Tribes: Ascend Beta Keys

image: eijypyimage: 23hlmo1Tribes: Ascend is an upcoming multiplayer only first-person shooter and the latest release in the long running Tribes franchise. It is due for release early in 2012 and is currently available to play as a closed beta. Crossfire has 7 Beta Keys to give away through a small competition which is detailed below.

Tribes: Ascend features a class-based loadout system. Each loudout specifies your armour, weapons, items - and ultimately, your play-style. Expected loadouts are the Pathfinder, similar to the Scout from Team Fortress 2, and the Brute similar to the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. The game currently boats 12 loadouts, including the two above and everything in-between. A picture of all of the loadouts can be seen image: 800px-Tribes_Ascend_Beta_Loadouts The game currently offers Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch and 'Rabbit' game modes. Some maps will retain the classic nature of the Tribes franchise with large open areas and base structures, others will have a more urban feel to them, featuring buildings and streets.

To win a Tribes: Ascend Beta Key all you have to do is reply to this newspost with comment stating why you desire key. Have you played the other Tribes games in years gone by and can't wait for a chance to play the new one? Are you desperately trying to find another game to play besides Enemy Territory in the run up to Christmas? The best replies will win and gain themselves access to the Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta. The competition is open for 24 hours and I will be checking for the best replies and giving the keys out tomorrow, Tuesday 13th December at 20 CET. is the gaming community for Enemy Territory.
Best reply
was watching ctf(I guess) on nvc's stream and it looked weird to say the least, too easy to get the flag
Tribes LOOKS a lot easier than it actually is. Skiing/proper jetpack is a skill all its own let alone the tracking(hitscan) at high speeds and predictions of rockets at said speeds. I assure you when playing this in a competitive format, it is not so easy to capture a flag.

Example: I could go on an ETPub server and run through all the objectives and finish the map without dying once. However in ETPro vs high skilled opponents, doing such a thing would be impossible.
no no, didn't say the game looks easy, just said that getting the flag looked too easy, the guy just went up the hill, slide down and grabbed the flag
I'm desperately trying to find another game to play besides Enemy Territory in the run up to Christmas.
serious biznez tosspot xD
give me key coz im flamer, will sell it also to random nerds because i dont even know this game, problably sux.

( ye lol, look at that pic, noobie warrior with sword vs looks like a metroid's guy )
Give it to me so I can give it to a friend for xmas :P
I don't play ET anymore, can't find my way into another game..
Tribes was one of my first games I ever played, I liked it - but not enough friends played it..
Now a couple friends of mine are looking to play another game & maybe we can all play together someday ! :)

Maybe this will be the game I CAN find my way in, I would hate the fact that I have to wait till it comes out if I could know it now !
I used to love Tribes: Vengeance while having few breaks from ET. Too bad it never was that popular :< Would love to try the new one though! And if it sucks I can always keep telling people on servers to switch to ET :)
i dont want any key i only play ET
because i hate colored peoples
I want a key because I want to roll in tribe soup :D!
I'd like this key becasue in this days games are weak and programers push only on quality not on think to show something new now only graphic is most important for players. I need only good game play to be happy thats why i like games like Tibia or ET also Cabal Online. Also in last month i played some fifa 12 and my last fifa was 2002 and imo 2002 > 2012 srsly !!! also i played new moh2010 imo MOHAA > 2010. I'd like to check this game I like games and i'm gamer since 1999. Thx 4 reading and laugh of my misstakes (my english grama sux) :D I hope you will give it to me babe :D
I think I should have one key and be a beta tester, because I've been playing Tribes a lot and my last Tribes game was Vengence. I also have a long holiday of no school or work and I really need that time to fill with ET or the new Tribes game.
I had beta key since ages just cba opening email
I used to play Starsiege Tribes when I was a little kid and I want to try Tribes Ascent :)
in 2007-08 I used to play tribes:vengeance and it was nice game. I'm kind of player that love in games competitive aspect. especially I love FPS such as quake series, UT series and all kinds of teamfortress(qw:tf, tfclassic, fforever etc.). it possible to say that competitive FPS gaming is my passion. and when in the beginning I said that vengeance was seems to me nice, the Ascend looks to me GREAT(just look this and u love it

so therefore I think why I'm desiring of that key
Should mention for those that care about competitive gaming that Tribes got picked up by NASL(north american star league) which is HUGE for the game and FPS eSports(at least in north america).
Hi-Rez have been doing a lot of work on the game to make it competetively viable and I can already vouch that it is the most polished FPS game I have played in years and its still in closed beta.

kind regards,



thanks in advance
i'd just love to have a beta key, cuz i love esports and im a huge supporter of it and id like to try this game too.
Well, I would like the beta key because I've played Tribes, Tribes 2 and Tribes: Vengeance and I've always loved the gameplay of the series.
because I need to unlock all classes before the game gets released!
I miss fast FPS and Tribes seems a fast FPS. Let's give it a try and join some of my friends.
I already got one
I used to love Tribes: Vengeance while having few breaks from ET. Too bad it never was that popular :< Would love to try the new one though! And if it sucks I can always keep telling people on servers to switch to ET :) also in 2007-08 I used to play tribes:vengeance and it was nice game. I'm kind of player that love in games competitive aspect. especially I love FPS such as quake series, UT series and all kinds of teamfortress(qw:tf, tfclassic, fforever etc.). it possible to say that competitive FPS gaming is my passion. and when in the beginning I said that vengeance was seems to me nice, the Ascend looks to me GREAT(just look this and u love it (url) []

so therefore I think why I'm desiring of that key
u think this is smart move to compile few posts into your mess?
what are you talking about?
My friend has a birthday coming soon, I haven't figured anything to give him so I thought that this beta key would be good present for him since he have played a little games of this series.
made a topic some days ago where i gave away a beta key :)
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