Finishing the first week!

image: ipsAgain it's time to bring you some hot chicks playing in hot dress! With the topmatch of Poland FearFactory facing the new lineup of Europe dMiZE the first decision will come up in group C. The loser of this match has to overpower urtier's favorite for this group Belgium cZar to get in the next stage. While the European team around mesqi has to beat the Czech qualifier Czech Republic infrag.
As third and last match tonight the German team of Germany roYality has to prove themself by facing one of the stable teams in ET: Latvia Violence is Bad.

Later this night GIGA2 and our very own FlyingDJ will bring you an awesome showmatch with the teams of the EuroCup XIII final and their new lineups. Estonia and Europe dMiZE will meet each others again to present the abilities of the ESL IPS First Stage to GIGA.

In addition to this, the ESL ist still looking for a replacer. If you are interested in participating in the IPS, this is your last chance to join our tournament while one team is maybe on the way to quit. Contact and admin in for more information.

[img|left][/img]Europe dMiZE _ _ __ _ vs FearFactory Poland
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Supply Depot 2, SW Goldrush TE
ETTV: Tune in
Shoutcast: Tune in Headshot Radio
Match Details:

[img|left][/img]Czech Republic infrag _____ _ vs _ _ _ __ cZar Belgium
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Supply Depot 2, SW Goldrush TE
ETTV: Tune in
Match Details:

[img|left][/img]Russia ViB_ __ _ _ _ _ vs _ _ _roYality Germany
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: Braundorf B4, SW Goldrush TE
ETTV: Tune in
Match Details:

[img|left][/img]Estonia _ _ _ _ vs _ __ _ dMiZE Europe
Time: 23.00 CET
Maps: Supply Depot 2, Reactor
ETTV: Tune in
Shoutcast: Tune in
Coverage: GIGA2 Newspost
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