BFB LB Round 5 results

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Loser Bracket Round 5 results!

Tonight we saw the 5th round of the Loser Bracket in the Battle For Berlin. The winner of tonight's game will advance to the Loser Bracket Final tomorrow night where they will play against the loser of the Winner Bracket Final: Europe G2P vs. Europe Anexis. The loser of tonight's game will be out of the competition and place 4th. Below are the full results from tonight's action, including match reports and statements from each of the competing teams.

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Game #1

Seed 3 vs. Seed 5

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United Kingdom razz
Latvia Clown
Poland kot
Finland miNd
Netherlands perfo
Sweden NuggaN
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Estoniak1ck eSports club

Estonia mant
Estonia Raul
Estonia freeze
Estonia subbi
Estonia JyrkZ
Canada Monkey
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Europe Queens started as the Axis on their home map and the round begun as planned with Finland miNd cleaning up the initial attack from the back and his team-mates sorted the rest. Canada Monkey continued to attack the main-gate as field-ops, reigning annoying artilleries down into the Axis courtyard. With 5 minutes gone in the round Europe Queens pushed out too aggressively and on the same spawn Estonia k1ck waited back, allowing them to move into the side area unopposed on the next spawn. They soon took the tank and moved it all the way into position without stopping. Some uncoordinated attacking saw the Estonian's try and attack the gold and the command post (unbuilt) simultaneously and they achieved neither, and letting the Axis regain some control. A few spawns later and a good distraction from Canada monkey let his side build the CP and begin their attack on the bank. Europe Queens pushed out on long-spawn and took plenty of fulls, letting France StrAf (standing in for the absent Estonia freeze) take the gold and run it home to the truck. Some effective rambo'ing from Sweden NuggaN allowed the Axis reclaim the truck as it was heading up the slope and put a precious extra 2 minutes on the time set. 12:04 from Estonia k1ck.

Estonia k1ck started well on defence (much like they did for 2 full rounds against Netherlands MouseControl) with effective spam outside the main gate and into side. A double frag from Netherlands perfo cleared the way for Finland miNd to repair with 10 minutes remaining, 3 minutes faster than Estonia k1ck had done in the previous round. Canada monkey got himself a 4 man frag onto the rushing Europe Queens players at the CP balcony and his side built the CP itself to buy themselves a bonus 2/3 minutes on defence. Europe Queens blew & built the CP and begun attacking the bank with 6 minutes left on the clock and United Kingdom razz took the gold almost immediately, but he was shut down. Europe Queens relentless attacking meant that Estonia k1ck could not set up their defence properly and the pressure finally paid off as Sweden NuggaN was able to take the gold and run it up the slope, across the bridge and into the truck with 3.40 remaining. United Kingdom razz followed this up with some textbook spawnkilling and the truck continued unopposed to finish the map with over 2 minutes left. 2:0 to Europe Queens


Estonia k1ck's defence on goldrush wasn't bad but it was their attack that let them down so they'll have been hoping for a good round when they defended first on supply. Things started well for them as they held the flag for over 5 minutes, with some excellent spam from Canada monkey and Estonia mant. Poland kot got himself a 3 man kill which allowed Europe Queens to finally cap the flag, and his side had no problem attacking the CP, main gate or East. United Kingdom razz was being his usual-annoying-self, jumping on the rocks to ruin Estonia k1ck's attempts to set up their outside depot defence. Sweden NuggaN flew through the East entrance and jumped into Estonia subbi's face, breaking the defence and his teammates soon followed as Europe Queens pushed upstairs as a team. Despite Finland miNd's best efforts to ensure their attack ended in failure by team-killing Netherlands perfo and then Sweden NuggaN, before eating a panzerfaust in the face, Latvia clown built the controls and the truck didn't stop from then as the Allies set a time of 11:15.

The first 4 minutes of Europe Queens defence passed without incident as they took to the more standard defensive positions and refrained from defending so aggressively. They were taking full advantage of their United Kingdom Impact-spawntime and it worked brilliantly for them as Estonia k1ck were finding it near impossible to get into down low, with Finland miNd finding his groove and decimating all attacks. A 2 man panzer from Canada monkey was the opening his side needed and with 7 minutes remaining the Allies managed to plant the forward bunker. Europe Queens respawned and cleared the path for Latvia clown to defuse. United Kingdom razz was raking up the damage as a victory for Estonia k1ck looked increasingly unlikely. The Allies finally capped the flag and planted lower and it blew with 2 minutes remaining. Finland miNd was determined to get as much (team) damage as possible and splattered Sweden NuggaN with a truly awful rifle grenade as the Swede was lining up a panzer shot. GGs were called and Europe Queens ran out comfortable winners 4:0

Europe Queens advance to the Loser Bracket Final tomorrow night, where they will play the loser of the Winner Bracket Final: Europe G2P vs. Europe Anexis

Estonia k1ck are out of the competition and finish in 4th place.

Quote by Queens.clownContrary to what Baggiez said, miNd was the breakout player tonight. The whole team rallied behind him and took out one of the biggest Eastern European powerhouses - k1ck eSports gaming club. We wish them the best in future!

Quote by k1ck.mantThe spirit of walle was not with us

Upcoming games:[/u]
Monday 14th - Winner Bracket Final - Europe G2P vs. Europe Anexis
Monday 14th - Loser Bracket Final - winner of tonight's game vs. loser of WB final
Date TBA - Grand Final

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Awesome coverage as usual

QuoteUnited Kingdomrazz was being his usual-annoying-self, jumping on the rocks to ruin k1ck's attempts to set up their outside depot defence.

Lovely match, tomorrow even better stuff. to bad for k1ck if walle would have been with them it probably would have been easy bash.
miNd for worst teamplayer
he just wanted to take that PF on his face, I say best teamplay, saving buddies hard
good reports, cba to watch ettv
freeze not playing --> instalose
cool ego there Robert
nice fail @ flagcap on supply, razz :]
thought no one noticed ^^
First time i really focus on you when i watch a replay and i've to say that you were really impressive, especially on supply's round 2!
Give him more attention and he'll never see the sunlight again.
Can't be worse, i guess.. :)
that flag 'cap' can't be a good thing for a man's ego though
thanks buddy =]
<@griim> "anexis is balls"
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