First CB EC Qualifier Matches

image: et1 The current- and the coming week will bring some brilliant and fast paced Enemy Territory Clanbase EC Qualifiers with the first matches to be played within the next 18 hours.
The Qualifier madness will kick-off with an exciting match between two Finnish top notch teams - Finland turbot vs. Finland RAAB, and as you can read on the bottom of this newspost there are already some rumors about a curse on turbot which will prevent them from getting into this seasons EuroCup! Head over to and tune in right at 21.00 CET to see if Swanidius&co can proof them wrong!

The second match will start just half an hour later and by going through the lineups of
Czech Republic iR and Europe Team Limbo this clash seems atleast as good as the kick-off. By comparing their lineups I would say one can find the aimpower on the Limbo side and the teamplay on jalo`s, milhAus`s and Green_Clon`s shoulders. I guess you don`t have to be a mentalist to see both games will most likely go for an exciting three mapper... if not you can call me a fool but I am sure you will not regret your decision to follow one of those games because the top of the top will surely bring a decent performance on our ETTv screen.

Check the Read More section for detailed match information and community predictions!
image: s_head

image: s_news

Finland turbot

Finland crittie
Finland Swanidius
Finland kapaa
Finland Vanhaomena
Finland Juuti
Finland vokki

image: s_news

Finland red as a beetroot

Finland walle
Finland Leikkuri
Finland clouver
Finland lettu
Finland Iron
Finland decem

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21.00 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Supply Depot
League: image: etEuroCup XXIVimage: game28223
image: s_foot
image: s_head

image: s_news

Czech Republic inteRaction

Czech Republic denton
Czech Republic jalo
Czech Republic malfoy
Czech Republic milhAus
Netherlands L4mpje
Czech Republic Green_Clon

image: s_news

Europe Team Limbo

Belgium Sh1zzle
Estonia Sinnu
Netherlands Stib
Estonia frEeze
Germany s1LENT
Sweden slajdan

image: s_border_short

Date: Tonight
Time: 21.30 CET
Maps: sw_Goldrush_te, Supply Depot
League: image: etEuroCup XXIVimage: game28222
image: s_foot
Unfortunately I have to work untill 22.30 CET but if they go for a decider I might be able to catch some live minutes but that`s my problem - your only problem is to decide on which game to spec!

And as usual: to round this newspost off I gathered some predictions from known gamers -
QuoteRAAB vs turbot: RAAB has the better individual players, but turbot has been practicing quite a lot (unlike RAAB) and they know how to play as a team. This match could really go either way, BUT there's no way Swanidius is getting into EC so RAAB will take it 4-2.

iR vs Limbo: I have a feeling that iR will take this game. Limbo has some good aimers on their side, but iR has been playing together for a long time and should have no trouble winning this game. I'm not sure if jalo will play for iR tho, and if he doesen't, the odds will get a bit more even. I'll still say 4-0 for iR. - Sweden twidi

QuoteRAAB vs turbot: Never easy to predict what will happen in a clash of finnish teams, both have experienced players that play good for years now and even though turbot have my good friend swani, I think this will finnish with raab being the happier team in the end, 4-2 for raab

iR vs Limbo: Having played against iR too many times I know what kind of a team they are and that they can perform extremely well (winning last OC proves it), their teamplay awes me sometimes and I would like to see them in EC. I don't know how limbo play as a team but as individuals they seem strong and I think they might prevail in this match on sheer firepower, 4-2 for limbo - Croatia danL

QuoteRAAB vs turbot: A qualifier with 12 Fins in should provide a quite entertaining show. Despite the fact that EuroCup is way less prestigeous than in previous seasons, Swanidius will try to lead tA troops into the groupstage after so many times that I can't even remember. Having kapaa and Vanhaomena on his side certainly brings an advantage but I believe a result of this match strongly depends on RAAB's lineup. If they are able to get a lineup out of currently displayed at GTV, they should take it.

iR vs Limbo: This ain't a red-hot game yet has a potential to bring some fun for spectators. On the one hand one of the teams that are knocking to EuroCup's doors third time in a row. Yet, some mess around jalo certainly won't be helpful. On another, newly formed team some may say but if you pay a closer attention, you will notice that the core of Team Limbo has already played in the past. I'm afraid freeze and s1LENT won't be enough for iR with jalo: 4:2 for Pepiczki - Poland Homer

QuoteAs people may see, this season lacks many teams which played in last season of EC. That also means there is a lot of room for some new faces, and this seasons qualifier consists of a lot of "EC virgins" which can bring some freshness into the scene. To the first three matches in qualifiers scheduled for 21.9., I think these matches have no clear winner.

RAAB vs turbot: For turbot vs Raab, I dont see a clear winner here. Turbot is pretty active since 6on6 was reintroduced, but Raab seems to have bigger names in roster. My prediction for this match is that Raab wins, because Swani forever OC :P

iR vs Limbo: In iR vs Limbo, iR are the ones known for teamplay but if rumours are true, they can face a lot of problems in their inside. My prediction would be 2:4 for Limbo, more top level experience on their side.

Last match, oxid vs disQonnect, I have no idea what to expect from oxid, they just gathered 6 players. On the other side, disQonnect is praccing for a few weeks already. I wont predict this match, but I sincerely hope humM3L will win, since his team deserves EC spot much more than oxid. - Slovakia FiLuS

QuoteRAAB vs turbot: the 2 best teams in Finland atm, but raab's lineup looks a bit stronger + swani is oc forever so no way he can take this one! RAAB will take it 4-2.

iR vs Limbo: very hard to say who will win this game. iR is quite stable for months, they won last OC and they aren't that bad (they have jalo!). On the other side we have former r&s players, who took 2nd place in last OC, mixed up with names like slajdan or frEeze. However, I haven't had occasion to see how they are doing together, so iR teamplay might be crucial and lead them to their victory. iR will take it 4-2! - Poland fanatic

QuoteiR vs Limbo: inteRaction have a great lineup, same about Team Limbo but I believe inteRaction`s teamplay will speak louder. Team Limbo feels like a mix team, although they are good individually but I don't think they will win this one. 4-2 for iR!

RAAB vs turbot: Same sentence applies to red as a beetroot vs turbot. I think RAAB have/had better individually players, but turbot teamplay may be a decisive factor. 4-2 for turbot - Portugal ag0n

QuoteRAAB vs turbot: Turbot against raab will be a really close game. On both sides one can find familiar names from the finnish community. I dont know really how they play but if I just go by their names I would say Raab got the upper hand in that game. My bet is 4-2 for Raab here.

iR vs Limbo: With Interaction versus Limbo we will see an old team against a new one. Overall I would say that Limbo is a really good team with decent aim. But this is 6on6 and timing and gameplay is more important than aim. So if Interaction got their old teamplay back they should win with a 4-2 against Limbo. - Germany duKe_
There might be another EC Qualifer between oxid and dQ but due to the fact that the game got reschedules some times I decided to not write about it... just head over to gamestv for the latest time/date updates ;)
match isn't even accepted at CB so yee, good choice ;p
grush and supply.
Getting as repetitive as bacon strips.
4-2 raab
4-0 limbo
4-0 dQ
I sincerely thought about renaming myself
NO freeze on our side :)

gg wp :pPpP
turbot vs raab should be an interesting match to watch, don't really check out ettv these days but since no prac tonight guess I'll watch it <3 gL Mikko, Swani and Iron x)
wallerape incoming
nah too much laggadvantage in the opposite team now :/
4-2 turbot
4-0 iR
look at poor freeze. the black sheep in team limbo.
Team Limbo :PpP
Well done SPU9, keep the good job!
gl l4mpje =)

Lettu is, like his name says - Lettu [Latvian] for Lette [Deutsch], not Finnish.
And since we all know that Letten [Deutsch] are from Lettland [Deutsch], this conversation is pointless.
Your conversation is pointless for a very different reason :d
Wait.. let me think.. you win.
Finnish intelligence is Finnish..
FinlandTurbot 2 - 4 RAABFinland

Czech RepubliciR 2 - 4 Team-LimboEurope
overselling it :/
gl silent and kapaa.

walle dont use luck
RAAB . Interaction
You have € 0.42

Possible Win: € 0

fuck this.
omg Iron omg
too much tp and a bit too adsl

gl in ec
Congratz iR & Turbot
EC forever Swani

L4mpje in EC, finally! Have fun there mate, Im sure u'll do great! ;)
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