Welcome to the new server!

Dear Crossfire members,

As you will have surely noticed by now, recently the site has suffered some downtime. We have been unable to resolve this issue thus far, and are therefore moving to a new host. This server has been specifically designed for Crossfire, and is personally managed by the Crossfire Crew to ensure that you get the best possible experience.

We would like to thank Fragland for having provided us with their hosting services for all this time and baring with us through these difficult times. We will be of no further trouble to them.

image: x3mtrans
Another big thank you goes out to X3M Servers, who are kindly providing us with the new server to host Crossfire on. If you get a chance, check out their services by clicking on this link. You won't be disappointed, and we're sure we won't be either.

Thank you for understanding, and if all goes well this will be last and final downtime for Crossfire.
-- taLa.

Looks like the migration to the new X3M Server has been successful. The infamous error 28 should now be a thing of the past !

You may be wondering what xfire.lk2.de is in the URL you're getting. It is a temporary domain kindly provided for us by Belarus arni to ensure a smooth move to the new server. While you're using this domain, xfire.be and crossfire.nu will get updated to point to this server. Kudos to Belarus arni for planning the move to the new server and clearing up the DNS Darkness in my head!

The server has been tested and crossfire has been found to work on this server. However, if you do happen to find a glitch, please do not hesitate to let me know. You're the ones that keep this site running.

X3M Servers
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