ET Eurocup, round 1 - Summary

image: cuplogo_2373

The Clanbase Enemy Territory Eurocup XII round 1 has been played, this time without postponed matches or forfeit wins, the only thing that was delaying the matches for minutes is the rule about etpro guids.

Now, to the recent news:
Germany Team-Beta and Europe remedium have decided to join multigaming clans, the first team is now known as oceans6 and the second one as Spreading Death e-sports.
There were also big lineup changes in this firt week: Finland have recruited Hungary Future (left United Kingdom 141) and Spain Winghaven (left Spain wArning!), but later lost Finland lettu, who now has to fill Future's boots in United Kingdom one4one. As a replacement for Wing, Spain wA! recruited Netherlands mike, who's well known from Ocrana and junk52. After Germany murDa's departure from the gaming scene, Europe IDKFA decided to follow the trend of recruiting the Kreaturen players. Their new member is Netherlands Milk.
Updated: Europe Ratatosk's roster shortened with the loss of Germany slaz to 141. Their second ex-Kreaturen member is none other than Netherlands Lun4t1C.

Anyway, here are the results:

Group A
Estonia - Russia Team Zenith : 4 - 0
Germany oceans6 - Germany Instant Defeat : 4 - 2

Group B
Finland uQ-gaming - Europe Team Helix : 4 - 2
United Kingdom one4one - Europe Spreading Death : 4 - 0

Group C
Europe IDKFA - Israel insanity! : 4 - 0
Europe Ratatosk - Poland Logitech UVM : 4 - 0

Group D
Finland - Europe pstarZ : 4 - 0
Spain wArning! - United Kingdom Clan SoF : 4 - 0

In round 2, some teams can already secure their playoff spots, so it should be interesting. Be sure to check ETTV ips on

The upcoming matches are:

Germany oceans6 - Russia Team Zenith
Germany Instant Defeat - Estonia

Finland uQ-gaming - United Kingdom one4one
Europe Team Helix - Europe Spreading Death : 4 - 0 (updated)

Europe IDKFA - Poland Logitech UVM
Europe Ratatosk - Israel insanity!

Spain wArning! - Europe pstarZ
Finland - United Kingdom Clan SoF
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