JeeSports Enemy Territory Qualification #2 *UPDATE*

image: ET-header-banner

JeeSports sign ups close tonight, with the signed up teams being allocated to a bracket tomorrow. Unfortunately there are a number of teams that have signed up to play but do not have at least 6 players in their roster. Teams that have less then 6 players in their roster will still be put into the bracket for Sundays Cup but will forfeit their match if they fail to gather 6 players and have them sign up to the website.

The following teams that have signed up and are currently fine to play the competition are:

All other teams currently have incomplete lineups and must have the minimum of 6 by Check in time (the above list will not be updated, just make sure you have 6 players in the lineup minimum!) All teams competing, including the teams above, can only field players on their roster. Players must make sure to add their TZAC ID in the correct place too, details can be found below on how to sign up to the site, make a clan and so on.

  • Check in start: Sunday, 11th December 15.30 CET
  • Tournament start: Sunday, 11th December 16.30 CET
  • Slots: Up to 16 teams (Minimum 8)
  • Bracket: Single elimination
  • Match time: 1.5 hour each game
  • Signups close: Wednesday, 7th December 2011 22:00 CET

Need a team?
Want to play and dont have a team? thats no problem as there is a recruitment thread on crossfire.

Original News[/b]]The sign ups for JeeSports.ET 2nd qualification tournament are still open with just over 24hours to go before sign ups close on Wednesday 7th December at 22:00 CET so if you and your team wish to take part, make sure you sign up below!

Schedule JeeET Cup #2
  • Check in start: Sunday, 11th December 15.30 CET
  • Tournament start: Sunday, 11th December 16.30 CET
  • Slots: Up to 16 teams (Minimum 8)
  • Bracket: Single elimination
  • Match time: 1.5 hour each game
  • Signups close: Wednesday, 7th December 2011 22:00 CET

We currently have 17 teams which is great, but we can expand the competition to 24 or 32 teams if there are enough sign ups. Even if you haven’t got a team just yet, you can support Enemy Territory at JeeSports by simply visiting the website and making a game account, below are steps on how to do so.

Need a team?
Want to play and dont have a team? thats no problem as there is a recruitment thread on crossfire.

Sign up to play in JeeSports tournaments[/b]]
To play in one or all of the qualification tournaments is simple, you and your team mates must sign up at and once your account has been confirmed you can “create your clan” which can be found on the right hand side of the website. The leader of the clan can simply paste the team page to his team mates where they can hit the join team" button. Once you and all your team have signed up you will all need to add your TZAC account details to the website. Visit JeeLounge's favpage and add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" with your ID number in the 'nickname' field available - This will be your game account so make sure it is correct.

For a step by step instructions visit the tournament website or view the video guide.

You only need to signup once to play, if you participated in Qualification tournament #1 you do not need to sign up to the website again!

Rules for participating[/b]]
Each round will be played Best of 3 for the remaining Qualification tournaments. Only if more than 16 teams sign up will we change round 1 and round 2 to best of 1. A player who has already played for a qualified team may not play for a team competing in any qualification tournaments, even if only mercing, the player and his team risk being removed from the final tournament - for a full rundown of the rules please visit the JeeSports ET rules page from out first qualification tournament.

image: ET-footer-banner @ Quakenet is the gaming community for Enemy Territory.
gl all !

Need 8 team cup with Anexis, Queens, g2p, Colt45, Highbot, Mousecon, k1ck +1, would be good :)
QuoteColt45, Highbot

Did i miss something?
wait and see ;)
News about colt45 was posted by kamz, but since he got his posting rights revoked the news dissapeared
why exactly do the signups close at wednesday? I think you'd have a few more teams if you just let them open untill check in starts.
brackets need to be made as well as a news post and I am working friday + away saturday :( thursday is the only day I could do this.

We have the minimum 8 teams already well surpassed and will be great for 16 team ODC - if more sign up in the next 24 hours then even better but if not any sign ups will be good to play in the next quali.
Need 3 team cup with Anexis, Queens, g2p. Anexis directly in Final, and Q vs g2p in semi, would be good :)
Queens has been the most successful online team of 2011 - why would they be in the semi :p
17 that's great seems like your work and artstars effort pulled off something!
Ready to pwn this
need skilled fops instead of PlAyer for that day (11th december)

q me in #nbs
need reload or anderson for the 11th /q Gifted_
avi for this..
avi for this!
Queens impressive names again, I hope for a good suprise from the survive with serval german allstars
everyone will be devastated.
several german allstars
kResTi sNoOp and ofcourse stray(famous for owning Queens in 3on3)
Kresti will play with highbot for sure.
Queens wont be playing 99% sure.
butchji gonna play !!!
need 6th, pmme here or on #heartZ
gL team Otyg <3
i am avi as rifle
just write a pm to me, I dont care which skills or nationality
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