Tribes: Ascend Beta Key Winners

image: eijypyimage: 23hlmo1Tribes: Ascend is an upcoming multiplayer only first-person shooter and the latest release in the long running Tribes franchise. It is due for release early in 2012 and is currently available to play as a closed beta. Crossfire has 7 Beta Keys to give away through a small competition which was held over the past 24 hours.

Tribes: Ascend features a class-based loadout system. Each loudout specifies your armour, weapons, items - and ultimately, your play-style. Expected loadouts are the Pathfinder, similar to the Scout from Team Fortress 2, and the Brute similar to the Heavy from Team Fortress 2. The game currently boats 12 loadouts, including the two above and everything in-between. A picture of all of the loadouts can be seen image: 800px-Tribes_Ascend_Beta_Loadouts The game currently offers Capture the Flag, Team Deathmatch and 'Rabbit' game modes. Some maps will retain the classic nature of the Tribes franchise with large open areas and base structures, others will have a more urban feel to them, featuring buildings and streets.

The following users have won themselves a Tribes: Ascend Beta Key:

[list][*]Netherlands abzes
[*]Denmark Arachon
[*]Belgium ecklav
[*]Poland Krein
[*]Poland moLy
[*]Finland Quiki
[*]Europe vanillavallain[/list]

Congratulations! is the gaming community for Enemy Territory.
Member For: 0 days

What's wrong with that?

Either he's a new user who's been directed to the site (as I posted this news on other websites) or a current user who made another account to try and get a key (which would be strange, but again, nothing really wrong with it).
im sorry but its quite obvious that this is a crossfire admin in disguise

e: vanillavillain is an anagram of tosspot
fore more help about anagrams contact United Kingdom Dr. unblind
Why U no give me
I have a beta key :)

great game except problems with the app laucher and some crashes and unbalances

mant you miss out!
so cu on :)
Thank you crossfire
thank you :)
Whoooop! :)
wheres mine?
have 1 or even 2 to give away. pm me if i know u
can also have my "Main account" took me 10minutes of playing to see that it is cancer
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