JeeET - Anexis won the first JeeET tournament!!

image: ET-header-banner

21:09 Gold got taken, Truck is driving and sqzz is getting the last frag. Anexis has done it. Well played both and congratulations to Germany Anexis - Germany SPU9 is out now! See ya next time!

21:06 Anexis now attacking - Tank is repaired and still more than 10 minutes left on the clock. Night pushing forward to the last Axis spawn as Field op to take 3 of the Queen guys out with his support and 1 more with his Thompson. Seems like the Queens will lose their crown tonight!

20:50 What an" Objective returned" razz and miNd were just 5 centimetres away but sqzz was able to kill them once again and secured the gold. razz and Co. will be a bit upset because Anexis is changing their gamestyle every few seconds ranging from nice crossfire positions to annoying command post covert destroy actions.

20:44 Queens got the tank and Winghaven is switching to Panzerfaust - 1 shot 1 kill, he might have some more luck with his next shot...

20:38 With Xylos and sqzz doing a great job on east and the rest of the team looking for main the attacking side of Queens got destroyed. Let`s wait for Goldrush to begin!

20:33 miNd killed three (2 with a spawnkillnade and 1 with Garande) but there are just 4 minutes left on the clock. Time for the main plant!

20:29 The truck stopped at 8:56. Queens have to beat this time on Supply before they go for the second map Goldrush!.

20:21 Anexis is playing with mAus and due to an amazing flagcap they are currently fighting their ways to the command post. Tune in to be one of the 300 specs! As sidenote: the 3rd place game between tMoe and oxid is rescheduled to Tuesday 21.00 CET

image: game2871020:01 - the big final will be played in 15 minutes! Germany Anexis vs. Europe Queens.Tune in to ETTV
As some might have expected - Queens and Anexis have won everything so far. Now they will meet and it will be the clash of tonight`s evening - RMY will shoutcast the game and we already got more than 180 ETTv viewers. So hurry up and don`t miss it!

QuoteWell we have reached the final! Where unsurprisingly we will be facing off against queens. This is only the 2nd time or so that we will be competing with our full lineup fortunately the other time was against queens in a prac where we managed to "win". It will be a close game, but i have full faith in the team so 4-0 to anexis - United Kingdom R0SS

Quoteownage it is + thanks for the cup, been amazing so far - Finland miNd

19:38 - Anexis got their strength back. tMoe was not able to set a time on Supply and now Anexis is attacking like a hungry tiger - capping the flag within the first two minutes... Seems like they want to prepare for the upcoming final against Queens (Queens just beat oxid)

19:17 - Anexis improved their performance and held the whole time on Goldrush. The second map is just starting (Supply Depot)

18:59 - First round is over and Anexis managed to finally set a time of 13:34. Nobody knows if they just aimed for a 13:37 time...

18:53 - Anexis is attacking on Goldrush but tMoe was able to establish a really strong tank defence. Anexis just got the tank with 5:45 minutes left on the clock. Is there a surprise coming?

18:44 - tMoe had some player problems but the game should start within the next 5 minutes.

18:41 - Unfortunately the players around SIMOON and xAv missed the lower bracket - thus Germany Lost Soldiers got a default win. They are now waiting for the winner of Supski vs. glitz to battle it out for the 5th place!

image: game2870618:23 - As Poland Robert, one of the admins, just said this will be "the best match so far" in the cup: Poland To make odds even is about to face Europe anexis. While tmoe did beat GLITZ earlier anexis just beat supski. Now both are set up and ready to go for the second semi final match.

Statement by R0SS, player of anexis:
Well as many viewers can see, today we are playing without the almighty mAus! 1st opponent was supski, containing many "friends". They are an up and coming team but fortunately we were able to defeat them with relative ease. Next up is tmoe who have a strong mix on paper, looking at the countries though i can see some communication problems! We should take the match 4-0 but i think it will be a good game.

> Tune in to ETTV

image: game2870518:15 - First semi final is about to go live and it is German side Germany Teamoxid facing the legendary United Kingdom QUEENS. Both teams did win their last match clearly and are not up to fight for their spot in the grand final.

Statement by stRay, player of Teamoxid:
Well its just a mix, but Queens looks like a mix too so we will see. Nevertheless I think we don't have a chance to take goldrush against them but with a little bit of luck we can be able to win the 2nd map. If we do so I hope we are motivated and faithful enough to take the deciding map as well.

> Tune in to ETTV

18:05 - It's getting closer to the end: Semi finals will start soon with Germany Teamoxid facing United Kingdom Queens and Poland TMOE to face Europe anexis. Stay tuned for ETTV stuff

17:42 - Germany Teamoxid managed to defend nearly 15 minutes on Supply. Tune in to check if they can do it better against jeeZmix! tune in to ETTV.

17:35 - Europe anexis did take the first map against United Kingdom Supski. Don't miss the rest of the match and tune in to ETTV.

image: game2869817:31 - It is the German team Germany Lost soldiers that did make it to the next round beating Europe What. Now it is Europe Queens they have to perform good against.

Statement by lango, player of Lost Soldiers:
We don't have our line up together and have to use lagger as stand in. Cause of him I don't expect a win for us.

> Tune in to ETTV

image: game2869717:11 - Next match up is Germany Teamoxid versus Europe JeeZMIX. JeeZMIX just beat United Kingdom aToOn in round one while oxid is now going in their first match.

Statement by karzez, player of JeeZMIX:
I guess it will be a close 3-mapper with our opponent oxid taking it 4-2. We are a mix team but we will try to win a map that's for sure.

> Tune in to ETTV

image: game2869516:55 - First match on ETTV will be Europe anexis with their first match and United Kingdom Supski that
just beat Europe mix2pwn. Anexis will be the favorite in this match but maybe the mix team
with England ross did organize is not capable to handle the power Supski got from their
first round victory.

Statement by ONEMOVE|RMY, player of Supski:
After our first match versus mix2pown, we sure have gotten alot of confidence. However we are facing ANEXIS now which we are most likely going to loose. We will give them the best we've got and we're quietly hoping for a round/map win!

> Tune in to ETTV

16:37 - A thank you for participating goes to the following teams: United Kingdom QUEENS, Germany Lost Soldiers, Europe What, United Kingdom aToOn, Germany Teamoxid, Poland To make odds even, Estonia GLITZ, United Kingdom Supski, Europe anexis, Europe mix2pown and Europe JeeZMix.

16:26 - First matches are now underway. The cup did find 11 teams to participate while b2k was signed up but actually didn't manage to find enough members (not willing to add mercs).

15.30 - It 30 minutes to go until the cup starts. So far 7 teams have a complete line up to participate. It is now time to check in your team using the tournament website!

News post:
So far only 8 teams with only 2 of them including their line up the sign ups really go on slow. It's been a week since JeeET has been announced as the first prize money tournament in ET for quite a while. In case we do not get 16 teams the cup tomorrow will be the only chance we ever get to have a prize money tournament covered by JeeSports.

Sign Up and Check In

The last chance for your team to sign up will be 16.00 CET.
To play the cup you do need 6 players in your team account!

image: ET-footer-banner

What to win
In case we get 16 teams playing tomorrows tournament will be the first out of 4 to qualify for a monthly final tournament where the 4 winners will compete to get their hands on the 120.00 Euro prize kindly sponsored by JeeSports to support the first series of ET tournaments on their website.
image: spacerRounds and schedule
Round 1: 16.00 CET - Radar
Round 2: 17.00 CET - Supply
Round 3: 18.00 CET - SW Golrush TE
Round 4: 19.00 CET - Bremen

Map selection
All matches are played Best-of-Three! It's the losers choice to decide the second map that will be played, same for the third map.

Sign Up and check in end
16.00 CET 16th Oct '11
image: spacerTeams participating
United Kingdom QUEENS
Germany Lost Soldiers
Europe What
United Kingdom aToOn
Germany Teamoxid
Poland To make odds even
Estonia GLITZ
United Kingdom Supski
Europe anexis
Europe mix2pown
Europe JeeZMix
image: spacer
image: ET-footer-banner

About JeeSports
JeeSports is part of the JeeLounge network with numerous websites. They feature regular gaming events for StarCraft 2, Quake Live, League of Legends and many more. JeeSports does feature a 120.00 Euro prize pool to the first JeeET series to support the Enemy Territory community, which is only the case if this is a success (16 teams of 6 players or more).
Facebook Page

About the first JeeET cup
The first tournament will decide if this is going to be a long term relationship or just one of many one night stands. It is on you to make this something special and a returning event.

How to sign up
To sign up and to participate you need 6 players in your team account. Please follow the steps to get things done:
  • Create an account on
  • Ask all your team members to do the same
  • All team members must add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" to their favorite games and provide their in game name by completing the field "nickname"
  • Create your Clan on
  • Invite your teammates to join the clan by giving them the clan URL where they will be able to see a "join group" button on the top right corner. You will receive PM for each request. Approve the request.
  • Create one or several Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory team(s) within the clan and add clan members to it.
  • You will need to set a Team Leader during the team creation process
  • Ask your team leader to sign up the team for the tournament.
In case you still have any questions left about how to get your team done, please view this video guide or just ask in the channel #Jeesports.ET at Quakenet.

Players looking for a team
If you are looking for a team please sign up at JeeLounge already and prepare your account for Enemy territory.
  • Create an account on
  • Add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" to your favorite games and provide your in game name by completing the field "nickname"
  • Ask your team leader you want to play for to add you to his team.
If you are available to play please leave a comment in this forum topic.

Sign Up and Check In

The last chance for your team to sign up will be 16.00 CET.
To play the cup you do need 6 players in your team account!
GL Supski ?
6o6 last nail in the coffin?
Got error when signed in


Page not found.
Signed up as squall[FIN] to replace you
gl guys :)

synergy gonna roll <3
2 teams allowed too play very good cup
not the cup's fault, it's the community. such a shame, regular cups would have been nice.
yes u have 100% right
QuoteAsk all your team members to do the same

What did you expect?
not really the community, it is just a cup starting at 4pm and i personally hear for the first time from this cup :o i heared, that jeesports is about to launch something with ET, but i missed it so far, that today will happen a cup O.o
avi for this
avi for this cup, ppl I know preferred
jee jee vittu
Could be avi for this, pm via cf.
avi for this, pmme
nice cup! but a bit too early for my taste :( hopefully ull get 16 team!
Would be a shame if not played :(.
I hope more people jion
this looks bad
I like when someone finally makes the effort into hosting this cup, possibly turning this into a standard event if the outcome is good and what to teams do, they dont give a shit. Eventho the whole community is whining like little kids about CB and such, yet an alternative is given and no effort is made by teams.

Any other gaming community would be fucking grateful with this
it's not because you don't sign-up that you dont support this cup
for example g2p would like to play, but we dont have enough members avi this afternoon
I guess a cup starting at 19 CET for example would provide more teams
You do not take the effort to find a replacements for them -> same shit, Jere killing ET.
Its me & chry being not avi today, and others said no to finding 2 mercs (which I completely understand). Next week we'll be there normally :)
Well in the end, i could merc! Worked once before already :P.
ah felix mate, long time no see :)) how u doin?
been working much and actually completely stopped with et:P

just playing sc2 and watching tourneys

hows your new team doing? chry still a beast? :P
team is going ok and chry sucks hard (like me) :D Ger-tards carrying xd
well you are known to be the worst player ever anyway<3

who is all playing in your new team? i totally lost track of whos playing where:)

and give chry highfive from me!
chry jere griim kresti stownage blade
well, i posted a post in their forums, so maybe they will remember my suggestions, maybe you guys can add some ideas/ suggestions to that thread aswell, so they will read it and note if for the next cup! <-- link
For the first time, I agree with you.
16:00 as starting time kills a bit this event, as Jere said, there arent many teams with 6 players being ready so early which means they have to either use mercs (which will turn them into some kind of mix) or not play at all.
Also their site is a bit odd, I registered, activated account and after that I got an error page. Eventhought I managed to get it working (partially, some sections still give me error) I can imagine it can discourage many ppl from doing anything there.
Have to agree with you here.
I whine at CB and I try to support this thing :x
avi for this!
Anexis WONT be playing this week, so for all u whiners, better get signing up!!!!
get a good mix :P
I'd rather admin the first tournament to see that it all goes to plan. But based on the current signups, it isnt looking too great!
the site is awful
et is dead

Page not found.
16 cet plz xD
eh, cant get 6 at this time :(
avi to play this cup

sooo... 8 teams? :o
1st team of oxid needed :p EC-ersatz ^^
miserable state the community is in...
what's the problem with 16:00CET? i really don't get it. its a BO3 tournament (and in contrast to moppel, i think this is a good thing if you are hosting a supposedly serious cup), hence it can take a while. starting at 19 or even 20:00 CET - now assuming that there had been 32 signups - would have been too late. i just wait for someone argue that he has some serious "RL" going on weekends (i.e. hangover at 16:00 on sundays) - whomever this might affect, please get a life.
16.00 , supposed to sign:s

Medic,eng,rifle avi...
avi for this
i just woke up lol
It was way to early, i can't play at 10:00 AM : S
jajaj wn flojo xD
well deleted McHummel
cant eat this
Statement by karzez, player of JeeZMIX:
I guess it will be a close 3-mapper with our opponent oxid taking it 4-2. We are a mix team but we will try to win a map that's for sure.
Quote[17:11:19] [kartez] 4/2 for oxid as we are a mix but we will try to win a map

Love the way this is coverd, you shouldn't delete the updates just leave them.
its saved in "previous ticks" swapy :)
Oh stupid me.
Dunno why the fat rabbit delete my comment, it was on english. Only because i lough about his very awefull cup with 11 teams :D
it's "still" no english mate
why didnt u sign up with dQ?
because he's a huge faggot
what to "lough" about? I enjoy doing some admin tasks again and there is a good chance to get more exciting cups in the future with some $$... so better stand up and get a decent team next time and try to challenge those 11 teams!
You have become such an asshole its ridiculous. What happened to nice humm3l of years ago?
+1 yeah, he was my hero with FiREBALL @ rtcw :(
now wnbe kamz#2 ._. trolltrolltroll its stupid
he is a mad grandpa nao
This cup has actually been pretty good, good admin's, good coverage + prizes, its just a shame you are acting like such a nob :|
junge junge du schreibst nur scheiße was ist los mit dir
so why u flame baggiez? he deleted, i replied.. :)
nice fake quote btw 8)
Nice Newspost!
ggs cool cup, hopefully next editions will have more teams!
In case we do not get 16 teams the cup tomorrow will be the only chance we ever get to have a prize money tournament covered by JeeSports.
oh come on, most people didn't sign up because of the time the cup started. the grand final was at 19:15 CET so they could easily afford to start it 1 or 2 hours later even
I hope they'll learn from their faults :)
it was at 20.15 cet ;)
i really liked the "liveticker"!
indeed, great coverage!
Nice cup!
nice work chosen, hopefully this isnt the last cup from them :)
Nice cup gratz Anexis, hopefully it can be set to start a bit later next time. :P
Great job Chosen
Nice cup, kinda fun to play, too bad you added some polish idiot as referee
great job :)

The cup would be better without Robaciek
great cup!
will we see more of this?:P
nice coverage
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