RTCW Celebrates 10th Birthday

image: 200px-Wolfenstein-Enemy-Territory-logo.svg_image: oszjarReturn to Castle Wolfenstein celebrated it's 10th year anniversary a few days ago on November 19th, 2011. The first-person-shooter, published by Activision, was released to the North American market on November 19th, 2001. Splash Damage, an independently-owned game developer in London, created some of the maps for the GOTY edition and recently published the birthday news about the game in which they had their first ever official involvement in gaming.

As a small treat from Splash Damage they uploaded a picture of a whiteboard with their original map design plans for one of their own map creations: The Damned. It will provide some small measure of insight into a map designers process, albeit 10 years old!

image: 111121_01

Enemy Territory, nor the Crossfire community would exist were it not for RTCW, so here's to you Return to Castle Wolfenstein!

For all the information on the best games check out Crossfire.nu

Happy 10th birthday!
congrats !!!! !
fuck yeah.

we need RTCWLIVE NOW instead of pics ffs
+1 for rtcwlive :D
i'd pay 100 euro's for rtcw live :D
dam was fun map to play on pubs :o
woah what a sick treat for 10th anniversary

go sd , you are the best!!1
really good game , hb
congrats !
sick single, sick multi, hb :)
happy birthday!

Although the game was great due to the limited amount splash damage was involved, imo ;D the map shown for instance was a laggy piece of shit that was pretty much never played. Only Ice from goty edition was played properly and I have no idea how much SD was involved in that one ¬_¬
Dam runs every now and then saturdays on ecg, and then it runs fine. Tram of course ran on Pappa's Tram Server with great success. Greatest map ever imo closely followed by beach and ice. We all have our opinions and differences. But in the end we all agree on that one thing. You know what I mean. :)
Why is RTCW better then ET?
LOL u cant ask that question :P
I like it more because it is faster paced and seems to enforce setup defences rather then not really relying on one.
yea ;) they are played for sure - but they weren't ever successful in competition. Breakout was played on some 64 player server, as was Tank - doesnt mean they were actually good :P
But mp_ice was not made by Splashdamage in my memories!

complete list here ->

We've included 7 maps:

Trenchtoast (mp_trenchtoast)
Nerve Software created this is checkpoint map that was originally released in Map Pack 1.

Icelab (mp_ice)
This Nerve Software map was originally released with the 1.3 Update and features both checkpoint and objective games.

Chateau (mp_chateau)
This map, also created by Nerve Software, is new for the Game of the Year edition has only the objective mode

Keep (mp_keep)
This map, also created by Nerve Software, is new for the Game of the Year edition has only the objective mode

Tram Siege (mp_tram)
Splash Damage created this map, originally released with the 1.32 Update and only has an objective mode.

The Damned (mp_dam)
Another Splash Damage map, this one is new for the Game of the Year edition, and features both objective and checkpoint modes

Rocket (mp_rocket)
This Splash Damage map, new for the Game of the Year edition, also features just an objective mode.
Nerve did seem to make the best maps, I think they were heavily involved in base and just the simple things in terms of trickjumps and stuff made it very well made.
congrats my love :D
I really like your contributions, keep it up.
rtcw ftw :P happy birthday
oh its today! happy birthday =)
'celebrated it's 10th year anniversary a few days ago on November 19th, 2011.'

fail reading? or didn't read at all :D
oh overread it tbh :o
happy birthday my treasure <3
rctw! congrats :D
If we could only turn back the time 10 years! <3
say goodbye to:
powerfull pc's & laptops

say welcome back to:
the wtc towers
steve jobs
bush regime
Those pc's back then were so much more fun...

Getting your first geforce 2 mx**** felt so much better than upgrading to a GTX 560 =(
is it because we grew up or just we r bored of all gaming?
yea... maybe you are right. =( grew up... really turn back that clock now :P
LOL youtube pfff
facebook are u fucking kidding me ?
At least in old days games were done for the PC
Today is nothing but stupidity (and Im not talking about the games)
wts!? :O November 2001?

At 5:20 p.m.[118] on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center started to collapse with the crumble of the east penthouse, and it collapsed completely at 5:21 p.m.

ohlol shitfail
Best game ever - sad that Splash Damage didnt see it
wait, are you one of the mods of old boulardcups?
btw: why would splashdamage not have seen it?
yes im one of the mods of the old boulardscup, and ?
just wondering from where I know your name...
Congratz :-)

Hope it'll be the same for ET
someone can make that map for ET?
BEST MP 4eva!!!
A great game, we need more like it these days! :)
splash damage maps were the shittiest maps ever... too big and confusionary
Best game ever developed of all the games.
RtCW > all!!!

#rtcw.wars for your daily wars.
hb :o) ..RTCW LIVE +1
Wish you were never 'born'

Nah, not rly, best game I've ever played!!!
fuck yeah!
all those new faill games should of learned from this, we could of been playing ET 3 by now...
hb rtcw <3
how can something have a birthday when its dead
" ....they uploaded a picture of a whiteboard with their original map design plans for one of their own map creations: The Damned "

for most the map was called mp_dam
fuck yeah!!!!!!!
Strange that time goes by so fast.
Started to play RTCW right after MP test1 demo came out in september 2001.
Still , ET is better than RTCW and thats why i switched to it in 2003
How you say that a game is better than another ?
RtCW has his own style and ET another.
Competitive way vs public server way, 2 differents style for different people.

RtCW was the only one made to be played has he was for competition. OSP only added few details comperad to ETPro mod who changed all the gameplay.

Other point, isn't because laggy player had an advantage on W: ET that it made it better.
ET is/was SHIT ! compared to RTCW ;)
I can say ET is better than RtCW because that is my opinion and right after ET came out i quited RtCW and switched to ET because i felt that it is better. Ofcourse thank god that ETPRO came because without that i wouldnt have thinked that way for long ...

And other thing.
Im going to die soon if next years will go by so quick also :S
I remember MP test1 and test2 like it was last month
10 years .....damn.. time flies.

rtcw_mp > all
Good old times, unfortunatelyl we won't see such games anymore.

rtcw > all
As I said before, RtCW @ OSP 0.9 on Rage engine = big succes.
then make it instead of stating it!
10 years ago i was playing RTCW demo at the beach :D Good times !!! HB RTCW !!!
haha yeah i remember walking on those beaches too :)
happy birthday rtcw<3
rtcw was shit
haha I am 2 years older :)
There isnt better game and i think none will ever come. RTCW was top of all according to that time, good graphics, great gameplay, awesome storyline. It is just sad, that this series of wolfestein dont have succesful follower. There is new COD every year, but only one attempt of wolf. Well, pitty. Games nowadays are just about nice scenes, good graphics, no inovation. Wolf has it all! I cant remember a game i finished more times. I have the only wish, Wolf, never die pls!
I cant remember how many times i finished RTCW but i can remember how many time i finish some other like COD or BF or MOH and more...for some i never finished them so much it was boring :/

I got an idea, ill reinstall RTCW and run the solo mode one more time :)
Have fun!
There was wolfenstein to follow on from RTCW/ET however since those games were so good ppl just expected Wolfenstein to be the next GOD of games.
make it free already, and add some hats!
Installed it today again ^^
10 years oh ah, i miss it so much :'( hmm nahh not really, couldn't care le$$
still the best game I ever played! :-)
wooohooo! :)
good old times haha :p
HB my beloved game <3
10 years... fuck me!
Played for the first time today. It sure wasn't exactly like ET but I liked it. Too bad I have pretty unstable fps. Most of the time when indoors I had stable 125 whereas most of the time when I was outside it dropped to around 60. Made the game a lot harder. =/
RTCW <3... I used to take the manual in school, before and after my SATS exams. I remember the game very well, so many happy memories. I have like 4 bought copies here

Long live RTCW...
GGs :)
Allstars still up and running:
I've been playing this game for 10 years now and I just can't let go of it... for me there's simply no alternative, the only game that comes slightly close is ET but it feels to slow in many aspects compared to RtCW.
Even after 10 years you still feel you can improve in the game, be it aim, teamplay, movement, tactical insight etc. this is probably what makes it so addictive, you learn new things everyday.
It's great to see RtCW getting the exposure it deserves lately, if that results in some growth of our current scene, even if only slightly, I'll be a happy man. :)
RTCW ... :)
What a date \o/ I'm getting old...
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