MLG Providence: Final Ranking

image: 20kx9uw

Coming from the Loserbracket, 16-year old talent Korea, Republic of image: Zicon_small FXO.Leenock took home the United States of America MLG Providence title in an extended Best-of-7 series vs Sweden image: Picon_small CoL.NaNiwa yesterday night, winning 4-1 and taking home the 50.000$ prize cheque.
On a side note, Sweden image: Picon_small NaNiwa will be guaranteed a GSL Code S seed for the next season, since Korea, Republic of image: Zicon_small Leenock already having a Code S status.

So here are the final standings of United States of America MLG Providence:

Korea, Republic of image: Zicon_small Leenock (50.000$)
Sweden image: Picon_small NaNiwa (25.000$)
Korea, Republic of image: Zicon_small DongRaeGu (15.000$)
4th Korea, Republic of image: Ticon_small MVP (10.500$)
5th Canada image: Picon_small HuK (7.500$)
6th Korea, Republic of image: Picon_small MC (5.250$)
7th Sweden image: Zicon_small HayprO (3.750$)
8th United States of America image: Zicon_small IdrA (3.000$)

image: MLGllenockwin

During the consolation final vs Korea, Republic of image: Zicon_small DongRaeGu, he showed some incredible micro, splitting up his drones vs DRGs banelings.

Links: (VoDs) (Liquipedia / incl. brackets)
Leenock had so sick actions against DRG and against MVP, very enjoyable to watch.
even thou this is the 3rd news regarding MLG, i think this event and its winner really deserve it... was such a great event... i enjoyed watching it so much !
btw, in before Turks and Caicos Islands frozz. Zerg & Protoss OP whine !
never whined about zerg bro
Terran OP imo, hehe
MLG's system is so unfair >.<.

85.71% winratio MarineKing (24-4) Placing 13th
53.85% winratio Naniwa (7-6) Placing 2nd

and Leenock with an incredible 34-5 \o/
It is unfair but I understand it. They're trying to encourage participation in their entire calender by rewarding those with consistent results. So while MKP has gone 24-4 and finished 13th and Naniwa has gone 7-6 and come 2nd, MLG will argue that that is reward for Naniwa's previous results and MKP had to 'earn' it this time because he hadn't done enough in the past.

But yeah, I kinda agree with you ^^
somwhat true, but you have to count in that half of who mkp played were low to mid tier players and naniwa only met top tier players
Nice :) Protoss FTW
he is still arrogant as fuck, not able to answer questions "normally" when being asked in an interview, and neither able to look straight into the camera or to the crowd... just staring down to the bottom like a freaking emo... sorry but i can't stand him.
He was like that all the time, when I saw him live, he looks a totall nerd, he moves his hand in interview like a 3 old kid when they are shy :D But I still very like how he plays
well yeah, he might just be shy and does not have any self-confidence... this might not be very nice of me, but i still dislike him for this reasons somehow... he looks creepy when giving interviews, almost like a psychologically disturbed
Yap he behave a little bit like a retard :D like a real computer nerd
yeah thats what we call arrogance indeed martin x]
well he might be shy, but also still giving arrogant statements imo...
just nervous, socially awkward tbh, also he sucks at expressing himself properly in english. when you just watch him at his stream or anything hes way more relaxed and fun
wouldnt surprise me if he actuallly was mentally challenged :O
Nice tournament with only one game.

But what can we expect from SC2 site like Crossfire.
noone cares about random console games + LoL :)
I heard zerg all-ins are weak
hear zerg was op
i heard playing retardedly greedy into 2 base all ins is weak as well.
":D" i would also 2 base all in if you failled a roach rush
did naniwa take 3rd base in any of his games?
like leenock made a whole lot of bases vs nani :P
nigga pls. What happens if zerg goes hatch first in zvp? Cannon rush. Same shit with nexus first, naniwa is to blame for bein retarded not leenock as cheeser.
you 're being such a hypocrite ;D
you're just being stupid if you dont see the difference
i have to agree with rockskin a little here :P
son i am dissapoint
it aint leenocks fault that nanis build was so bad vs early agression and its kinda funny that he actually cheese him in the same way 3 times

if nani would have been smart enough to actually change his gameplan he would have prolly won the whole show
thats not my point
whats your point then?
same thing i said to you, if hed done it against mma ud be mad, but vs a P its ok :P
a t going fe without barracks vs a z without scouting him first deserves it tbh

and pardon me? are you comparing naniwa and mma right now? i might come over and beat you up now! :D
cant recall terran going 15cc on a xel naga with 1 bunker as defense, can you?
omg its not about that, its about you and syriusz hate protoss, so ur like well its exactly what nani deserved, but if it wouldve been a player you actually liked or a race you liked, and that one got cheesed apropriatly like 4/5 times in a set you'd be mad instead of saying, deserved
(its exactly about that)

cba to discuss is it with you,obviusly cant get and dont wanna get it
its not about the build order, its about how much you like a player or a race.
poor u and poor ur race,nobody likes u :(
maybe its time to switch to terran bro..? u know u can 111 u can 3rax
marine imba
mules imba
ghost imba
marauder imba
stim imba
medivac imba
hellions imba

why not?? its so easy, u ll get master in 3 days

or simply go zerg and mass muta every game? u know,its so easy to survive that early 6gate PRESSURE before getting them

but then...toss makes a counter attack

shows me a graph of winrates who made some random guy, GSL results and everything dies
true price xoxo
Quotea true zerg pro never misses a chance to inject.

well done, sir.

massive QQ about race?!
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