CB EC Invites & Qualis

It's that time again where the ClanBase EuroCup invites are announced, along with the qualifying spots as well. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory had four spots to give away for direct invites and sixteen spots going to teams allowing them to try and qualify for the tournament.
image: cbecxxiv
The four invited teams go into one pool together whereas the sixteen qualifying teams will be slotted into pools depending on their performance during the qualifying rounds. The qualifiers will have a few stages to them in order to determine a best seed for the eventual EuroCup tournament. Here's how it works;

Clear as mud, right? Probably not, but it will make sense after your read it a couple of times! So let's get to the good bit, who's invited and who needs to qualify? Let's have a look...

Invited teams[/b]]

Qualifying teams[/b]]

Needless to say there are some big names missing this time 'round, but if you pay attention to the rosters of the teams involved this season, those big names your nostalgia is craving will be in there somewhere - you just have to find them!

Whatever the outcome, good luck to all teams for this EuroCup and make sure you check out Games TV when those qualifying rounds come up, they'll be starting soon as all qualifying matches must be finished by the 28th of September!

Source: ClanBase EuroCup XXIV Invites
nice Croatia flag
wtf low+ ec
cheater in qualies. gg
lazio is just good...
Way too obvious ":D"
This EC looks like an OC div 1 to me :(
Yeah, some lowbies in the list :D. But still some good teams there..

Good Luck inteRaction!! Chances are higher then ever ;)
Pecka ecka Martinek?
Yeah, who you are ? :)
That means noob in oj's :D
rofl @ the qualis :DDDDD
What about prem etc ?
After the qualis
gg b2k :)
gl queens!
For those who missed the Invite Show, it is now possible to listen back to it here - http://www.clanbaseradio.com/eurocup

The page also includes recordings of 9 other invite shows from the past seasons!

gl swani
Pharaons et Cie out!!! noway
cornu gonna roll ec

wondering what was cortana's quali based on :o

and b2k
and Pharaons et Cie
and our invite:D
a bit, but it's kinda okey ;)
gl cornu and limbo!
good luck with ur teams Poland fixxxer & Poland hunter <3
erm wheres dignitas?
gL to the teams :-D
we will give our spot to swani cuz he's not gonna quali anyway :S
whats lineup of cornu , cortana and limbo?
no mmf = no good ec :(
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