BFB LB Round 3 Results

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Loser Bracket Round 3 Results!

The loser bracket of the Battle For Berlin advanced another round tonight and we are down to our final 6 teams. The winners of tonight game will advance to the next round where they will face Europe Queens and the loser of Europe Anexis & Netherlands MouseControl

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Game #1

Seed 9 vs. Seed 5

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Germany stRay
Germany kiwi
Germany sNoOp
Germany gr0ss
Germany s1LENT
Canada brandoN
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Estoniak1ck eSports club

Estonia mant
Estonia Rau
Estonia freeze
Estonia subbi
Estonia JyrkZ
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Estonia k1ck attacked first on supply and a 3 man grenade from Estonia walle fanboy that killed both Axis engineers meant that the dynamite was safe. Their first few attacks on the command post ended in the console being spammed with Germany oxid frags but they soon took control and subsequently planted main and East. The Germans managed to scrape precious minutes of defence as they held the depot but Estonia subbi led the charge for the Estonian's and a triple kill from him opened the door for his side to push through the depot defence and to build the crane controls. The truck saw a few minutes delay as they went on to set a time of 10 minutes.

Germany oxid's first attack looked promising as some kills from Germany kiwi seemed to have the first stage taken down but some good recovery work from the Estonian's and Estonia mant in particular helped them defend the flag. The German's would continue to attack the flag unsuccessfully for the next 7 minutes in traditional supply-flag-stage-fail-attack-fashion. The round drifted into dead-time as the gate was planted. 2:0 to Estonia k1ck


Germany oxid picked adler as their home map and started as the Allied side. They had a plant down after 90 seconds and Estonia raul saw an opportunity for a quick defuse. Germany sNoOp had other ideas and his double grenade + smg frag saw the dynamite defended and took us to the next stage. The command post was quickly built and it took the Allies another 2 minutes to grab the documents. After a minute of struggling to remove the Axis from the transmitter, they looked to have it clear, only for Estonia mant to land a 3 man riflegrenade and turn the tide. Germany oxid got their revives and Germany sNoOp made his jump for the transmitter but Canada Monkey blasted them all with his panzerfaust and returned the documents. The Germans gathered themselves to attack again and were it not for a clutch double pistol frag from the document carrying Germany s1lent, it would've probably been a fullhold. He took down the onrushing Estonia subbi and then Estonia JrykZ to keep the attack alive and they secured the docs to set a time of 8:30.

Estonia k1ck were attacking now and they took only 2 spawns to plant the controls. They built the command post with 7 minutes remaining and begun their last stage attack. With 7 minutes left to defend the documents, it was looking United Kingdom Griim for Germany oxid. The Estonian's managed to grab the documents a few times but some last ditch defending from the Axis kept them in the game. Their resistance, however, was short lived, as Estonia k1ck grabbed them for a final time and ran them home with over 4 minutes remaining on the clock. All in all, a quite convincing win for the 5th seed.

Estonia k1ck will play the loser of Europe Anexis vs. Netherlands MouseControl in the next round of the Loser Bracket on Thursday 10th.

Germany oxid are out of the competition.

Quote by k1ck.mantVery nice game, subbi was amazing this game, walle was truly with him :)

Quote by oxid.EktoFirst of all I want to thank the admins for the great coverage and a really nice cup. to the game, i can just say, it was like the EC game vs k1ck, but this time k1ck was better on supply attack, and we couldn't get a good attack on adler, gg wp. And we were bit unlucky in adler attack, but we still stick to our motto: no prac - no win ;)

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Game #2

Seed 8 vs. Seed 12

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Russia humM3L
Russia jOKE
Germany predi
Germany Kevji
Poland fanatic
Turkey fireball
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Poland l4z
Poland Abject
Poland w1lko
Poland WuT
Poland syriusZ
Poland mag
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Russia disQonnect made tough work of beating the upcoming Polish lineup of Poland b2k. The Poles set a respectable 9.30 on supply but they capitulated on defence as their opponents rolled through to complete the map with over 3 minutes left on the clock. They chose missile as their map and they showed the reason for it as they almost fullheld Russia disQonnect on a map that is usually associated with lightning fast times. The Russian's set a time of 14:56 and they never looked likely to defend such a long time. Poland b2k tied the game to take us to the deciding map: bremen. The Poles defended first but much like supply and nothing like missile - their defence failed them as they conceded a time of 6:01. With such a time requirement to beat they fell short, ending their surprising and impressive run in the competition. Poland Syriusz will feel particularly aggrieved at this loss, having raked up over 18k damage in a game where a few players barely reached 10k.

Russia disQonnect will play Europe Queens in the next round of the Loser Bracket on Thursday 10th.

Poland b2k are out of the competition.

Quote by disQonnect.humm3lWell today we had a lot of troubles again, bong didn't show up he has gangfight in the game GTA multiplayer. Kinda shit of him that he didn't inform us but FiREBALL doing a great job once again. Well you will see him back on Tuesday vs MouseCon in EC :). About the game nothing special a 4-2 win for dQ , same score as in EC.

Upcoming games:[/u]
Tuesday 8th - WB Semi - Europe Anexis vs. Netherlands MouseControl[/b]
Thursday 10th - LB Round 4 - Russia disQonnect vs. Europe Queens[/b]
Thursday 10th - LB Round 4 - Estonia k1ck vs. Europe Anexis OR Netherlands MouseControl

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final we made it work:]

nice work baggiez
Few typos spotted but whatever, good read :)
cool news Maddiez
gj, nice tournament ;)
i read United KingdomGriim = win
GJ K1ck:)
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