Crossfire Community Awards 2011 - Crossfire Awards Results

image: 34o4tx1

The community has cast its vote upon the nominees, and the winners are known. Today we start off with the Crossfire Awards, containing Community Member, Content, Journal and Retard of the Year 2011. Read more to discover the results!

Crossfire Community Member of the Year 2011

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]United Kingdom Baggiez won the Crossfire Community Member of the Year 2011 by a mere 9%, after securing 29% of the vote. His contributions towards site content and his work organising the Battle For Berlin tournament were mainly in the latter half of the year and were firmly in the public eye, causing him to edge out fellow Brits United Kingdom MerlinatoR, who was an invaluable resource year-round for Enemy-Territory and Crossfire, as well as providing essential assistance at SAGE, and site owner United Kingdom TosspoT, without whom Crossfire would not exist, nor would the upcoming CF 4.0.

5.5%(164 votes)
(115 votes)
(111 votes)
(74 votes)
(71 votes)
(31 votes)

Baggiez statement
My contribution's to Crossfire were mainly in the latter half of 2011 and were all visible to the community. Regardless of the results of this award, the community simply couldn't function without the hard work of many admins.

TosspoT statement
This has been a great year for contributors, I'm glad to see that a lot of people who have stepped up to stick their syringe into ET. Lets hope their recognition keeps them going next year and inspires others to get involved!

Crossfire Content of the Year 2011

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]United Kingdom MerlinatoR won the Crossfire Content of the Year 2011 with his SAGE: Preview. The amount of time and effort taken to write such a detailed piece has been appropriately rewarded. It is his younger brother, United Kingdom Artstar's, turn to take second place as he finished only 8 votes behind his older brother. His lengthy interview with the polarising leader of Europe Queens, United Kingdom razz, finished ahead of United Kingdom Scarzy's column on Nostalgia, evoking memories of times gone by for many Crossfire veterans.

SAGE: Preview
Six years of RazZ!
Nostalgia: Where Did it Start For You?
Anime Interview
eSports - Gaming for life or gaming takes your life?
CB EC Top5 Predictions!
Evolutionary Behavior
Introducing Creamy
3.7%(97 votes)
(89 votes)
(74 votes)
(61 votes)
(61 votes)
(51 votes)
(30 votes)
(18 votes)

MerlinatoR statement
Thanks for all that voted for me, SAGE all-round was a great experience for myself and I really enjoyed it, from the organisation, seeding tournaments to the this article and the tournament admin work in Enschede, I probably enjoyed the photography stuff the most though! Also glad I beat my brother to top spot - his was good but I would never have lived that down!

Crossfire Journal of the Year 2011

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]Crossfire regular Germany Razzah has delivered the community a regular dosage of babes throughout 2011 and it's fitting that the Crossfire Journal of the Year 2011 goes to him. The award was not restricted to one singular journal, rather for his commitment to the cause year-round. Despite the community's lust for babes, the first place prize was almost taken by United Kingdom Wakizashiuk, for his journal: R0SS mad?. It's safe to say that this journal got so many votes, not for quality of content, but rather as a testament to how much of a polarising figure United Kingdom R0SS has become - love him or hate him. Finland Slarti's journal titled Stupid & embarrassing stuff you have done in ET came in third, and lives as a documentation of our collective noob history.

Razzah Babes Journals
R0SS mad?
Stupid & embarrassing stuff you have done in ET
How bick is your dick
Gaming ruins studies.
Schnee morning journals
PeRfOp G0T TaLeNt
easter well spent
2.3%(146 votes)
(118 votes)
(60 votes)
(56 votes)
(55 votes)
(37 votes)
(29 votes)
(12 votes)

Waki statement
Yea tbh, it deserved number one. Not many people get the chance to pwn R0SS, but g5 do it day in day out -x- Thanks for the votes

Razzah statement
I am very proud that i won the Crossfire Journal of the Year 2011. I always tried to entertain some people here on crossfire with my journals, because i know how boring school, university or work can be. I tried to cheer everyone up and i think it somehow worked. I want to thank all my supporters for their votes.

Crossfire Retard of the Year 2011

[img|left][/img][img|left][/img]Crossfire Retard of the Year 2011 was won by a landslide victory by Slovenia Seareal. His relentless flooding of the journals section with nonsensical garbage was enough, but he felt the need to reply to his own journal more than every other user combined. There really was only one winner. He wins himself a one-month ban from the site and the not-so-proud title of biggest the Biggest Retard on Crossfire. The Serb earned over a third of all the votes, smashing his retarded rivals: United Kingdom self-proclaimed 'Master Troll' Kamz in second and the ever-controversial Poland Robaciek in third.

5.5%(209 votes)
(128 votes)
(122 votes)
(74 votes)
(37 votes)
(33 votes)

Seareal statement
Being nominated for the prize was a suprise to me, wining it, well that was a big wow and a watafak aswell, but deep inside i expected to take the first place, why?
Simple, i made everyone of u mad wherever is it ingame, arguing on mirc, raping ingame or posting more then 310 journals in one year (would have ben more if there was no krosan, tosspot, thom and frop to revoke my posting rights twice a month), i also made myself richer for almost 7.000hits on crossfire in one year, and im pretty sure i did get 20k views on owned and youtube aswell in a year.

Robaciek statement
Pretty dissapointing to drop from 2nd to 3rd, firstly losing with alexL, now with seareal and Kamz. Gonna have to troll even more people to become #1 next year.

Goku statement
Expected winner, but I thought I would've been on the second place, to be honest! I expected to have way more, not that I like it that people think I'm a retard. Thanks for all the voters and see you on next year's award!
3rd only?! COME ON
congratz Razzah!
Seareal will receive his one-month ban starting next week! Congratz!
make it 2 :D
better make it forever :P
I support this.
bet he'll spam hard as much as he can before the ban
u furious ? :d
in the line about tosspot (community member o/t year) it should be "without" instead of "with" :P correct me if I'm wrong.
"random chicks"

all those sad sods...
"He wins himself a one-month ban"

Congratulations seareal!
Can't believe seareal thought he got retard award cause he "raped" us ingame :D
Quoteimage: cup_gold Razzah Babes Journals

crossfire - a image: Untitled-1 community
QuoteCrossfire Retard of the Year 2011 was won by a landslide victory by Slovenia Seareal.

image: Zqxsc
1 month ban :D
whats 2nd and 3rd prize for the biggest tards? gues they would be also worth to receive something like the first place. at least kamz already got one.
not surprised to see cereal actually taking pride in his award, while in fact, people didnt vote for him because he had "upset" them, but simply because HES RETARDED AS FUCK.
I dont think anyone can disagree with this, except for of course...the man himself 8(
Second comes right after first
lol seareal :D
omagod steve
cereal finally got a pokal!
Better luck next time goku, though i'm afraid you'll never finish first.
I'd get on #1 without problem if I'd want
acting like you have down syndrome is nothing to be proud of.
Why do you think I ain't #1?
why would you even want to be?

acting like a retard in an extreme unfunny annoying way doesnt get you anywhere.
To prove I can be #1 at anything no matter what
try joining the special olympics.
special olympics? :x
I don't understand.. Why is it so special? :S
wondering why so many likes those chick-journals so much :X
just watch porn/tumblr/random gallieries or whatever if you can't do without (but gratz deniz, takes some effort I guess)
scarzy deserved more :/
yes those hot girls are so disgusting to watch, here is something nice for you image: Gay_Love_-_celebrating_Gay_Pride_2008
thx ;) but its not just about chicks in my journals. there are also good randompics, gifs, vids and tracks
chick journals are not about wanking (atleast not for me) - its about all the cuteness in it. I like looking at girls (lol, really) and this is just.. concentration of very nice and cute ones. if I want to wank I go to wanksite, if I want to see nice face to make my eyes happy, I open some of his journals.
chick journals should have won about much more, dont understand what is all that about other ones
Quote by GreenClonchick journals are about wanking
oh me. thank you, edited now :D
Idk..maybe it's just taste, I liked some of the pics HansoO spammed few months ago (photographed/edited in a more artistic way iirc)..or maybe I just got bored of random chicks, who aren't really special, in every journal/post..
true is I aint browsing through cf so much anymore, so not so easy to get bored of all chicks here
QuoteI like looking at girls

try touching them, you wont go back to watching again !
trying to tell me that once you touch girl you stop liking seeing them?
image: are-you-fucking-kidding-me-face
been there, done that. still like looking at them.
tbh theyre not all hot/wankover material, most just have nice features or whatever. 1 spot shouldve gone to United Kingdom g5 forsure
voted for it ;/
In the full scheme of things I'd say my article was well placed; though I would disagree that it was best out of the three. I hope to write more about social-placing of e-sports later this year.
retard indeed, no show rtcw cup. gg
in overal the CF awards are amazingly uninteresting this year
Blindi 5,5 % 33 Votes
u mad
me being elected prooves my point + talking about all the awards, not just today's ones.
guess its because it's taking too much time :|
ye, you've a point there.

also I didnt really follow "the eSport scene" so those awards are just dull to me
so its not because this year would be anything special, just that you stopped to esport scene..
never really been into this "eSporting"-thingie

not sure wether there were such awards last year
not sure myself, never was int esport thingie either.
I like when its about some event, like CiC or some cup - that makes some sense atleast.
I also like these shits about crossfire.
What I dont understand is that "best engi" etc. First, there should be open vote, not forced to choose between few given ones (I know, it would be hard to count, but would be much interesting to see) and secondly, there should be more of "favorite team" "worst oppo" etc. Its imo much more interesting than seeing mAus being best aimer for every time

keep postin babes razzah n1 :DD
Why there was no krosandra in the Crossfire Retard of the Year 2011 vote list?
QuoteSimple, i made everyone of u mad wherever is it ingame, arguing on mirc, raping ingame or posting more then 310 journals in one year (would have ben more if there was no krosan, tosspot, thom and frop to revoke my posting rights twice a month), i also made myself richer for almost 7.000hits on crossfire in one year, and im pretty sure i did get 20k views on owned and youtube aswell in a year.

so much fucking mad detected

image: 5301498633_f551d4cc5c
QuoteSimple, i made everyone of u mad wherever is it ingame, arguing on mirc, raping ingame or posting more then 310 journals in one year (would have ben more if there was no krosan, tosspot, thom and frop to revoke my posting rights twice a month), i also made myself richer for almost 7.000hits on crossfire in one year, and im pretty sure i did get 20k views on owned and youtube aswell in a year.

such a retard :)
gratz razzah. u da man
congrats the winners and artstar (O:
Would have liked to see Waki's journal at the top. I havent opened a single babe-journal. :( Im a faggot.

image: 220px-Frantiskan
I'm not the retard anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EAT THAT YOU CUNT HEAD SHIT FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
don't worry sereal took all your votes, next year you're next.
Fuck you I won it last year.
Now i'm not THE retard anymore!!!!!!

image: whoretard
I demand a recount!

Congrats on 2nd place, Merl. Marcus should have been in top 3. Unsung hero!
Marcus working too much in the shadows, opposite to Baggiez who was constantly on main page. Not saying Baggiez didn't do shit but I think Marcus did a lot more this years, just too few people know about it.
Hate to say I agree with you, but I do!

Marcus attended SAGE and stayed up until 5AM fixing the internet issue to make sure ETTV, stream & shoutcast were all ready for the start of the event.

Marcus played a huge part in the majority of online tournaments this year (non-CB/ESL).

Marcus is one of the lead guys at GTV who spends their time fixing backend issues and, as part of YCN, provides match servers, ETTV servers and shoutcast servers whilst also hosting - a site this community needs as much as

Marcus for president!
And he also brought me 100 bags of proper tea. Best guy in 2011!
Not trying to take away praise that is certainly deserved, but did he get paid for his work at SAGE?
Never have for any LAN, sir
nice work dude
No, he did not.

And, I did the opposite of get paid :D
These poll results are so bad :P
Well, the results follow suit of the way that polls normally work. Voters make their decision based on most recent actions. I personally feel Marcus' efforts just go entirely unnoticed, but that's just my opinion.

I also don't think I would have deserved 1st place if I had gotten it. I feel I've been less involved in this community than the other 5, so I'm just happy to have been nominated.
Tell me about it, I didn't even get nominated :[
marcus is homo
Haha! GJ

One month without Sloveniatsycereal, enjoy Crossfire
A worthy placing!

Good job gentlemen.
u so Manchester
rofl nice one cornflakes
what about revoking the posting rights for a month as a secondary price for Kamz & Robaciek? :)
oh snap, forgot to include you as well :SSS
my comment when baggiez has started to contribute.

Quote by fanatic on 24/10/11, 22:59:32 Del | Edit | Replybaggiez working for community award 2k11.

I was so right :D gratz! funny that he wins over the people who are trying to do their best all year (whole year of coverage, cups, admining, all year of shoutcast or SAGE LAN boss)
Until I now read slartis journal I didnt know you can actually defuse a satchel. :O
Takes ages tbh
Why delete my comment Krosanboy, when I made valid points?
welcome to crossfire, liked your opinion too
Ross got mad the other day because I told him the harsh truth that he doesnt play for the Newcastle United and even if he did, he would be too fat to play "amazingly". So he should stop speaking about like they(him+his teammates) played well or they(he + the club manager) bought new players.

Doesnt really make sense when you put it like that, does it :D ?
Ross is always like that. Pretending that he doesn't care and getting mad :D so like him :D
Show some respect for the work we do here dude.
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