Crossfight Crevasse Showgame

image: xfindent3cf This morning I logged onto xfire, and casually noted the findings of our latest poll. A few minutes later, my xchat buzzed and it was taLa, wanting to discuss some of finer details of our upcoming Crossfight competition. And then it hit me, why not combine the two?

For those of you who do not yet know, adlernest creator Dersaidin has just released his latest map, crevasse_b1, which many people believe to hold great potential. With a EuroCup approaching the maps have yet to be finalised, and how better to showcase a new map than to put it through the gruelling test of a broadcasted match environment. So after receiving many applications from teams wishing to play, we drew the names out of a hat, and we have our draw. Before I announce the teams, I would like to offer my thanks to all who applied: Fear Factory, cdap oddjob, cdap pi, elite, mvk, mustanaamiot, spawnraped, rev2, ec4 necromantia and vib.

So then, Wednesday's matchup:

ec4 necromatia United Kingdom 2-4 United Kingdom cdap oddjob
Wednesday 27th 21.00 CET


ec4 necromantia - hat / Viax / hentai / Meez / nev
cdap oddjob - kye / Ste / Baggiez / ngotie / Marvel

Update: In the last few minutes Netherlands stewie[/url] of Radio iTG has confirmed he will be casting this game alongside myself. Poland HeadShot Radio have also just signed up. Let us have a brief re-cap of the game:

[*] 5v5 format
[*] bo3 maps, crevasse_b1, crevasse_b1, frostbite
[*] Winner books guaranteed slot in Crossfight (xf3)

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