Check6 defy ALL odds and take Eurocup XIII

Check6 the team that could not take 1st place for love nor money, and were locked in 2nd in every tournament. Have won the Call of Duty 2 Eurocup 13.
Lead by Crossfire's Liam "Crow" Crowley the side defeated Eurocup 10, 12 and TeK-9 cup winners Germany Speedlink to book a winners bracket final place against Dignitas. In a battle to the death, in TRIPLE overtime, it was Check6 that overcame the pressure and the odd's to send Dignitas down into the Eurocup losers bracket, where they faced a TeK-9 side bouyed by their victory over Speedlink.

Check6 took second in last seasons Eurocup, losing to none other than Speedlink in the grand final and were condemned to second place once more, just like they were at Netgamez. After a hard fought Eurocup season, Check6 became the first team to beat both Dignitas and Speedlink online. However in a shocking turn of dramatic events inside the Check6 management organisation, the side was left with no option but to disband. Down but not out, crow reformed his side, he'd lost all of his old team mates and was going to have to beat them in their new teams to take Eurocup Gold, that he did!

Dignitas coming from the losers bracket needed to beat Check6 twice. Things started out well for the Crossfire PrizeFight Challenge winners as they picked up Dawnville one of their stronger maps with relative ease. Onto Toujane it went and memories of Check6 vs Speedlink in Eurocup 12 came flooding back.
Check6 soared into 12-3 lead at the halftime and were in a commanding position. However, just like last season against ze germans, Check6 let the lead slip and it was Dignitas that seemingly had victory in the bag. However, with the luck of the irish, Check6 pulled back into an overtime that had all the hallmarks of last seasons final. Dignitas took the first round in OT, but after that it was all one way traffic and Check6 came out victorious!

Watch the VOD's of the Matches with Inside the Game - Here & Here

Small Interview with Ireland Crow - Here
Crows pre tournament preview - Here

Placings -

Europe Check6
United Kingdom Dignitas
Belgium TeK-9
Germany Speedlink
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