Crossfire Draft Tournament *FINISHED*

image: 29zqew

Crossfire Draft Cup kicks off on Thursday at 18:00 CET with the first round of games, as you will probably know the competition is single elimination with players having been selected by each captain one-by-one. The first round of games should bring some great entertaiment before what should be a star studded grand final in a competition with some of the biggest names in Enemy Territory history.

On the day, this news post will be updated with each games info giving you some regular updates on games with results and progress, below you can find the first set of games for the tournament.

Grand Final

Estonia Night
Estonia freeze
Estonia Raul
Germany urtier
Finland sQUALL
United Kingdom koopimage: game30169Team-Clown
Latvia Clown
Germany Bl4d3
Belgium dAv1d
Canada monkey
Italy XyLoS
Germany sTOWNAGE

You can download and listen to Wales owzo's stream here: Click here

Bronze Match

Belgium Kevin
Germany butchji
Poland dialer
Belgium Gifted
Finland Iron
Netherlands saKenimage: game30168Team-FLoPJEHZ
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sNoOp
Poland palemki
Estonia subbi
Belgium Sup3r
Netherlands ZaK

20.42 CET: Team Clown won - so Clown and Night will meet up in the Grand Final!
20.37 CET: Team-FLoPJEHZ attacking now. 4:50 left on the clock but Flop is unable to plant the main gate on Supply.
20.30 CET: With 7:50 left on the clock Team-Clown was able to build the crane controls. Seems like a pretty good time if they can escort the truck...
20.24 CET: Team-FLoPJEHZ vs. Team-Clown is currently running with Clown winning sw_Goldrush_te and attacking on Supply now. If FLoPJEHZ and his crew can`t increase their teamplay Clown will walk with his army to the big final and fight against Night and co.

Semi Finals

Estonia Night
Estonia freeze
Estonia Raul
Germany urtier
Finland sQUALL
United Kingdom koop
image: game30161Team-Kevin
Belgium Kevin
Germany butchji
Poland dialer
Belgium Gifted
Finland Iron
Netherlands saKen

image: s_head

Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sNoOp
Poland palemki
Estonia subbi
Belgium Sup3r
Netherlands ZaKimage: game30164Team-Clown
Latvia Clown
Germany Bl4d3
Belgium dAv1d
Canada monkey
Italy XyLoS
Germany sTOWNAGE

Quarter Finals

Estonia Night
Estonia freeze
Estonia Raul
Germany urtier
Finland sQUALL
United Kingdom koop
image: game30133Team-an7ho
France an7ho
Poland zMk
Netherlands joshua
Austria Potter
Netherlands SQuid
Canada bN

The gamestv odds seem stacked in Team-Night's favor, and probably quite deservedly. Having multi LAN winning players in the lineup with Estonia Night, Finland sQUALL and Germany urtier will give them a great experience boost in games, hopefully Estonia freeze, Estonia Raul and United Kingdom koop can all meld together quickly giving them the best chance to win. Find out more about Team-Night.

Seemingly up against it, Team-an7ho will want to show what they are made of with a bunch of players who although may not have the masses of experience of their opponents they have the big bonus of France an7ho, Poland zMk, Netherlands joshua, Netherlands SQuid and Canada bN having played together in more recent times.Austria Potter brings experience but perhaps a dated style of play, lets hope he can adapt quickly on the night. Find out more about Team-an7ho.

image: s_head

Belgium Jere
Belgium AL1
Finland Matias
Sweden NuggaN
Iceland phyZic
Finland twidiimage: game30135Team-Kevin
Belgium Kevin
Germany butchji
Poland dialer
Belgium Gifted
Finland Iron
Netherlands saKen

Team-Jere are favored on gamestv going into this game, having a mix of talent and experience it could be the recipe for success come Thursday night. With Sweden NuggaN and Iceland phyZic adding a lot of aiming power and Finland twidi blowing up all the objectives it leaves Finland Matias to freeroll which is what he has done so well at in the past. Belgium AL1 backs it all up with some reviving and to top it off Belgium Jere will be on the rifle - this is quite a potent lineup indeed. Find out more about Team-Jere.

Then we have Team-Kevin who has probably the more experienced lineup with Finland Iron, Poland dialer and Germany butchji all being Crossfire LAN winners as well as the talented Belgians Belgium Kevin and Belgium Gifted attending multiple LAN events and probably the most active player in the team and E-Series LAN winner Netherlands saKen, although it will be hard for them writing them off would be a mistake. Find out more about Team-Kevin.

image: s_head

Germany stRay
Germany kiwi
Germany kReSti
Estonia mant
Netherlands perfo
Turkey FireBallimage: game30136Team-Clown
Latvia Clown
Germany Bl4d3
Belgium dAv1d
Canada monkey
Italy XyLoS
Germany sTOWNAGE

Team-stRay has a nice mix of aim, team play and spam as they will hope to take down their opponents, with them being seen as favorites at this point on gamestv - don't let the odds fool you, this will be an extremely difficult match up for both teams. The team boasts aiming prowess in Germany kReSti, Netherlands perfo and Turkey FireBall and with the support and spam work from Germany stRay, Germany kiwi and Estonia mant they could have the right mix to get the job done. Find out more about Team-stRay

Some people are ranking Team-Clown as early favorites comparing them to the former aMenti lineup that was so successful in the past due to them having Latvia Clown, Italy XyLoS and Belgium dAv1d, although the Belgian is not as active and sharp as he once was he is always up for a game and will not be a silent supporting act in the team. Germans Germany Bl4d3 and Germany sTOWNAGE will add good activity as well as aim and reviving skills and lastly Canada monkey will do his best to fit into the team and replicate performances he has made for teams like Find out more about Team-Clown

image: s_head

Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany sNoOp
Poland palemki
Estonia subbi
Belgium Sup3r
Netherlands ZaKimage: game30138Team-miNd
Finland miNd
Finland altsi
United Kingdom griim
Netherlands Leonneke
Finland Sample
Finland Vanhaomena

Team-FLoPJEHZ seem to be the dark horse team of the tournament as they were voted second least likely team to win in a recent poll. Considering the team boasts some amazing aim in Germany sNoOp as well as great all-round players in Estonia subbi, Poland palemki and Netherlands ZaK a probably the biggest breakout rifle in recent years Germany FLoPJEHZ has really made a name for himself since the last Clanbase Nationscup - rounding off the team is a great medic in Belgium Sup3r, I tip the team to make the final if not win. Find out more about Team-FLoPJEHZ.

Finland miNd went for a more Finnish lineup selecting Multiple EC Winners Finland Sample and Finland Vanhaomena as well as Finland altsi. Experienced old player Netherlands Leonneke adds a balanced approach to the lineup with United Kingdom griim topping it off with some medic'ing and supreme aim. The lineup on the day will probably struggle a bit due to inactivity but anything is possible considering the wealth of experience in this and every lineup. Find out more about Team-miNd.

image: s_head

Check out fumble's Crossfire Draft Tournament preview giving you the rundown on all the teams as well as an overall look at the competition and some useful links. Make sure you tune into owzo on the night, or benji for the french cast, get on and get betting!

IRC: #crossfire.cup
GTV: League Page
Bracket: Brackets

image: footer2
Looks great and don't forget to vote the poll, you can decide what match owzo is going to cast!
gl Team-miNd, Team-FLoPJEHZ, Team-Clown, Team-Jere, Team-Kevin, Team-Night, Team-an7ho, kiwi, kReSti, mant, perfo and FireBall.
muhaha see what you did there :D
You forgot stray :O)
forgot ":D"
most active player in the team, BOOM
no pressure, but if they lose it is your fault
my money is on dialer!
great read as always :) looking forward to a nice tournament
nice :)
anyone stream ^_^?
best of luck guys!
Nice read, good luck everyone!

special gl koop <33 xoxoxo razz phyzic flop gav mind
fuck griim & monkey xoxx
iron teamkiller
Nice bit of news! Should be really nice to shoutcast, anyone have a prefered first game? :)
imo Team-Jere vs Team-Kevin
Read the poll!!! :~P
Hey give me a break you've been owning me on PQL too much :(
I'm such a beast right?!
nee, gewoon nee
f*** the poll

you know you want to shoutcast Night

heeeh heh heeeeeeeeeeeeeeh :D
haha building news @02h51 :)
Great job "crossfires" : D

Thank You For Keeping the "game" ALIVE!!!!
if stream might watch it
Fragstealer numeric couldn't play? leonekke & twidi low for the rest of the teams goodluck:)
please,you werent even born when twidi was fixing radio at secretweapon
hahah, good times :D
Better you than me in that cup.. dude! :)!
great stuff merlinator! gl to all
fucking nice news post, well written.
why all matches are played at the same time? he? and what time is it? 18? what the fuck?
Great read as always Merlinator.
hf in finals m8s bros pals
so unexpected that 2 the most normal captains ll meet in the finals
Most normal?
yes? picked decent players and made rather balanced taems?
And I would guess can lead their teams better then most ;)
yes, but their teams look more intelligent on paper also...this cup was a bit of failure because majority of captains were picked wrong,but thats just my 2 cents. hopefully new edition ll happen soon with more improvements and better cup
originally all the captains were rifles, but some backed out / it changed / they said no. End of the day we couldnt force anyone to be a captain. :)
great cup, nice coverage, had a lovely evening!
well deserved, i think xylos should pat himself on the back because he was the clutch player and when it counted turned things around, butchji still got it it seems, well played koop didnt kno were that good
would be great to see this more often, once a month or smth
aMenti bros getting it done <3
Told you Clown would take it. Never any doubt, what a boss.
Quote by Ri boNo problem for Latvia Clown, best Cap in ET!

Yes Sir!
Just saying. I know stuff! Haha :)
what the fuck is koop doing in team night i dont get it
He's a beast, nothing else to get
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