ONEMOVE 2 Perfection

At ONEMOVE.ESO we're very happy to announce yet another great step forward with the pickup of the well known Belgium Gaming2Perfection ET team. Due to the Belgian organization having to shut down, the team found themselves without support. Quickly after the drop, ONEMOVE realized this was a great team and offered them their help and support and a few debates later the pickup was arranged.

After some impressive results, finishing second in CB:EC XXIV and third in Battle for Berlin, Germany kReSti, Germany sTOWNAGE and United Kingdom griim decided to leave the team. Searching for replacements, we contacted United Kingdom rAzZ and Iceland phyZiC from the former United Kingdom side. Both players responded interested and decided to join up and create a strong new lineup with Belgium chry, Belgium Jere and Germany Bl4d3. However, still left without a sixth player, the team spoke to several players and decided France kARnAJ was the one to fill the spot.
Now, ONEMOVE.ESO is proud to announce its new ET team:
  • Belgium chry
  • Belgium Jere
  • Germany Bl4d3
  • United Kingdom rAzZ
  • Iceland phyZiC
  • France kARnAJ

New player United Kingdom rAzZ and ONEMOVE ET manager Belgium Carnage had the following to say about the teams changes and pickup:
Quote by rAzZIm glad to be part of ONEMOVE.ET they're a bunch of very nice guys that seem to be very motivated to me. With this new team i think our goal is to try and compete with Anexis, which will be hard for sure because they're an awesome team with some brilliant individuals, im hoping that we are going to have a nice time in ONEMOVE and have alot of good games with this tag. We will be playing all cups and hopefully the upcomming lans that are announced!

Quote by CarnageONEMOVE.ESO has been looking for a top ET team to represent us. We decided to support Enemy Territory because it’s the managements’ roots. Finally after almost a month talking and negotiating we are very pleased to announce our new lineup. They will compete on the highest level and I’m sure they will perform good. I wish them the best of luck!

Also I want to give a shoutout to our CS 1.6 team with their first place at the strOng LAN. Congratulations guys!

We're looking forward to seeing the new team in action, with its first appearance in the JeeSports ET tournament. Also we are awaiting news about future ET events which we are sure to attend. Welcome to the ONEMOVE.ESO club!

Also we'd like to take this moment to give our thanks to our partners, HiperZ Gameservers, ORIGIN PC's and FragRadio eSports Coverage. Remember to follow us on Twitter to get the latest news about the team!

ONEMOVE Twitter :: ONEMOVE Website :: #ONEMOVE.ESO is the gaming community for Enemy Territory.
gl guys hope you do well <3
why did you leave?
wanna play for a german team again and not active :p
gl with your new team
der witsj k0ming

gl guys!
good luck !
GG! Unlucky Highbot thought you deserved Supply
i was pretty surprised by how fast hB got the first 2 parts(gate+cp) but then momentum stopped they did deserver that round i guess
we just did stupid mistakes at last stage
They just got out mixed I think. Razz and Karnaj were just everywhere like a usual mix and hb got stuck in some shit 1 by 1 rhythm where the engis constantly got fucked in the ass on 20 second spawns! :(
yea like i said hB lost momentum on the depot gate stage, i expected hB to get a 7 minute time or so :P
we also had momentum against hB but that doesnt mean shit tho
it does, but if u lose it ll get stuck and u have to get back in it and thats the hard part
sick team. gl guys :))
nice lu
gl Jere & Chry
fail incoming
gl, you certainly got the aimpowah :P
Finaly, now dave is gone, they will become a truly skilled team
hf kARnAJ , je te connais pas mais je sais que ta puissance est sans égale ! gl
^.^ merci ^.^
die kL1Ng3 richtet!
what is this? clanhopping all the time ...
inb4 Robaciek
gl daniel du tier ;-)

forever in love <3
Needs more rambo's !
drop one of the Belgium for a flagfest
whoever attempted to fix razz's statement might want to look again, still not 100% correct :D
i tried to correct it, some obvious mistakes but since its a quote its kinda not 'real' when u edit it :P

gl anyway
ty, hoe ist met mousekon dan?
same as always, prima!
Beter dan jullie :ppp: p:ehehhehe :D
Gl boys <3
gl to all
jere, chry, blade, karnaj <3, krest, stow and griim with finding a team
gj belgians and razz!!!


edit: succes :D
karnaj <33333333333333333
"in love with karnaj" wtf ? :DDD
Have you already see me atleast but thank you anyway ^.^
trop de fans ce karnaj!
trop de fans tuent les fans !
Un mec avec des oreilles de lapin et un regard pervers qui m'aime, ça m’effraierait un peu quand même.
lol non il peut venir me voir déguiser si il veut ^^ mais je le connais pas le pélo quand meme
yeee i love you<33 :*
Good luck =)
good luck all!
Too many Ka/carnage/j
wow 2. If you would have some brains, you would know that you speak and read it different.
Ok mr brainned, if you sir may eat his own head rightnow. Thanks karnage.
good luck fuckers. <3 x
I used to be perfect like you, then I took an arrow in the knee
:xD plz send me the link of this video, can't remeber this girl nick!
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