BFB Semi Final results 2/2

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Semi Final Result!

The second semi final in the Battle For Berlin was played tonight. The winner will go on to face Europe G2P in the Winners Bracket final and the loser will drop down to the 4th round of the loser bracket to face Estonia k1ck.

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Game #1

Seed 1 vs. Seed 4

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United Kingdom R0SS
Estonia Night
Finland Squall
United Kingdom sqzz
Belgium mAus
Italy XyLoS
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Netherlands Mouse-Control

Netherlands saKen
Netherlands SQuid
Netherlands Joshua
France an7ho
Slovakia filuS
Poland zMk
image: s_foot


Europe Anexis started on the Allied side and begun with a heavy medic push high, as almost every team does these days, however they are more successful than most given that their medics are United Kingdom Sqzz, Finland Squall and Belgium mAus. They capped the flag and planted lower within the opening 2 minutes. The Allies took a suit but their initial rush was shut down, as were the following few because of the standard artillery spam. Netherlands SQuid was having bad connection troubles which were really hampering his sides efforts. Europe Anexis planted main and East but were held up for a few minutes by some effective spam from the Axis side. Finland Squall jumped up the back and watched his teammates die to the upstairs defence of Netherlands MouseControl. Assuming there were no more Allies remaining, the Axis let their guard down which allowed the Fin to built the controls and begin the end of the map.

Netherlands MouseControl had a similarly successful first stage attack as they took the flag on the first rush and stormed the command post right away to give themselves a massive chance of taking the map. The Europe Anexis defence looked woefully unorganised and the Allies took full advantage, securing quick plants on the main gate and East. A crucial missed revive from Belgium mAus onto Estonia Night cost them a last chance at defending the controls and not even a brilliant 4 man frag from United Kingdom sqzz could prevent the Allies building the controls with 2 and a half minutes remaining. Netherlands MouseControl had the entire Axis side dead and took up camping positions in the towers. Europe Anexis were slaughtered on their respawn and the impressive Netherlands MouseControl took the first map with over a minute to spare.


Netherlands MouseControl were attacking full of confidence after their victory on supply but their initial attacks were repelled by the Axis. The Allies planted side three times only to see it repeatedly defused. They did however, grab the bunker and blow the main gate which was the trigger for a successful main-rush in which Slovakia filuS took the West parts and France karnaj (who had replaced Netherlands SQuid) took the East parts. Slovakia filuS hopped, skipped and jumped his way up the main road and through a hail of bullets managed to secure the arguably more important parts. France karnaj however took the East the parts to the side entrance, which was not blown, and was killed by the ensuing respawn. Had he taken them across fake, we'd have been looking at a 4 minute time and possibly the game would've been over right there and then. The Axis regrouped to defend East and lost side and the command post in the process. 6 minutes left on the clock. Europe Anexis had an East defence that even the oldschool UK clanUnited Kingdom BiO would've been proud of, but an airstrike from Poland zMk had them scrambling and in the chaos the Allies managed to take the parts over the hill and far away. Netherlands saKen secured the parts to set a time of 10.50 - but this game could've been over 6 minutes ago!

Europe Anexis survived an early scare on defence and had to shape up if they were to avoid dropping into the loser's bracket. They began radar by attacking both side and main simultaneously. They had little success attacking the bunker and they wasted a precious 3 minutes in doing so. Once they had side and main blown, they attacked side as 6 players and looked to have the command post secure before a 4 man frag from France An7ho followed up by a 3 man frag from Poland zMk shut down the attack. The Allies took the CP in the next minute and United Kingdom sqzz took and secured East with 5 minutes left on the clock. Netherlands MouseControl fell back to defend West and weren't really troubled by a disjointed Europe Anexis attack - until a 6 man medic rush at main. The Allies took control of the Axis backspawn and set up an offensive crossfire which allowed United Kingdom sqzz to make a dramatic leap for the parts with 3 minutes left. The Welshman's leap was halted by an ill-timed Axis pause and he remained suspended in mid-air for the full duration. Once the game resumed, Slovakia filuS found himself in a good position to take him down and with 2 minutes remaining the Axis had full control of the West parts. Europe Anexis continued to push into the backspawn of the Axis where they met firm resistance in the shape of France karnaj, who was more than making up for his earlier mistake. Panic began to set in as the seconds ticked off the clock and Netherlands MouseControl's defence started to crack. United Kingdom sqzz took the parts but a double kill from Netherlands joshua stop him running away. Italy XyLoS jumped in to take the parts before they could be returned and with 29 seconds left he took them the long route through CP. Europe Anexis had cleared the truck and it was a race against time for the Italian and he tried desperately to secure the objective. He emerged from the bunker with 2 seconds remaining and just as it looked like he would secure the documents in time he was smashed in a face with a panzerfaust from France An7ho, but in doing so he absorbed all of the splash damage allowing United Kingdom sqzz to steal the documents as they lay and dive for the truck with literally 0.1 seconds remaining. In truly sensational fashion, Europe Anexis beat the clock to tie up the game and show everyone why radar is still the best map in Enemy Territory.


Elimination brought us to bremen and in all honesty after suffering such a desperately unlucky defeat on radar, I had my doubts whether Netherlands MouseControl would be able to motivate themselves for a decider against a team who despite playing badly is full of winners. Europe Anexis started on defence and begun well, repelling the opening 4 or 5 spawns and eventually losing the flag after good work from the Dutch duo of Netherlands saKen and Netherlands joshua. The Axis set up a solid CP defence and their key player Belgium mAus began to find his groove. Some excellent shooting from Slovakia filuS and his sten broke the resistance and the Allies caught a lucky break and were able to take the keycard and build the CP simultaneously with 9 minutes left. Netherlands MouseControl were finding the truck stage just as hard to attack and the pattern of the map continued, with Europe Anexis laying down plenty of multifrags and Netherlands MouseControl getting plenty of revives. Some further good medic work from Netherlands joshua the Allies let them repair the truck and with 3.30 remaining the truck was at the second barrier, waiting for dynamites to blow. The truck continued unopposed from here as Netherlands MouseControl set a time of 10.25.

Europe Anexis will have felt confident given that they had over 10 minutes to set a time to progress to the Winner Bracket final, and rightly so as it took United Kingdom sqzz under 30 seconds to perform one of his trademark flag caps. A heavy selfkill from Netherlands MouseControl let the Allies swarm the command post unopposed and the most important defensive stage fell with only 2 minutes gone in the round. With only the truck to defend for an eternity, Europe Anexis were looking clear favourites for the game. Finland Squall managed to repair the truck right under the nose of the Axis players and gg was called with over 7 minutes remaining. As soon as United Kingdom sqzz somehow secured the objective on radar, Netherlands MouseControl never looked likely of winning the game, but they will feel very hard done by in defeat.

Europe Anexis will play Europe G2P in the Winner Bracket final.

Netherlands MouseControl will play Estonia k1ck in the 4th round of the Loser Bracket.

Quote by Anexis.??Coming shortly

Quote by MouseControl.??Coming shortly

Upcoming games:[/u]
Thursday 10th - LB Round 4 - Russia disQonnect vs. Europe Queens[/b]
Thursday 10th - LB Round 4 - Estonia k1ck vs. Netherlands MouseControl

image: foot

This match was amazing:]
amazing war
Well played, very nice game to watch

Fast writing skills :))
you like his fast fingers? :x
i cleared the truck, FFS!!! :D
Should have jumped in front of the panzer and sacrifice. That way xylos would get some fame and not sneaky sqzz :P
i was dead
the difference between a good and the best player I guess :D
nobody saw your 4man kills :$$
OMG mAusi u were AMAZING!
nice match
gut game
fucking inet, missed it!
yes I'm a good player!
hop hop! offer some times (au league)
well don't think we can this week but maybe next sunday? just pm saken
This was an amazing match to watch.
A mix of the best Europe Europe has to offer.

Well played Both teams!
Good luck Anexis
Except half the team isn't even dutch?
Except SQuid is ethnically ArmeniaArmenian, ain't that right Pelle Jongian?
I was soooooo shit today :(
I liked to read it ;) wd!
Remember remember the eight of November
the myserious damage of night, treason and plot.
I see no reason why the myserious damage of night, treason
Should ever be forgot...
the fuck are u sayin... lol
Fragstealer anexis'Night 130 damage per frag ;)
think if he had missed dmg from 4 rounds instead of 2. he could have under 100 dmg per frag that wud be damn hilarious :DD:D.
love that movie :))
Very good write up!
Makes me want to watch the game :)
excellent work dude...amazing..going to watch it too
great match!

congratulations to both teams
Nice write up Baggiez, great game to watch as well :)
I did that xylos doc run at public (bio i think), people thought i wasn't gonna make it too :D
good summary i guess, havent seen the match, only heard some words in a cf journal yesterday

havent got the time to watch it until the weekend ;)

hopefully its as exciting as these news promise ;)

btw gj an7ho mate, more for the fragmovie xD

back to work....I DONT WANT!! (someone get me out :( )
hahaha, we'll watch it together mate :p
gl at work :)
im looking forward to it ;)
all i see is United Kingdomsqzz
Nice writeup. :)
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