Crossfire December

image: es3ji9December is upon us and what better way to spend the Christmas period than with some festive Enemy Territory! Last month we had the conclusion of the Battle For Berlin and while it might not have reached the finale that many of you were expecting, I would like to think that the tournament on the whole was a success, not only for those involved, but for the community as well. If the community would be interested in further tournaments then hopefully the New Year will bring us renewed activity in our beloved game and the potential for more competitions to compete in - online and offline.

This Sunday 4th hosts the Grand Final of this seasons EuroCup as you can watch Europe Gaming2Perfection vs. Europe Queens. Hopefully we can score a huge viewer-peak for the final of this prestigious tournament and prove that while this game is not as popular as it once was, it is a long way from being 'dead'. While nothing has been formally organised, consider this a call-to-arms for one-day-cups for all of those Crossfire members who will be taking time off work or school and have all those free hours in-front of their computers! will be bringing you plenty of goodies over the festive period, including the annual Crossfire Community Awards. The long awaited new site is still in continued development and those involved are working around the clock to bring it to you as soon as humanely possible. Watch this space Crossfire!

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I liked the bolded offline
what you said
Looking forward to it :)
needs northpole server
Merry Christmas
ye buddy
Merry christmas iceq!
im office
i'm going to find a nice pub (or even jay) server with X-mass mod on it!
get a hand ohhhhhhh
northpole cup anyone?
Crossfire Community Awards

a hoax every year
Best time of the year!

Least I won't be in player you hope quits playing this year haha :D But expect myself to be in contributor of the year (again) for bringing such great entertainment to this website, which is what it's all about really. Also brang back 6on6 ET Gaming. Foundzor of #et.6on6. Still most hated obviously (people don't hate me, they love to hate me), best troller, moviemaker, hacker, lamer, irc hero, ninja and objective player. True story bro. Man of many talents. Also a friggin genius offline and rolling life hard.

My name should be all over these awards :x
krosan gonna accuse you for hacking private cf channel again :D?
Krosan was trolling hard
haha, he still doesn't know what really happened to this date :D dumb ass
ET is dead.
szczurek told me that they requested EC so hardly and they might have NC and might not due to lack of team interest and ET death :<<< i guess its all up to kamz now?
kamz.. saviour of ET to the rescue
do something about it! maybe changing back to 5o5? :D and hosting many one day cups shud do some work?
dont remember your contributions
entertaining the lives of many nerds in gaming??
northpole or gtfo
NICE ;) hope we get new and more cups/leagues/lans
I like many others would love to misguidedly play some Northpole for 30 minutes before going back to Dota 2.
Looking forward to the final!
maybe some teasers/photos of new CF?
i like the picture of the christmas tree
Quotewhile it might not have reached the finale that many of you were expecting
I would have thought every body expected a final, not many of us, still, was nice to watch and well organised ect :)
nortpole wat? explain!
good good
i want nerds active again on enemy territory this will be a good present :(
if there will be a next cc lan i'd like to play there :PPP
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