image: xlb0v5image: oszjarYouTube has partnered with IGN Entertainment to launch their own official gaming channel, called START. Given the huge recent success of video livestream websites such as, and, YouTube are hoping to attract a chunk of the audience with its own broadcast quality content. The online channel will debut in early 2012 and will open by broadcasting the IGN Pro League. IGN have already been streaming their pro gaming events but their new deal with YouTube has the potential to give eSports a huge mainstream audience.

Roy Bahat, the president of IGN Entertainment gave an interview with Forbes magazine to talk about the role that eSports will have on START and what's in store for gamers.

What type of gaming content will you be rolling out?

It probably won’t be information shows talking about games. It will probably be things that convey the emotion of being part of the video game world. Some of it is going to be competitive gaming and eSports. Some of it could be things set in a game world that use the game characters in a funny or dramatic way. Some of it is just going to be comedy that anchors in the world of games. One of our concepts is basically two guys who are working at a game store and it’s a comedy where they play off of each other, basically. So stuff like that where the references are anchored in the world of games, but it’ not necessarily talking about a game as an information thing. The Siskel and Ebert format applied to games, we think is really hard to make work. It works for like a minute and a half, which is what we do with our Daily Fix on the Web, but to do it as longer form on a television screen, we just think that’s hard.

Within the eSports realm, will you focus on the IGN Pro League or also the other leagues out there?

I think we’re going to want to bring great content to the screen. We obviously believe that the IGN Pro League is great content and so we’re open to talking to everybody. But of course we’re going to focus on the stuff that we’re making because we think it’s of very high quality.

Will reality shows be part of START?

I think there’s some room for reality type formats for sure. One of the things that we experimented with on IGN is a show called The Next Game Boss, which is basically a contest to be a video game creator. It works because what those shows are ultimately about is people and their dreams. I would argue there are few bigger dreamers than guys who want to make video games. These men and women are so determined and they’re working in a visual medium, so it looks great on a television screen. I think there is going to be room to do some reality type programming, competitive programming that’s set in the video game space.

Do you have a sense of how many shows you’ll launch with?

The first thing I’d say is I’d be lying to you if I told you I knew which shows were going to work. Part of the magic of this format is you don’t have to commit to doing a super expensive pilot before you have feedback from the audience. We are going to try some things and then evolve once we see what’s popular. We’re going to start with a handful of shows and I’d be surprised if over time there’s more than let’s say10 or 12 that we really end up focusing on. We may try many, many more concepts than that, but we want to be focused on a few things that we think can really work.

Are these things being designed specifically to exist on YouTube or IGN versus digitally distributed content or television shows?

We’re trying to design all of this content so that it works on a big screen. It will all be delivered on YouTube. Whether it goes from there to broadcast, cable, or other top platforms, all remains to be seen. But this is content for you to sit on a couch and be entertained by, as opposed to on-demand content where you’re looking for something that’s about a particular game because you want to solve a certain level in Angry Birds and you need to figure out how to get the last star.

Most new TVs have Internet channels. Will this feed into that?

One hundred percent. We love the opportunity to create content that’s going to entertain. We’re thrilled to be working with YouTube now and what unfolds down the line we’ll just have to play the ball as we find it.

The livestream explosion that has seen games such as StarCraft II and League of Legends being streamed 24 hours a day has already broadened the horizons for the future of eSports. Popular phenomenon’s such as BarCraft have sprung up, allowing gamers to enjoy eSports as they would any other popular sport and this latest venture by YouTube and IGN could be the next step in bringing eSports to the mainstream audience.
cool man that's realy cool
finally :P
Awesome news
fucking bullshit IGN is like the worst company in gaming ever

image: Z2q8O

prob fake but you get the point
Yeah we have no idea how credible the OP is but this isn't uncommon with popular game review sites. I don't know if you'll remember the Kane & Lynch saga @ but that caused a storm and gave birth to

I guess it's hard to remain impartial when you're reviewing the product of the same company that keeps you in business by advertising on your site.
Not that hard, it's the internet.
To be honest, I preferred Kane when he had the mask.
Who didn't? :/
sees post about ign supporting esports, proceeds to tell they suck. makes lots of sens
sees spelling mistake
doesn't care about the actual statement
lolol faggot
Awesome. Big fan of stuff IGN does with SC2
IGN provides blowjob for CoD -.-
Looking forward to seeing a lot of modern warfare crap played on xbox.
Sounds good, I hope they won't spam ads like own3d website does.
adblocker plus = no ads on youtube
oh hey man, didn't see u on here for a while, nice to see u contributing to the site
we need a crossfire youtubechannel

oh wait we already got one and noone gives a shit
Imma zip some more whisky and click this away
"broadcast quality", somehow I doubt that. ;)
Cool stuff.
still waiting for google to make a games console...
its my time
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