ClanBase OC & EC go on!

image: fall2009

As topic says, by many of you called " fail " ClanBase OC & EC are now on the right way. Every controversial and unexplained issue is currently clearly clarified.

Firstly we want to inform you about choosing the main format for upcoming OpenCup and EuroCup. ClanBase Enemy Territory Crew, regarding to the CB poll (almost 90% for 6on6) and earlier community ideas, decided about coming back to 6on6 teamsize. What is more, the mappol is now completely ready too and presents 10 maps which will be play in the 6on6 Cups :
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • radar
  • bremen_b3
  • sw_oasis_te
  • missile_b3
  • karsiah_te2
  • adlernest
  • frostbite
  • erdenberg_b2
Every map and valid server config you can download from ClanBase sign up site in the right menu.

ClanBase reminds that sign up for all Fall Cups closes on 11th September so if you are interesing in joining this season go on and book slot for your team.
2on2 OpenCup
3on3 OpenCup
6on6 OpenCup

In case you have any questions or problems, please contact us at

We thank the community which fallows us instead of blaming and we are really thankful to Netherlands pds for his job.[/hide]
No delivery, fick ja! <3 Too bad for the lack of ice & base though :/

EDIT: Epic ratings there :)
6on6 <3
nice mappool :) i like :)
btw im avi :p
nice !!! & what's ofc ofc vent vent at with "EC only" ?

Ok that mousecontrol asks it, but them?
I think they're allowed to ask it aswell.
Allowed offcourse, but it isn't really rational in my opinion :)
Why do you still call it "5on5 OpenCup" then ?
idd, had to read it 3 times, thought my brain just couldnt handle the text :(
header will be update soon dont wry - i dont have acces on this on CB only chief of cup and hes away till the 02/09
hope mg is still disabled in config as it used to be before...
Disable for Missile :P
no, everywhere, that gun was thrown out for a reason while ago and it baffles me that after almost 2 years of 5on5 ppl forgot why it was disabled...
Well, you could apply the same argument that the format was changed to 5on5 for a reason but that would contradict everything because clearly the community prefers 6on6.
How can be format change compared to gun removal? Just because both happend for a reason it doesnt make them equally relevant. MG was removed because as weapon it requires no skill whatsoever, is overpowered and static.
cannot disagree more... sorry but those guns are part of the game and i dont want (as a spectator) to see only the smg, it adds versatility
lets bring mortar back, its part of the game. And cancel class/weapon limitations so that every player in team can have a rifle, panzer or plant 15 mines, its just part of the game...
Member For: 4 years, 6 months and 2 days
24 more, you're my hero now ecklav <3
Lets just go back to 5on5 and disable all other weapons but knife, pistol and SMG. Could also just forget about the objectives and change the format to TDM or S&D.
I dont care about 5on5 or 6on6...
you're a moron... mg users must put themselves at such a position they can help their team, while the other team's rifle can just fuck him up with only one riflenade...

besides: if you move accordingly, you can make sure the mg cant hit you... its simple mathematics, not our problem that you're not good at it...

just my 25 cents bruvski :D:d:Dddd now eat a dick & die
comes from player who abuses a gun that doesnt require any kind of skill...
you said that already, any other well thought of reasons?
Quote mg users must put themselves at such a position they can help their team, while the other team's rifle can just fuck him up with only one riflenade...

yet, those positions are almost unreachable by other team and in such distance, that smg hs makes less dmg than mg hit. Also mg hit gives enormous kickback so any smg counter attack is unthinkable. On the other hand, its true that rifle can kill him more easily (because of its static nature), but he needs to get into proper position + needs to be pixel precise at that distance, which is hard job to do considering there are other 4-5 guys freely watching any other possible way that mg is not covering + rifle still needs to expose himself to mg fire which makes possibility of missing much higher because of above mentioned kickback.
No, just no..
bad news, bad supervisor

suck on that Thomm
Great decision, best one from 2011 so far.

6v6 and a good maplist, what else do we need? :>
Thought u were a 5on5 supporter? :p
I've never been a 5v5 supporter, although i got used to it.. it's a big change from 6v6 to 5v5, people need to play clever, the aim is a must have.. at the other side, 6v6 is more funny
nice, but seriously fix your English.
Good move with 6on6. Don't know why Battery and Braundorf were removed from the list though. Should have rather removed Karsiah already. It was hard enough to attack there 5on5 and now imagine that 6on6, with all the FFE spam and mines and so. Erdenberg needs some adjusting, the first stage is too hard to attack and the last stage is too easy to attack and spawnrape. Need to allow some mines for axis engineers on the back stage. But good job with picking up Missile and Oasis!
battery - i didnt found the last tournament edition and oasis was a good map
b4 is to small for 6v6 with riffle and mg same times
B4 is quite nice with rifle and mg but you have to know how to play it.
But its your choice.
erdenberg is being adjusted as i speak
youre right with karsiah. needs some fixing, cant be played 6on6 otherwise imo.
ive never been a fan of 6on6 braundorf tho!
6on6 braundorf is great to watch. Yeah ok, it's easy for the rifle but I like it because it requires you to do perfect timed attacks together in the last stage.
seriously big maplists have never worked, never will work. 7 is absolutely max you can go for. Solution? remove karsiah, oasis/frost/adler and erden/missile.

no comment about cfg if its still same as what pds made :/ just horrible...
remove everything!
remove oasis? wtf have u been drinking this morning -.-
you're going to lecture me about oasis? :)
just the best map eva
Great map even tho running as allies gets a bit boring :-)
Probably too late, but the mappool is too huge, cant expect new teams to get all those maps pracced.
where are you on IRC?
do people even pracc? :DDDDDdd
Mappool is the way too huge mofos.
bullshit. remove every map except gr/supply/radar and disable mg.

also too many mines too owerpowered should decrease by 1-2.

+ 1-2 random maps frost/karsiah/oasis
Jesus, give the mappool a rest - just play the cup.
If you want other maps, organise odc's and prove that they are worthy playing in 6v6 :)
nice work

I would just remove frosbite or/and enderberg from the maplist,rest is fine for me :)
really great work cb :)
nice work!
Theres a beta3 version of erdenberg being tested at the moment, and which is more appropriate for 6o6.. Is it still possible to change from beta2 to beta3?

Nice decision by the way ;)
it will be in OC only anyway so who cares? :XD
Where does it state that?
I state that :)
bF likes it, they might pick it :P
Don't act asif you don't care :D
where the fuck is 6v6?
Would be a good idea to let someone who is decent at english write this stuff
its like the community decided to start from zero witht he mappool and config
too huge mappol ? guys, haven't you ever played CB OC/EC ? every matchweek has own maps so teams practice only these maps, what makes chance for team to choose their main map for playoffs.
have you played mr admin? 4 teams per group (5 in extreme situations) means 3-4 matchweeks with 2 maps per week that gives us 6-8 maps needed for groupstage, playoffs=supply/gold/radar/adler only as teams pick their fav maps ergo 10 maps in pool is too much
Yes I have.

And 10 maps is too much.
In grousptage it's still possible to maintain since u only have to play the 2 forced maps.
But it does become a real problem @ playoffs - since for every game u should be ready to play all the 10 maps. which is too much to maintain :)
Let's remove supply&gold \o/
I'm sorry...have you played EC?!
Dude, haven't you ever tried to think ? 10 maps = idiotic decision, nothing else to add.
It takes balls to claim people are new to this game who've played this game far more than you did and at a much higher level...either balls or lack of braincells.
inb4 grammar nazis !
fuck 6on6
Why the fuck do we need 10 maps in the mappool when we only have like 6 decent maps and they would be fairly enough? Never understood these "fill up maps".
What Lazio said.
he said smth about maps image: Cool-Face-1
and smth about pracc
and smth about EC
Needs more maps.
Dont wry about the 10 maps omfg - its a global maplist, just wait and see
erdenberg/missile/karsiah out and pirates/tuonine in
interesting mappool :)
why test maps that were proven to be bad in 6on6 before the change to 5on5? :D jesus
You like this 6on6 change?
couldn't care less tbh :P wouldn't be playing seriously in any format
please get rid of these horrible maps
scared to play OC?
please get rid of this horrible polak
Silly teams putting their rating above 8 =D
rating is like "annex" for us
* supply
* sw_goldrush_te
* radar
* bremen_b3
* sw_oasis_te
* missile_b3 (don't really remember what kind of map this was)
* karsiah_te2
* adlernest
* frostbite
* erdenberg_b2

and looks fine to me, karsiah is boring, nothing tactical there.. you just need to frag and it's gg. in erdenberg u can run in like 3 secs to the obj from both allies and axis.. if there isn't a big skillcap between the teams then the team with better spawntimes will win the map. + it's 6on6 sounds like fucking chaos.. so remove those 2 maps.. and put VENICE? in! also there was some other cool map but don't remember the name of it 8(

if I get my pc working then might play EC and even OC3v3 if there are good teams! 8)
secretweapon for 6on6 ec!
I must admit I really regret not trying venice out @ my CB cadency (actually I haven't thought about this map despite knowing it :<)
like you will play anyways !!
venice? you have got to be shitting me
yea always liked it somehow.. :---D, something different!
ok ! i give !
one question, if team applies as "EC only" and they obviously are not worthy at all, not even for qualification, does it mean they are automatically excluded from OC too?
haha I have this question in my mind for a while :D
I think there was smth like that in past but I cant remember how it ended
bb ofcofcventvent so far ?! :D
well, ye, thats why I was asking this :D
haha I have this question in my mind for a while :D
they wont play ec, and then they will ask admins to be accepted @ oc and they will play there.
Usually yes, nowadays probably not.
looking forward to it! dont know if i will participate tho!
QuoteWe thank the community which fallows us instead of blaming and we are really thankful to pds for his job.

Time for us to rename ourselves
This needs some proofreading...
6on6 OpenCup

what the fuck is that oO
Quote47 by #g2p Europe 23 / 18 8 Wants

Quote50 DreaM - Gaming Europe 2 / 2 6 Wants

image: 20110829205522supply

And then not even 1 gg or wp from you :<
noname vs noname
you meant: low vs low
"im bettar than drago" :xD
i wouldnt post screenshots where ppl are seen playing with psiquh!
masculine mans?
dubrovnik instead of oasis please
Great job tanchez and GoldoraK.
Can't understand the continuous need for 10 maps, 5-6 would be the best size for pool. or if you wanna troll then just add all the others ever-played-competitively maps into the pool too.
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