GIGA with Quake4 and ET - Live!

image: gigaq4et

Tonight, yet another time our beloved Enemy Territory is making it's way to the big wide screen on your home TV. But even more is coming, on preparations of the upcoming release of ET:Quake Wars in eray 2007, GIGA will cast Quake 4 with the first of some matches of a new and abmitious event: The Swedish National League. If you are interested in one of those games feel forced to tune in GIGA tonight and watch some hot FPS action!

Since noone except of Belgium mAx is able to write something serious about Quake4, I was running through the whole quakenet to find one of the admin team. Finally, the League Director Sweden dREk was able to write a small statement on the upcoming war:
QuoteWe are looking forward to show tonights game from the league SNL on GIGA. Tonights game with Sorax from team Excello against Wakka (Ztrider's little brother) is going to be interesting. Both players are not that famous but are improving all the time and might surprise many in the end. I personally believe that Sorax will win this game but check the action on GIGA to find out yourself!

Also, I was able to catch up with player Spain Mamalukes again to get a short statement of him for the ET match tonight:
QuoteThis is the second time we play on GIGA and we are really happy about it. Sadly we cant play with our regulary lineup cause 2 of us are busy in rl but we have found 2 good replacements for them. Highbot played well in their last matches so this gonna be hard for us tonight. Althought we hope in an exciting Match for the viewers.

Match 1: QUAKE 4 - Today, 22.00 CET
Sweden Sorax vs. Wakka Sweden
Maps: TBA
Livestream: GIGA (Free)
HQ Stream: GIGA2

image: game1277Match 2: ET - Today, 23.00 CET
Germany vs. Italy
Maps: SupplyDepot2, ET Ice (Decider: Radar)
Livestream: GIGA (Free)
HQ Stream: GIGA2

For those Germans of you, feel forced to read the latest topic written on the GIGA page.
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