Good Old Games

image: 24vij2wimage: oszjarGood Old Games have announced their intention to take on Valve's Steam and EA's Origin as they aim to became the second largest independent digital games seller on the internet. They are currently best known as a marketplace for 'classic games', traditionally seeking classics that are three years or older, however they are now intending to pursue newer releases. Earlier this year the service sold the new release: The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings and it was the success that the service needed in order to potentially propel itself into the next stage of their business model. With EA's Origin receiving so much bad press which will haunt the ears of exactly the type of customer that will look to attract, there might be no better time to attempt to leapfrog their rivals and become a #2 to Steam.

Managing director, Guillaume Rambourg said:

QuoteWe will continue to add classic games, of course, but we are actively working to sign newer titles now. Of course, these new titles will have to come at a new, higher price point, but our key focus will always be on the same core values that have made great so far: completely DRM-free games, flat prices everywhere in the world, and extra content and goodies for our fantastic customers.

He went on to state that over 400 games will be available by the end of 2012 and that many game developers and publishers are coming to as the best alternative digital distribution platform as they uphold important universal values that others' do not.

Over the past few years it's been great to see expand and their catalog grow, particularly with their anti-DRM stance. Many a gamer was attracted to this policy but it might well be the sole reason that they will never reach the heights that Steam has - after all, how many AAA titles will be interested in selling through a service which refuses to sell without DRM?
The most important thing is that their old games work on newer OS like win7 x64. I bought the commandos series on steam and the oldest one (BEL) works too fast to be playable :S
Set it to 1 core... you could always use ET Affinity in the tutorials section ;), that'll fix it for you, and optimise loading!
they should support ET
would be awesome
why would anyone buy a free game....
for money ;{D
to pay guys for ET2 ! :D
There are free games on there as well.
isnt Origin only selling EA stuff?
Dont think that they aimed to become the new steam but they want to fight piracy and cheaters.
and who can blame them for that?
fight piracy and cheaters stealing users information..
nothing happend as a consequence of that EULA.
EULA was already changed.
get ur facts straight.
I think they changed it within a couple of days yet people still think the old one is around.
Quoteand who can blame them for that?

All of their customers should, since Origin didn't do jack shit to piracy.
dont get it.
there was no disadvantage for anyone so noone must be mad except the retards who claimed to not buy the game cause of the EULA
The Origin program itself still sucks. Not to mention EA's customer support and the way they treat their customers.
Customer support always sucks cause it costs a lot of money.
EA support is better than any other tho cause they are the only ones i know who will just set you to full veteran status jsut because you ask and gift you a BF2142 key (for free) just because you and your mate encounter problems.
Origin sucks? Cant see why.
Valve = Half Life I

Nothing else.
Been thinking about posting a similar news article. Nicely written Baggiez. GoG is definitely something we should all support.

The community is great as well, never seen a more friendly community online. Hopefully they will continue to grow.
downloaded this some weeks ago only to play painkiller
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