Good morning, vietnam!

Before something is going to die, you have to do your best to revive it and to keep it alive and kickin'. After a night is gone when everyone had enough time to think about 5on5, it's now going to get in it's final decision.

Neither WL or CB came up to us before this was announced, therefore, we will stay with the majority of the community, even if it can change everyday.

[img|left][/img]There are currently no valid reasons given for changing our beloved game to a lower player amount just because someone thinks he's the boss out there. We, as the ESL, tested the 5on5 stuff in january with our 5on5 3-days-left cup.
The sTREETFIGHTERS gained the first place by beating riZe. Now, clanbase announced there very own game mode according to the change, warleagues followed.

The community gave the clanbase the power with this vote.
But also, the community made different votes against 5on5 - Overall the result was quite easy: 3 votes on crossfire and everytime over 60% against 5on5 in the last 2 months.

As result of this and the history of 5on5 in the ESL and on crossfire (columns, articles and much more in the end of 2005 / early 2006), we have decided to not follow the clanbase and making this game 5on5 without any background or valid reasons.

The ESL is not concerned with forcing the leagues or tournaments to the 5on5 size. Therefore all future events like the present International Premiership Series will stay in the 6on6 team size.

You can change our decision, of course. That is why a new poll was created because your opinion counts.

[*] Feel free to place your vote. [*]
For 5on5 or 6on6 in the ESL.
ET-Cup vote

image: cupsAlso, other leagues announced they will stay at 6on6 as long as the community wants it. It's on you to decide for the last time, after sleeping over the decision by ClanBase and Warleagues to take 5on5 for ET. If not, these leagues and cups will support you playing 6on6: | #et-cup | #get-liga (with their latest statement) |

The facts!?
+ logical and cheaper plans for LANs
+ Possible EC LAN Finals
+ More teamplay (Some say so)
+ Less spam
+ more aim
+ new tactics
- You have to kick a player, a friend, out of your team
- 5on5 fits for highskilled teams only
- WCG/ESWC/CPL/Dreamhack will NOT take ET just because its 5on5
- More luck is coming around
- spam gets more important
- heave weapons are overpowered
- less teamplay
- less crossfire
- less tactics

More opinions can be found in the latest Game:ON Column.

Also, regarding to the logistical stuff (NOT for CB), TosspoT wrote up a column with his opinion about the CPC #2 and 5on5. Go here to find more details.

The International Premiership Series is not affected by the vote. We will talk to every single team to find a solution if CB stays at running a 5vs5 EuroCup, with our without lanfinals.

Official ESL statement
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