JeeSports.ET Tournament Continues

image: ET-header-banner

The JeeSports ET Qualification continues over the next three months in preparation for the main tournament, penciled in for mid February, where four teams will battle it out for €120 top prize. There were some delays in qualification process as some admins hit busy times in real life, please forgive us! ;)

October 16th 2011: Anexis eSports Win Qualification Tournament #1
December 11th 2011: Qualification Tournament #2
January 15th 2012: Qualification Tournament #3
January 29th 2012: Qualification Tournament #4

February 12th 2012: Main Tournament, where all 4 Qualifiers will playoff for €120

A news post regarding Qualification tournament #2 sign up will be released in the next few days, so stay tuned. All tournaments are one day cups.

image: ET-footer-banner

Sign up to JeeSports
To play in one or all of the qualification tournaments is simple, you and your team mates must sign up at and once your account has been confirmed you can “create your clan” which can be found on the right hand side of the website. The leader of the clan can simply paste the team page to his team mates where they can hit the join team" button. Once you and all your team have signed up you will all need to add your TZAC account details to the website. Visit JeeLounge's favpage and add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" with your ID number in the field available - This will be your game account so make sure it is correct.

For a step by step instructions on how to create a team and add your TZAC ID view the video guide.

You only need to sign up once to play, if you participated in Qualification tournament #1 you do not need to sign up to the website again!

image: ET-footer-banner

Each round will be played Best of 3 for the remaining Qualification tournaments. Only if more than 16 teams sign up will we change round 1 and round 2 to best of 1. A player who has already played for a qualified team may not play for a team competing in any qualification tournaments, even if only mercing, the player and his team risk being removed from the final tournament - for a full rundown of the rules please visit the JeeSports ET rules page from out first qualification tournament. @ Quakenet
avi for this
avi for #4
Finlandturbot eSports
bF wants to win #4
omgomg avi
Is there any chance that you're going to announce CC8 soon ? :>
Is there any chance that you're going to announce CC8 soon ? :>
Like you'll attend.
always helping people improve their english!
Is there any chance that you're going to announce CC8 soon ? :>
avi for it ;o
ET is dead.
ET is dead.
really nice
progamer is avi :D
next time choose another date then the cups already mentioned
this was chosen long before the other one
Schedule other cups
JeeET Cup #2: 23rd October 16.00 CET
JeeET Cup #3: 30th October 16.00 CET
JeeET Cup #4: 6th November 16.00 CET
Final tournament: 6th November 20.00 CET

maybe they should stick to the days they inform to public:)
As it says in the post, the dates had to change - the 'NBS cup' is over 2 weekends (11th and 18th December) these were the soonest options to do ones for JeeSports and 11th is only 1/2 qualifiers for the NBS main tournament, from what I read, on the 18th.
well because of ur CUP we ain't sure to get going with our CUP, because sign up will be less
stop hogging all the sundays then ¬_¬
We planned 11th Qual. 1, 14th Qual. 2 and 18th Finals. Since we did not want to disturb EC/BfB. If JeeET is the 11th I don't expect the size and skill that I was aiming for @ our cup. On the 14th there won't be that much teams either, because its on wednesday. So th 18th is the only 'free' Sunday, since I am not going to play a cup on XMas xD. Anyway, I understand your situation, sundays are hard to find these days :)

Still its hard for us with the jeeET planned on the 11th. Me and demz0r discussed and we will prob cancel the Cup and make a XMAS Cup on the 18th with some fun prizes and make a bigger cup early next year.

And btw 'all sundays', we only took 2 ;)

I understand you, but try also to understand us. I dont blame you, but our cup is kinda ruined now.

GL with JeeET anyway.
yea by all sundays I meant the ones left in the year, before Christmas ;[

Hopefully you come up with something, its a bit rash to cancel it all - teams will play even on a weekday considering you are offering prizes, imo.
We will make a XMas cup on 18th with some server prizes and full live stream by NBS TV in stead and maybe a bigger tournament early next year.
colt45 interested
nice one :-)
nice, keep up these cups !
Good stuff :)
too bad this is planned at the same date as NBS cup :S
just one of the qualifiers for both of the cups, thats all ;)
finally, been praccing ages for this one
Website seems pretty bugged? Getting errors when trying to navigate
same here :DDDD
website is down? anyway gj
everyone calm the fuck down, i got this shit.
everyone calm the fuck down, casek got this shit
Would have been nice if it was a week later, could have played and made ET alive again.. :[ Me, emorej, karnaj, phyzic, flop, mant, raul were ready to rape this shit

week later was the NBS final, main reason I didnt schedule it for that date - and now its all set :p sorry!
What are the great implications for a change in date anyway? I know you said it's agreed with admins, but say for example, you changed it to 19th Dec, what's the big problem? :o
its in the week of Christmas, I wont be around much after the 15th tbh as I have a load of stuff to organise ;)
kamz you and raping wont go toghetter :D and dont think karnaj and phyzic would play with you :D
man i rape u 6on6 bro, u = 5on5 only and wtf u talkin about, it was already agreed ! why would they not play with me? we good mates and played together loads
fuck yeah signed up!
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