JeeSports Qualifier #3 Reminder

image: ET-header-banner Qualifier #3 will take place next Sunday starting at 17:30CET and we currently have 6 teams who have signed up to take part. We are aiming for at least 8 teams but would of course prefer bigger numbers like 16-24. The team who wins this competition qualify for the main competition and join Germany Anexis-eSports and Netherlands ONEMOVE with the last remaining spot being the winner of Qualification tournament #4. For full details on the progression of JeeSports.ET read this post. If you are competing in ESL Winter League and are still in the competition when your arranged ESL game time comes on Sunday we will push back the round to 22CET (it would most likely be the Final).

Schedule JeeET Cup #3
  • Check in start: Sunday, 15th January 17.30 CET
  • Check in closes: Sunday 15th January 18:30 CET
  • Tournament start: Sunday, 15th January 18.30 CET
  • Slots: Upto 32 teams
  • Bracket: Single elimination
  • Match time: 1 hour each game
  • Signups close: Sunday, 15th January 2012 17:30 CET

If you wish to take part, you can sign up with one player in your roster but any teams who do not have all six of their players signed up to Jeesports, be in the team and have their TZAC ID added to the profile will not be allowed to take part. A walkthrough of how to do this can be found below.

Sign up to play in JeeSports tournaments[/b]]
To play in one or all of the qualification tournaments is simple, you and your team mates must sign up at and once your account has been confirmed you can “create your clan” which can be found on the right hand side of the website. The leader of the clan can simply paste the team page to his team mates where they can hit the join team" button. Once you and all your team have signed up you will all need to add your TZAC account details to the website. Visit JeeLounge's favpage and add "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" with your ID number in the 'nickname' field available - This will be your game account so make sure it is correct. Use This Image to guide you if you have problems adding your TZAC ID.

For a step by step instructions visit the tournament website or view the video guide.

You only need to signup once to play, if you participated in Qualification tournament #1 you do not need to sign up to the website again!

Rules for participating[/b]]
Each round will be played Best of 3 for the remaining Qualification tournaments. Only if more than 16 teams sign up will we change round 1 and round 2 to best of 1. A player who has already played for a qualified team may not play for a team competing in any qualification tournaments, even if only mercing, the player and his team risk being removed from the final tournament - for a full rundown of the rules please visit the JeeSports ET rules page from out first qualification tournament.

image: ET-footer-banner @ Quakenet
No typo this time :O)
Gl everyone, make sure to sign-up!
You will be out at first round anyway :OO)
Good point, that's only if I play you though :O)
So true.. :~D
I mean, now Vo0 is back in the US you could probably deny everyone the #1 prize!
Highping = disadvantage :S
40 is fine, 60+ is when it gets shit :)
EU servers only :S!
Why wouldn't they be on EU servers :D
How the fuck can you have 40 ping from USA on EU servers :O)
I don't think you've understood me, read my comment about Vo0 and you'll realise that I was talking about you not him :(
I see now ;D
Muppet :D
Couldn't understand you with your accent :Ss:ss

this sunday = vs ca$h please

& esl matches 8)
the final would be 21CET - I guess it is fine for that to be pushed back an hour so ESL games can be played on time.
yes about 6vs6 part

a lot of players are also in 2on2 / 3on3

anyway there is always solutions with esl :)
Sry looks like we wont paly it coz of ESL :)
if teams have ESL game at 21CET (probable final time) the games can be pushed back to 22CET so ESL games can be played.
Need need pracc on 2 maps :) so we dont need/want play any other these days :) so far its our only pracc this week before offi ;) so sorry
remove your sign up then.
Avi o/
contact me irc.
nvm this clashes with my football match
Avi for this
avi for top teams/winrars
avi for top teams
avi for this
rifle only
avi ( only good teams )
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