DreamHack Winter: StarCraft II

image: ifbc5e

Round of 4
Korea, Republic of image: Ticon_small PuMa vs Romania image: Picon_small NightEnD 3-1
Korea, Republic of image: Picon_small HerO vs Netherlands image: Zicon_small Ret 3-1

Korea, Republic of image: Ticon_small PuMa vs Korea, Republic of image: Picon_small HerO 3-4

Prize distribution:
200 000 SEK
90 000 SEK
35 000 SEK
4th 35 000 SEK
5th-8th 10 000 SEK

EIZO channel feat. Day[9] & MrBitter
SteelSeries channel feat. Apollo & TotalBiscuit
Sapphire AMD channel feat. Tasteless & Artosis
Triple stream

http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft2/DreamHack_Winter_2011 (Liquipedia)

For all the latest gaming news check out crossfire.nu
image: Ticon_small PewWPEWpEW image: Zicon_small gobble gobble image: Picon_small zzzzzZzZt
QL is more interesting than this shitty game
Need DHW QL news post
fuck this game even if i dont know it,

need filter
just filter on "esports" then :)
why filter all esport instead of a random game
first place216648.00 euro or 1864798.86904 GBP
21k, not 216k :)
im sorry but from the mainpage i looks like this tournament is about casters :p
dunno what ur talking about :D
image: Zicon_small

Grubby fighting! thanks for the post, can check out some stream whenever I feel like taking a break!
Sheth vs ToD on EIZO stream is amazing atm ! ... game1 & 2 were epic so far !
day9 stream
Tasteless & Artosis > day9
tru tru :P Tasteless&SuperDanielMan <3
bullshit,so predictable and boring.especially artosis who is trying to be cooler but hes a fuckign nerd
you mad bro :(
give me infos about QL tournament instead :x
Will see QL and 1.6 live at DH! woo
52kill immortal, np4tod
protoss imba
i agree, the change on the protoss upgrades swift the balance of the game in a bit to the protoss favor
Thanks for the news Noorgrin
already 3 frenchies qualified, Stephano top3 imo !
Crossfire 4.0 - A Star Craft 2 Community

i like :)))))))
Grubby out in first phase :D?
Very unlucky and a very weird loss from Sen. Although I have to admit, the way he was playing, especially the map he lost and that eventually cost him the tournament, wasn't very impressive. Then again, against Sen and also the last map he won last night he showed some incredible persistence, so maybe he did deserve to go through. In any case, hope he takes a lesson from this not to fuck around and try shit against lesser known players, could be very costly indeed.
cant believe sc2 is so big. i cant seem to enjoy it
It's called DreamHack, not Dreamhack
According to their own official banner (not the title), it is DREAMHACK
cause i love you so much Konsti, i fixed it... Rechtschreibehans... :D
no wonder your name is swine
Cupcake played ET live from DH last night :p
best man xD

He kills one and in the background "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" xD
We should have a soundboard with cheers!!!!
haha go ahead
GL Naama, Fuzer, elfi!
Wow, nice groups, huk puma idra in one, LOL 3 x EG? :DD
Group B and F looking rly hard also :O
Seriously, is this some SC2 site these days?
awsome game taking over dead game
image: 1275637155979-dumpfm-ryder-1275428499992-dumpfm-noisia-deal-with-it-pondercat
feel free to write news about ET.
Again a LAN event with multiple games, only SC2 is newsworthy in CF.

I kinda thought that SC2 scene already has multiple sites, but maybe everyone will rush here after this amazing coverage.
"Crossfire 3.2 - A Gaming Community"

And Baggiez makes a news about the last big events every week so I don't get your point ("Again a LAN event with multiple games, only SC2 is newsworthy in CF.")
Why should i write a news about games i am not aware about whats going on etc... To clear this out, i am not doing this news cause i am interested in crossfires user accounts or page visits. I am doing this cause i know a lot of nice ppl from this community that i love and that are interested in Sc2, so i share it.

If you wanna cover the CS or QL tournament of Dreamhack, feel free to contribute a news, i will aprove it as main news, np about it.

It's just i am a Sc2 player and i know what i am writting about and following the tournament etc... So i can make a decent coverage about it, which i couldn't for CS or QL etc... Every member on crossfire can contribute news, so instead of constant complaining, maybe write one yourself or stfu
Let's see how this event and other games are mentioned in the news post:
QuoteDreamHack Winter: StarCraft II Tournament

Ah, so many games played there, in this SC2 event. And the links to schedules and all, nice.

It's not about making news from a game i don't personally play. I just don't get why the news post have to be written in a way that no other games exist in those events? Then try to turn the blame on me? Nice touch.

How about starting the post with something like:
Again its time for the epic LAN Dreamhack and it's prestigious gaming tournaments in many games, including XXX, YYY, ZZZ. Full schedules etc can be found clicking these links.

As have been following the scene of the game ZZZ, here are some tips to what might be interesting maches/groups/cast/etc.

If someone has some nice info on other games, just post it in the comments and i'll C&P it here

It doesn't take much to change the tone of these posts, just a few lines/links added.
i take it for granted that everyone here knows that Dreamhack features more then just SC2... this is the reason why i called the news "Sc2"...

ofc i could also add infos about all other events... but still as i said, i am not following other games, so i think i should not cover them when i am not 100% aware about what's going on at those games etc.

I think we simply need more filters @ CF 4.0 ... for SC2, LoL, DotA2 etc etc...
thnx for effort man

btw DongRaeGu - its jaedong?
where can i find the ql and 1.6 streams/infos about the tournament?
lol @ ToD vs Happy :D

1h15 match, was fucking epic, Happy tried to troll but ToD rolled hard :P
i was laughing my ass off coz of Day9 casting dat game :D
Round of 4
Naama vs NightEnD
PuMa vs DongRaeGu

um, just no :>
sry noor, what you have is the round of 8 :p

round of 4 =

puma vs nightend
hero vs ret
Baggiez fucked up my whole newspost anyways... wasn't at home until now... text and all tables etc gone :/
:( i always backup my posts, you?
no :( ... i will in the future...
i always write my posts in a txt first and save it after its done :P
puma vs hero :3
omg what a final :)
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