#ET-Cup.com - Final standings!

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Our first 6v6 custom map ET-Cup is over. With 7 teams, more than 46 players and 4 matches live on GamesTV.org it was a really nice event. Not that big as expected but it was fun to admin, play and spec as far as I know. Both new maps showed some potential and according to the feedback I got from the players the final version of Pirate is more suited at the moment and to be honest I really enjoyed speccing the games due to some refreshing environments, nice positions and multi kills - especially the winning team - Poland b2k, had some great last minute "objective returned" moments during the whole cup. So I want to thank all the teams for their attendance and patience during the tournament and all the other people involved. In case you have missed the fast paced actions take a look on the GamesTV.org replays and let me know what you think about both maps!

Read More for the final standing and more information about upcoming events!
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Poland b2k

Poland morfey
Poland Abject
Poland WuT
Poland w1lko
Poland mag
Czech Republic zajaczek

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Europe Sticked

France evl
France Provok
France An7ho
France MElO
France skynet
France Antho

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Big Final
Time: 22:45 CET
Maps: Pirates and Tounine_b2
League: image: et6v6 #ET-Cup.comimage: game27898
image: s_foot

Final standings:
Poland b2k
Europe Sticked
Europe zeroskill / Germany wnbpro

If there is interest I can do another custom map cup for Midnight and/or Pirates + any other map (your suggestion?). Drop me a comment or leave me a message on #ET-Cup.com and enjoy the remaining week!
Nice, gratz b2k :)
I hope next season will have more interested teams...
wp b2k, it was fun and original for once (not supply/grush as usual...)
6on6 killed et

2 med skilled teams in the finals ;D
thats not about 6v6

Maps: Pirates and Tounine_b2
shit maps are shit.
2 best* teams in the finals ;)
1. eu superMix (*)
2. de Team Majesty (*)
3. pl tMoe (*)
4. eu TAG.ET (*)
5. gb Queens (*)
6. nl OVERLOAdd (*)
7. be bF (*)

Were all playing in the other cup at the same time :d
my first 6on6 final woo
I was hoping for colt45 vs TAG in the final at pirates :]
and you were talking about retard image: hihi
who is retard
nice b2k

what are doing lows on 3rd place?
hope for another one of these cups soon
This is trully great, these maps seem quite cool to play!
nice work with the maps SPU9 :) hopefully the creators still want to improve them.
ye hope so, i contacted the creater of pirates by mail..hope he will come back to me soon since this map is already really nice
yea, would need little change to it tbh - imo CP & transmitter swapping places and having CP as forward spawn would have been better - my guess is when allies get away with obj they are fairly impossible to catch (at least when I played original).
low vs low pls, especially WuT
ET is dead, b2k winning anything...sigh.
haz to agree. what happened to the awesome skilled teams back in d days? :<
Nice job, couldn't play unfortunately but I'm sure it was a nice cup =)
I'm loving the look of pirates btw but the surface is so uneven, messes with the spread quite a lot.
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