A change in format? A change in activity. A change in number 1!

With the recent rise from the community regarding the format of Enemy Territory and its future, Clanbase was quick to revive the once prestigious "EuropeEnemy Territory 6on6 Stopwatch Ladder". With that announcement came a host of teams (more than 30) registering/signing themselves up to compete in the ladder within 10 days of the ladder revival.

The ladder once hosted some of Enemy Territory's most exciting teams including the likes of EstoniaIdle, FinlandSkit Evil, EuropeStronger than Hate etc. Back then it was considered a major achievement to be contending for that shiny golden ladder pictured next to your clan name.

With the recent revival comes a loss, with records of the old ladder including some of those names/teams mentioned above being erased from the glorious past. It seems that with the switch from 6v6 to 5v5 the ladder was deleted and so be it the teams, the reports, the scores! But its now time for the future and just recently Clanbase crowned its new 6on6 Ladder Champions. A team that is well renowned having members who have won prestigious tournaments such as Eurocup, a team that illustrates the newschool touch of the game and the ladder. That team is none other than FinlandKRP!

image: game27930

EuropeSupski were quick to pounce with the announcement of the ladder and were the 1st to be crowned Number 1. Heading into this match they had announced a new lineup, a lineup consisting of predominantly fresh new upcoming British talent and were promised a fair match by FinlandKRP, a team known to have numerous lineup(s) depending on the opponent. In what was a pretty close match it was the more experienced Finnish side of FinlandKRP which managed to take the victory.

Now all that is remain to be seen is how long FinlandKRP can hold on to their Number 1 Spot. Can they beat the amazing 7 day Number 1 Spot record held by EuropeSupski? Will some of the game's Big Hitters such as EuropeTAG or EuropeQueens enter the ladder and challenge the almighty Finns? Only time will tell!

Oh noes.
KRP fanboy dectected.
Quotefresh new upcoming British talent

can't be talking about fumble there. :_D
image: 6571795764699_6v6sup

bring 6v6 back, community wants it.
What does this mean? :P
5on5 =/= 31 :D?
pk t'es golmon ?
car ta mere est une pute obviously ?
peut etre, mais en tout cas elle gagne mieux sa vie que la tienne :/

mdr t'es tellement en manque que tu mets une photo d'une meuf sur ton profil xD
omg mais pk t'es useless ?
The #1 spot has belonged to Finland #KRP.et forever, and will stay that way forever.
yeah! nice news :)
QuoteBack then it was considered a major achievement to be contending for that shiny golden ladder pictured next to your clan name.

Uhmmm no, no-one cared :D
frozz did "no decider"
no EC teams in it anyway
KRP m8s forever #1
main news


a team known to have numerous lineup(s) depending on the opponent.

We didn't play with our real lu, we had to get 2 mercs rito and hste, would be nice to have a rematch with our real lineup!
Rito smg or rifle :D?????
"a team known to have numerous lineup(s) depending on the opponent."

Nice, hopefully more teams will start participating!

10k'd krp on missile sup/soup?
must've been one damn long missile! oh yeah, it was since you didnt make a time and we had no idea how to attack on such map :D

koop10k rolling hard!!!!!
"Back then it was considered a major achievement to be contending for that shiny golden ladder pictured next to your clan name."

Not really, but its true that people cared a bit more than these days.
How come everyone picks a fault with something as trivial as a statement about the ladder being prestigious in the past. I know for a fact that every player before 2007 probably strived to be number 1 at least once, or at least had it in their head that that was an amazing achievement. Why dont you concentrate more on the news that CB has introduced a 6on6 ladder and especially someone like yourself who has whined about 5on5 for years, can say smth like ah nice grats KRP or smth.
Why aren't you going mental on me ross :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((

maybe because you have no clue about teams or how prestigious ladder has been yet you write about it like you'd know everything. Also the history has not been lost.. its all under 5v5 ladder. And skit and sth as the most exciting teams? :D Wtf

besides that nicely written ROSS keep it up! :)
I named 3 teams that were always there or there abouts when it came to being number 1 in the ladder rank. You mock me for saying they were exciting? Some of the best/funniest games were between STH and Skit especially with the no decider thing. STH as a mix with some of the best players were always enjoyable to watch.

You say it wasnt prestigious yet i remember Skit whining like crazy when STH wouldnt play a decider. If it wasnt that important then a draw would have been accepted. Players used to write paragraphs for match reports too. Dont pretend like you never gave a crap about the ladder either, cos i know i did and i came around a bit after the "good times". Challenging STH for the number 1 spot with EU was so worthwhile and a great achievement at the time.

You pick apart a newspost that was intended just to be informative. Spend your time doing something more constructive.
SKIT-EVIL played officials for fun for a long time and it was never taken too serious and neither was the matches against sth. Hundreds of games played, thousands of hours played and then there comes sth which were maybe THE WORST enemy ever in the SKIT-EVIL CB LADDER history. And u fucking dare to call it exciting. sth and frozz we're the ones who set the retardness for whole new leve with their shit attitude. Tie was never a problem for SKIT (over 30 6v6-ladder ties played) but beeing childish and unmature was completely unneeded. no decider wasnt the only thing but they also challenged games to 3 am :). Very serious business :) SKIT founders eventually also called it a day after not having interest to face attitude like that (well whole scene had became more childish). And by the time sth vs skit matches took place the prestige in 6v6 ladder was long gone already and surely wasnt any kind of achievement.
My point still remains, there was a time when you took the ladder seriously and it had some sort of value. Maybe not at the time when SKIT finally reached the top 5, but the point still remains, as a spectator with no real knowledge of competitive ET, the games were enjoyable. The whole no decider created a huge debate, which is always a good sign. You cant argue that there was a time when the ladder had prestige, just like EC.
Ladder rankings never had any prestige (due to CB system) but yes clans liked to play officials in those just because officials meant more than praccs. EC prestige is kinda hard to evaluate. Higher you become less meaning EC has for you. It didnt stop half of the EC teams quiting in middle of season 05 either :) "must signup but cant bother to play - kinda follows the same trend these days too. I do not mean to be offensive i just think you chose wrong list of clans to try and hype the ladder. Feel free to check old matches and see what kind of games there were played.
If you're going to pick on one minor statement of Ross' I'll pick on one of yours. "Ladder rankings never had any prestige " - Thats just not true, perhaps not to you, but to a number of teams and player, both high and low, in RTCW and ET, there has ALWAYS been a time when the ladder placing had a meaning. That time was nearly always at the beginning of the game because that often all there was to fight for, but it had meaning and it had prestige.

And if you disagree, go find a ladder, go back to the opening 12 months of a game and check out the match reports of the top players, see whether people really didnt give a shit or whether they were actually filled with flame from the losing side for reasons X Y Z that they actually cared about.
Im saying that single officials were more important than any ladder placings. Rivalries and stuff like that. But yes I agree that there were clans who played around with rankings and points with BAD intensions which finally made clans to realize its useless to play so fucked up system. That prestige was the wrong kind of prestige. Compare the priority of it to ec/rtcw.no and it makes sense.
Finland-=svv=- played over 100 matches and we were never at top and didnt give a fuck =) actually on 100 game we got into 1st page and we were a bit happy=)
oh god those were golden years... :')
things that creates debates is most often not a good sign, especialy when it doesnt go anywhere FYI
dont be mad, im sure i was 1st of the ladder at some point in that golden time, but cant remember and surely didnt think it was a big deal back then.

as far as the rest goes, lol?
i chose to comment on this one particular thing, as it was something quick to point out.
u cant make conclusions of someone saying nothing since there can be thousands of different reasons for it
also i surely havent "whined years about 5on5"
It was kind of harsh of me to pick out ur comment, but i still stand by it. Ppl always so negative, just say grats or smth or sometimes nothing said is better than negativity. Mocking ET or its prestige whether cb is useless or not and whether the ladders are actually an achievement isnt/wasnt my main point of the post. Your post wasnt as bad as that, just wanted to sum up my feelings about some people's comments!

Im pretty sure most started off playing ladders and it was some sort of achievement, due to it being considered as an official. It did have some prestige and i dont care what ppl say, if you were a clan and you were playing in the ladder you played to win. Being number 1 was an achievement and i wish it was still considered like that.

Once you get to the top or you reach that goal, its never as "prestigious" as you probably thought it would be when you first had that achievement in mind. In fact i celebrated beating Dignitas in EC 8-0 more than i did winning Lan. Back in the golden days, when you 1st started playing officials Ladders were probably one of the main highlights. For me, watching SKIT vs STH was fascinating but today there is no emphasis on ladders or even Eurocup for that matter, its just another league/tournament where you can see some of the better players play.

News was slow so i thought id write something with regards to the scene. There is no reason why ladders cant be highlights or achievements anymore. Its unlikely that they will ever be like the "golden times" but a bit of publicity can go a long way!


Ok it has a high prize pot, but i guarantee that it reaches maximum signups and it will be enjoyable to watch/play
Stronger than hate.
crossfight was prestigious! we need another crossfight! dno if 6on6 is really the way to go. with all those oldfarts around it's already hard enough to get stable teams of 5. not that I actually had a life, but even I dont manage to play anymore :'(
QuoteA team that is well renowned having won prestigious tournaments such as Eurocup, a team that illustrates the newschool touch of the game and the ladder.

1) KRP has never won a EuroCup
2) most of the KRP guys were playing ET when you were still learning to walk

3) it was never considered much of an achievement, it was all about Finland SKIT-EVIL trying to win supply and raping radar
4) KRP, a team known to have numerous lineup(s) depending on the opponent ||| depends on the opponent only when we're playing vs OC opponents (we dont ask d. ppl) and on hate-games [when it comes to rolling Pakistan nerdmighty or some other despicable (we gather the finest and me)

also thx for your kind words
krp best :P

but ye, more competition please! holidays are over for most of people so it wont be a problem

blindi already corrected some mistakes u made, so wont go further with those

anyway, thanks for the news ross
And here I was thinking ET couldn't go downhill anymore after b2k won an ET-Cup.

Quote by R0SSSupski were quick to pounce with the announcement of the ladder and were the 1st to be crowned Number 1.
No offense mate, since Im not exactly skilled material either, but with your line-up becoming a number one basically means competition is (too) thin.
They just played the first match in that ladder and won -.-
play us with our real lu ;) wp tho!
challenge us then.
i need clan please pm me
What Crossfire/ET also lacks are scene news like that. Gj Ross

Laughing here to thos ebitter nerds (WALLE) here :DDD Who the fuck would care that much?
Looks cool, too bad people make such a big deal of some parts
Anyway good job r0ss
well done KRP

nice words ross :)

summer is nearly over, rain alrdy here. cold so lets go back to our pcs and lets paly paly et :)
nerd, stop that nerdtalk :S
:DDDDd im not talkin about me! it was like hipphipphurray lets go on! :/
oh just stop that.. :S
why are you doing this to me? :S
i just dont flame, hate or w/e i try to share the love and beauti of this game :(
wasn't rain here all summer? :D
no not here. always sunny :D

and for me its still bit summer ;)
in some days we will play vs u krp
will be an exciting game :)
gg blindim8 :)
you forgot gunslingers, top for a majority of 2004-2005
dat team dat verloor tegen mize perfo qyz qur arise en rsq? veel Q's
As long as u enjoy what u do.
need a new frozz i guess
6on6 ladder > EC
main news?
other news at most, even journal worthy only... this is but a matchreport being glorified
sorry for engrish
A team that is well renowned having won prestigious tournaments such as Eurocup, a team that illustrates the newschool touch of the game and the ladder.

wtf really? :DDDD But nice post otherwise :) Dont understand the nerds crying in here.
KRP is dominate.
6o6= sensless
nice read,

Excite(d) about the future!
Somehow mentioning of Skit Evil among the "great" teams always makes me giggle a bit :)
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