PHX: Signups Closing Soon

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With sign ups due to close in just over a weeks time, it is time for the ET community to stand up and be counted as the call for more LAN events in the past 6 months has been met with a poor showing in the first ET ONLY LAN event since ... not even twidi can remember. Currently there have only seven sign ups of a possible twelve, although there are a handful of teams still deliberating on wither to come or not - Time is running out.

Sign up pack: LINK

Tournament Updates
There has been a slight increase to prize money for every situation - be it 6, 8, 10 or a 12 team event. Somewhere between 200-250 euros in each instance (details can be seen below) Also the details on how to make payments are now available:
  • Made Payable to Mr. Hanlon
  • Account: 80499821
  • Sort Code: 605006
  • IBAN: GB24NWBK60500680499821
  • Branch address: 22 King's Mall Hammersmith London W6 0QD

Due to International transfer fees, payments from outside the UK will cost me £10 to receive, and as such individual transfers have been adjusted slightly - if paying for your entire team in one payment I have decided to absorb the fee rather than increase the sign up and as a result this method is recommended. Payments, as usual, are non refundable*

Payment amounts:
Bulk from UK: €300 (£265)
Individual from UK: €60 (£53)

Bulk from Europe: €300 (transfer fees absorbed)
Individual from Europe: €65 (due to transfer fees, read above)

If you have the option to state what team or player this is paying for, please add that information in the payment details.

Event Details
Location: Crossfire LAN centre, Swansea, Wales
Date: 10th-11th September 2011
Format: 5on5, Groups and Double Elimination Bracket
Sign up per team: €300
Tournament Size: 6[/b]]Minimum games per team: 6
Prize pool: €1,050 (1st only) (+250 included)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 8[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €1,350 (1st & 2nd - 1100/250) (+200 included)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 10[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €1750 (1st & 2nd - 1300/450) (+250 included)
Consolation Tournament: Yes
/ 12[/b]]Minimum games per team: 5
Prize pool: €2250 (1st, 2nd & 3rd - 1500/500/250) (+250 included)
Consolation Tournament: If time permits - not included in current minimum games

BYOC: No (this is a TUP event, PC's are already there)

PHX-1 Updates
11/05/2011: Initial Announcement
11/06/2011: Latest Update
11/07/2011: Signups open
20/07/2011: Location Information & Pictures
02/08/2011: Signups Closing Soon
11/08/2011: Signups Close*
18/08/2011: Payment Deadline*
10 & 11/09/2011: PHX-1 Takes place

If you wish to attend or need players for a team, there is a recruitment sticky thread which you can find here

Organisers: United Kingdom Ethr & United Kingdom MerlinatoR
PHX Info: Link
*As long as event takes place, event cancellation due to lack of teams will result in payment refunds.
"the first ET ONLY LAN event since Crossfire Challenge 1"

CPC1 had CoD2, can't forget their screaming during the games :D
ahh did it? :D maybe the first ET only lan then :)

also, edited - unless you remember one! :D
had cod4 also
Hmm, didn't see any ;d
day1 cod4, day2 et :p
You dont see them, you hear them through the annoying sound of supply depot
You wrote this before and we told you on vent I'm pretty sure Merl, sort it out son!!! :D
French lans ! :D
Polish ones too I guess, basement megalans
need team with full support, kk
ati doesnt want to go dont recruit him he smells
[16:23] <@saKen> ik ben ff afk
andere computer G
I expect to see a lot of teams sign up in the coming week
need team with full support, kk
cu there
*As long as event takes place, event cancellation due to lack of teams will result in payment refunds.

Pretty much the same rule that is at every LAN event, even the ET ones :)
It sounds like "we havn't got many signup".
Sign ups mean little - just look at SAGE, CoD4 had nearly 100 teams signed up but ET had 16 teams paid first. ;)
indeed but how many teams signed up for PHX ?
7/12, bit of a poor reaction from the scene I know, but its upto to the players and teams - Ive done as much as I can :)
I'm assuming all the supporters of 5on5 have signed up their teams though.. I mean that's why we play 5on5 right, so people can go to LANs...

I'm assuming all the supporters of british lans have signed up their teams though.. I mean that's why we play a british lan right, so people can go to british LANs...

I don't want to go to LANs to play, British or otherwise (if this was your point). I haven't seen a huge amount of people demanding UK LANs, I have seen et changed from 6on6 to 5on5, in the name of more LANs, that when happen, apparently don't get as many signups as possible.

Take my comment with a pinch of salt, I don't expect people to come to Swansea if they can't afford/don't want to. It's just frustrating for me, as I much preffered 6on6 over 5on5 - I realise that this is not the same for everyone.
5on5 is played so there are actually LAN events, which is what people do want to play from time to time :) ET could probably get a number of LAN events per year but the community seems to only be able to handle two (at most).
I know I know. Read my comment above. I just remember a vague promise of 4-6(????) LANs a year. Presumably this was suggested because someone had identified the demand for these LANs, which as you've highlighted is not there. It's nice to see you and ethr(?) have put effort into a LAN for the community - I hoped there would be more interest in it!
there could easily be 4-6 events a year for ET, but the response to ET LAN events are generally poor not just in sign up response but also comically in the attitude towards the organisers (How dare you try to do an ET LAN!!! :D) which puts people off.

Also ET has one of the least pro active commnities in e-sports - which doesn't help at all.
There's been E-Series, SAGE and phx. If AEF and/or CC8 would have taken place, you got like 4/5 lans this year. And I've seen tons of British ppl ask for a British lan tbh.
Genuine question, no hidden meaning, do you know why AEF and CC8 didn't happen?
AEF because of sponsor problems I think (the whole lan didnt take place, not only ET)
CC8 => got no idea, I heard Tosspot wants to make it quite big, so harder to manage I guess
AEF is a by-yearly event that as hoping to switch to yearly this year but it just didnt come together - CC8 I think has had a number of things slow it, new venue/bigger ideas/more time on planning/generally just bigger! :D

Thankfully SAGE was around which was an enjoyable and by all accounts a very relaxed event.
the UK scene response has been a bit of a let down so far idd :( considering the LAN centre is really easy to get to for pretty much anyone in the UK (and cheap - £120 for train, hotel and sign up is really good imo)
ye, for EU teams its a waste of time/money to go to it imo, as it would take quite some hours to get there (+ money) and that for a 6/8 team tournament, no thx :p
well it depends on what you go to LAN for I guess :) I have a feeling this will be the last LAN event for ET this year and probably until March/April/May next year.
doesnt really change the reasons why not to attend this lan though :(
avi to play if someone paid for my entry :_D
Supski attending, can we make payment via paypal??
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