SAGE: Videos on Demand

image: 1This past weekend held host to the first major European Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory and Call of Duty 4 event of the year. It took place in the Dutch town of Enschede, the home of our beloved venue; WZZRD Gaming Café. The victorious MGC (note, I did not say team!) was Anexis eSports as they had 2 teams enter into the gaming festivities, both of whom wound up the champions of their respective tournaments.

Adroits' streaming partner for the event was none other than Kaos TV which saw Matthijs "A_Spec" Hoving entertain thousands for Call of Duty 4 and we had Owain "Owzo" Howard verbally tearing his way through the weekend for all of you Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory fans. However, the majority of this weekend must be immortalised, an archive was needed... Kaos TV have stepped up to the board and have launched their official post-SAGE Video on Demand collection.

All videos can be found on the Kaos TV YouTube profile, and the coverage doesn't stop at recorded matches. For those of you who've been hunting for the interviews that were promised, Kaos TV have also answered your prayers. You can watch interviews conducted with ET's Baggiez and CoD4's solu, as well as a quick chat with myself, Seanza.

image: sagessbanner

Go grab yourselves some popcorn, hit that golden subscribe button and get ready to re-live and share our memories from an epic event! Here's to many more...

Kaos TV's YouTube
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Adroits' Facebook
Adroits' Facebook

One should be Twitter :)

thx for this
is it me or ET just looks beautiful

thanks for the uploads
Thats basically the one of few downsides of SAGE, only 3 interviews in total? :[
Potty intended on doing a lot of starzi-style interviews, but if you look at the Flickr pics, it becomes clear why he didn't :D
Haha yeah, he was baked the first time we arrived and was baked last time I saw him before we left D:
this was to be expected, he wasnt gonna get any if i was there! :D
I spot a kamz in the seanza interview
my interview is missing! get it :<
See see! Even Meez is amazed how the panzer got past me! :(
you are a disgrace to Finland and ET.
Sorry about that. Was just a perfect shot.
Enjoyed watching the final.. Also meez doing a good job with the shoutcast!

Good job guys;)
which ET games are worth a watch? no one sided games plz, just watched wb final and was kinda boring :(
not rly, both games vs oxid were boring, first one they raped us, second one we raped them.
I remember one match when I alwasy came around stownage/krestis computer and you ppl won by a few seconds. One round was on supply, the other I can not remember. Might have been some other match or even two differnt ones :o
We had a close game vs spot16 on radar, and then epic fullhold @ supply (with few seconds) which won us the game.

probably that one, rest was pretty clear win or losses.
no help to me then :p dont have ET. But thanks anyway
Baggiez lots of smack talk
upload the pics/videos from ur phone already!
what about potty's videos?!
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