lovely stuff :)
omg maus omg
QuoteOldschool Superstars Fragmovie of the Month

Quotehis latest movie is probably his best yet

image: 135
u really sound like your lil bro btw:D
hoe please, nothing alike. :\
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