SAGE: Groups stage
1 Jul 2011, 16:54
We've had a fairly standard start to the day and are beginning to catch up on some lost time during the Call of Duty 4 tournament. For all of you who are looking to see who won vs. who and who finished top of what group in ET so far, you can check that out at TEK 9.
We'll bring you up to date as much as we can here, but please keep an eye on our social media profiles.
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and playoff tree when we get to that point?
and the official schedule?
e: nvm, its all on tek9
or the matches havent started yet?
I think the LAN itself is running well, but coverage... well I didnt see any... FAIL!
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matches started like 6 hours before :F livestream should be on all the time and promoting it way more would be cool. i told seanza to do like lvlup guys do it :(
I havent been online on Friday or Saturday and it was quite difficult to find out the results and everything else about the LAN.